Recent content by Willow Brugh

  1. W

    Thereapy vs. Enhacement

    Hello. My name is Willow Brugh, and I am an undergraduate honors sociology student at IU. What interests me is alterations upon the human body for both purposes of therapy as well as for advancement. I believe your community has a lot to say on this subject. Discussion already takes place in...
  2. W

    Need your Opinions for Research..

    Thank you, Dannie. You bring up a lot of points that I hadn't thought of yet! Stem cell research really is suppressed everywhere in the US. Might you have any ideas on how to get more responses on this thread? I'd like to hear more..
  3. W

    Need your Opinions for Research..

    Hello. My name is Willow Brugh, and I am an undergraduate honors sociology student at IU. What interests me is alterations upon the human body for both purposes of therapy as well as for advancement. I believe your community has a lot to say on this subject. Please let me know what you think...
  4. W

    Hello from Willow, an undergraduate in Sociology

    No reason to be angry.. I am happy to make the language easier, and there is no need to feel angry or embarrassed at differences in language. It is a neat thing! I would suggest reading the vignette, and letting me know what is hard to understand. You can also e-mail me at
  5. W

    Vignette 1

    Hello, my name is Willow and I'm an undergraduate student in sociology going for my honors. For this thesis I am addressing various online communities with the following vignettes. You can read my introduction to your community here. Also, if you would like to respond, please fill out my...
  6. W

    Hello from Willow, an undergraduate in Sociology

    Hello. My name is Willow Brugh and I am an undergraduate at Indiana University. I study Sociology at Indiana University in Bloomington Indiana. Currently I am writing a thesis for my honors about what makes people human in a biological sense – is having an unaltered body a requirement to be...