Recent content by uniprin

  1. uniprin

    Hearing girl looking for a deaf friend :)

    The D in Deaf is capitalized.
  2. uniprin

    Signing "Welcome" . . . confused.

    I have taken multiple ASL classes with three different professors two Deaf and one Hearing and all three have taught to use the sign "sure thing" for you're welcome.
  3. uniprin

    Winter is finally over!! Whoo Hoo!

    I live in the Tempe Area! The Summers can be incredibly hot, but I will take sweating over shoveling snow any day! My friends living in Flag were dumb founded by the snow!
  4. uniprin

    Winter is finally over!! Whoo Hoo!

    The high for today is in the 80s but the rest of the week it is in the 90s. Arizona has the best weather! Lots and lots of sunshine :)
  5. uniprin

    Winter is finally over!! Whoo Hoo!

    Oh man! That's way too cold! Where I live it rarely gets below 40 degrees!
  6. uniprin

    Winter is finally over!! Whoo Hoo!

    Here in Arizona the weather is having mood swings as well! One day it's 100 degrees the next it's 40 degrees cooler!