Recent content by SunnyDay

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    Anyone Here From Wa State?

    Hi! I’m hearing and I live about 30 min away from Seattle. I’ve lived in this general area for about 13 years. What part of Washington do you live in? :wave:
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    For those who are fatherless (don't have a father)

    Since my father died when I was young I never really got to know him. I have a step father that's more like a real father and he's even better than I could ever ask for but I still feel a little empty inside. I always wonder what my real father was like and if I'm just like him or not. It's...
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    Hearing person looking to learn more about deaf culture.

    Hi Megan and welcome to AD! Just keep practicing signing and you’ll get better at it. It takes time and some patience to learn but it’s a great language. It’s good to just keep practicing and to get used to different people’s signing style. Good luck with your ASL!
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    June 11th...

    Happy Birthday rjr2006! Hope it's a good one! :party: :birthday: :party:
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    If I could I would...or maybe I'd just keep it all for myself! Ha ha ha! I do love sunny days though! They're so...sunny!!! :scatter:
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    Wow! Everyone's so friendly! Thanks for the welcome! Sorry if I don't post a lot it takes me a while to interact with people most of the time since I'm kind of shy. Thanks everybody!
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    what I have been taught about deaf culture

    I was taught the same thing as you Cental34. Calling deaf people "hearing impaired" is just focusing on what they aren't and not what they are. Women wouldn't like to be called "male impaired." I would like to hear about what deaf people think about this. I wouldn't call anyone that though. Ever...
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    what I have been taught about deaf culture

    I agree that hearing people need to be educated better about deafness. I didn’t know anything about it until took ASL classes. I didn’t even know there was a Deaf Community. It seems like basic knowledge now but back then I had no clue. Before I had ASL I thought of deaf people as disabled...
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    Anyone from California?

    I used to live in Ridgecrest but my family moved to Washington about 13 years ago. Wow! There's a lot of people from California!
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    Indian folklore

    :rofl: I've never heard that one before.
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    lifeprint dotcom

    I've seen that site and I've used it before. I don't like to use it for everything but I use it for general help. I would say that the best way to learn any language would be to use it with people who know the language who can show you how it's actually used.
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    Hi! I'm hearing and I'm learning ASL. I plan on becoming an interpreter. I LOVE ASL! It's always so much fun signing with other people or even just with myself! It's such a great language! I have a couple of deaf friends who help me improve my signing skills. It's really nice that they're so...