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  1. G

    Installing flashing fire alarm in apartment

    Hi all, What exactly are my rights about getting a flashing fire alarm set up in my apartment. My landlord says it's up to me to install it, and I tried, but I am really having a hard time setting it up and testing it. What kind of person can I look up in the yellow pages to install...
  2. G

    I got my CI but can't hear anything

    Hi everyone-- It's been a while since I've posted; life has been busy. I ended up getting my CI surgery a few weeks ago. It just seemed like the right time to do it as I am unemployed this summer and graduate school begins in the fall. I got "turned on" yesterday by my audiologist, and...
  3. G

    Perception of your voice -- Contradica?

    Hey all: How does your perception of your speech/voice change after CI? I read some encouraging comments in Contradica's blog. I am very VERY self-conscious of mine right now--it seems my speech has gotten worse in the past few years, perhaps because I am constantly too stressed to be...
  4. G

    Hi & Some Questions for CI Users

    Hey everyone, this board is just what I was looking for. I am a 21 year old girl with severe to profound bilateral loss. I do wear a digital HA in my right ear only. This is the ear that has a little bit of residual hearing. I have had no hearing in my left ear since I was 6. During a...