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  1. H

    Digital Hearing Aid question Re: M-T-MT

    The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK supplies new hearing aids free of charge. At present they are fitting as many people as possible with digital hearing aids. I was recently fitted with two new digital aids and was given the instruction manual for the aids, and about 20 mins session...
  2. H

    Hearing Aids users

    With my aids you can get the audiologist to program them so that the beeping is deactivated. It's worth asking if yours can have that done too (the default is for the beep to be on - and I couldn't really hear it anyway).
  3. H

    New Hearing Aid Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is so cool. I'm really glad they're working so well for you. I'm a Deaf classically-trained musician as well - so I can see why this must mean a lot :)
  4. H

    Who wears hearing aids?

    I wear two high power Phonak aids. They work pretty well for me.
  5. H

    Deaf-Mute Girl Being Molested by Teacher...

    Just a minute people - this person hasn't been tried yet, let alone found guilty. It's an allegation. So don't chop anything off yet. There's a case to be heard - you know, justice, fair trial, that kind of stuff???
  6. H

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    Hey - Sweetgal, your hair looks really wonderful whether it's naturally straight or not! I've only just seen your picture. You look really good in it.
  7. H

    Bush Urges Amendment Banning Gay Marriage

    What has same-sex got to do with "rushing into marriage" - the divorce statistics for woman-man marriages suggest that heterosexual couples are at least as bad at "rushing into" things - and rushing out again if they don't like it. I agree with Javapride on this - what Bush is doing is a...
  8. H

    Bush trying to ban same sex marriage...

    Thanks for such an interesting reply! The number-crunching in House + Senate + state legislatures is going to be quite a mountain to climb. From this distant perspective, I've got to say I hope Bush can't make it up there... Ask me anything you like about the British parliament - I'll do my...
  9. H

    Bush trying to ban same sex marriage...

    Thoughts from the other side of the Atlantic... Bush's speech has just been on the BBC News over here in England. I hope I'm not the only one that was actually shocked by the sheer stupidity of what he had to say. I don't want to be disrespectful to the office of President of the US, but on...
  10. H

    Could someone deliver me from my ignorant distaste?

    Hola from England. I only have a moderate hearing loss, so I can hear my voice well with my aids on, but even so it's almost always far too loud (apparently - it sounds ok to me!) - or else inaudibly quiet because I'm over-compensating. Hey, one other thing about what people are saying on this...
  11. H

    Support for the Cochlear Implant, and its opposite

    Yes - it's completely crazy and from what I gather actually using and living with a CI is just so much more hassle than normal HAs - never mind the fact that hearing has to be destroyed in order to do the implant (have I got that right?) and this is often hearing that is completely and easily...
  12. H

    considering getting CI?

    I voted no as well. I'm happy with hearing aids.
  13. H

    Support for the Cochlear Implant, and its opposite

    A very interesting question. Since the children of deaf parents would - according to PUDL's precepts - presumably be brought up culturally Deaf, I don't see why the tubes would be necessary since hearing wouldn't be needed. I don't think it would be bad parenting to let the children become...
  14. H

    Support for the Cochlear Implant, and its opposite

    Liza - I agree with you completely. What PUDL talked about was intentional deafening which does indeed suggest some kind of surgical intervention. If what PUDL really meant was opting not to use some complicated bit of genetic engineering, that would be another matter - in fact I'd be quite...
  15. H

    Support for the Cochlear Implant, and its opposite

    Intentional deafening? Of children?? Now that's a kind of sick idea isn't it? A lot of ppl are happy in themselves as hearing or deaf or Deaf, and that's good. But deliberately deafening kids to fit your weird model of an ideal society? That's something completely different.