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  1. J

    new! Treo 600

    :lol: i am waitin' til tero 600 goes down, it will be like a year or year n' half before it even get to 300 bucks but when it become cheaper.. i am getting it and give color SK to my mom.
  2. J

    Ip-relay on Sidekick

    actually its 160 characters.
  3. J

    For your Safety concern please check this..

    :| i dont care if my info is on database. i am tempted to find out more :D
  4. J

    Bionics Clarion CII

    wonder how that apply to older BTE CIs? like me? cuz that looks kick-ass! i believe i have BTE CII, but it works wonder! and still got lot of practices...wish i wasnt in college so much otherwise i would have used more time on sound understanding.
  5. J

    mars or earth?

    i rather to live on moon.