Recent content by trombgirl

  1. trombgirl

    Some choice pictures of my way cool job.

    Daisy is called a "Golden Tabby" according to her owners. I don't know exactly how it comes about but it makes perfect sense that it's recessive. I'll ask her owners next time they come up. We're spaying a tiger in a month or so, after her four cubs are weaned. I'll post the pics. :)
  2. trombgirl

    Some choice pictures of my way cool job.

    Thanks everyone. :) Those are very pretty tigers in your pics EagleCherokee63, I especially like that backround thing. I've never been to Vegas. To all those who have always wanted to touch a tiger, surprisingly their fur is NOT soft, it's tough stuff. The leopard was really soft though. We...
  3. trombgirl

    Some choice pictures of my way cool job.

    This is Rama, a retired Marine World tiger that came in for a mass removal that turned out to be cancer. That was sad, but he had a long 17-year life. He was a stud that carried the white tiger gene and fathered 18 white tiger cubs. The last picture is a goofy picture of my boss, Dr. Turner...
  4. trombgirl

    Hi, I'm Meghan.

    I originally joined this site back in 2005 when I learned that the hearing in my left ear was starting to decline, but I haven't been here much ever since so I'll reintroduce myself. My name is Meghan. I'm a 23-year-old college student working my way to becoming a veterinarian. I work at the...
  5. trombgirl

    Guinea Pigs! Guinea Pigs! (and rabbits, too!)

    I've never had them as pets myself but I took care of them when I worked at a pet store. I even got to see one give birth. The three babies were to TOTALLY CUTE!!! I used to have pet rabbits. I loved them. Now I just have rats, cats, a tarantula, and a scorpion. Oh and I sometimes sound like...
  6. trombgirl


    Monerey Bay Aquarium in CA. It's beautiful. :) I LOVE it.
  7. trombgirl

    Animal Rescue & Foster Volunteer

    That is really weird. If she doesn't want to try to get them to be outdoor cats she should give them to a friend or to SPCA at least. Why would anyone put a cat to sleep for any reason except to put it out of misery?
  8. trombgirl

    Dogs and Cats

    It doesn't really matter either way, dry or wet, unless your dog/cat has teeth problems. What matters is WHAT food you get. Dogs for example tend to be allergic to corn and many brand name foods have corn. Be aware of how your dog/cat reacts to food. If your dog/cat has ichy flaky skin it is...
  9. trombgirl

    Animal Rescue & Foster Volunteer

    I have indoor only cats. One always wants to get out but if I yell his name as he starts to go he freaks and runs into te safety of the house. My other one will just sniff at the doorframe and maybe venture slowly out if it's quiet. :P Given enough time indoor cats will get used to going...
  10. trombgirl

    Animal Rescue & Foster Volunteer

    I'm interviewing this Tuesday (May 24th) to become an animal control officer. I'm so excited. I live in an apartment so I can't really get involved in animal rescue as much as I'd like. My friend does reptile rescue. She takes in beardies and iguanas people don't want as pets anymore. I want to...
  11. trombgirl

    How many do you have sibling

    I have one little sister and one new little step-sister. My mom just got re-married. :)
  12. trombgirl

    Anyone from California?

    Stockton, CA currently Lived all over the state though. I prefer northern CA. You know, way north...almost Oregon. I once told someone I lived in norther CA and they said oh, up by San Diego? Sheesh. :P
  13. trombgirl

    really BAD news, very sad day!

    I am deeply sorry for you and your family. My little sister has attempted suicide a few times. It is a really hard thing to know that someone you love so dearly wants to die. I don't know what I'd do if any of her attempts had succeeded. Again, my deepest sympathies are with you.
  14. trombgirl

    New To The Deaf Community

    I've been completely deaf in my right ear since I was 4 months old (meningitus). My left ear has always been good enough for me to not even have to reveal that I'm half-deaf. But lately it has been coming up on a daily basis. I had my ear checked and my hearing is getting worse (though VERY...