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  1. F

    Hi from England

    It's how I look to myself without glasses on!! Thanks for the welcome everyone. Really nice place here...
  2. F

    New Hearing Aid Mold

    There's a very nasty catch in quite a lot of English audiologists - they insist that you need to be given a hearing test just if you go in for new moulds. And all that costs extra money. I've been caught twice like that and it's expensive, time-consuming and veeeeeery annoying! I mean how many...
  3. F

    Hi from England

    Thanks guys! Rach x
  4. F

    Hi from England

    Thanks Guys! Rach x[FONT=Arial]
  5. F

    Hi from England

    I'm from England, 23 years old, started to lose my hearing when I was about 15, now severely HoH but wearing hearing aids lets me function - when I need to - in the hearing community. When I'm on my own, I prefer not to wear aids at all. I've come to accept my kind of hearing as it is, and am...