Recent content by SilentFairyGirl

  1. SilentFairyGirl

    sign language not a real language?

    Wow! Wow! smart you say???????? Let us rethink that for a moment or two. :deal:
  2. SilentFairyGirl

    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    I hope to be in a new house back in my home state of California, with my two great kids and maybe even love will find it's way to me.
  3. SilentFairyGirl

    Best way to learn ASL? Hints, Ideas, Opinions?

    I am just learning ASL. What works for me is I use every sign that I know and for the ones I don't I finger spell them out. If you make your self use sign as much as you can every day you will start to pick up more and more with out even knowing that you have learned something new.
  4. SilentFairyGirl

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    I lost my hearing late and I speak normal. I think anyone can speak normal if they work at it.
  5. SilentFairyGirl

    Thoughtful of Deaf World

    That is the most truth I have seen in along time This is great! I love it so much. I feel the same way, you hit the spot. I would like to put this on tagdeaf blog is it is okay with you. please let me know because I will not use it if you say no. Again I want to say this is a great post.
  6. SilentFairyGirl

    Should or Shouldn't

    I can't hear with aids at all. I understand that I have to do this for me if I want to. I just wanted to get some idea of what other people have gone through. It is always better to hear it from you all then a doctor who has no idea what it feels like to be deaf or to have to see if CI is right...
  7. SilentFairyGirl

    Should or Shouldn't

    I just want to know what the AD family thinks! implants, what do you all think about them? I have not been deaf long, but I am learning sign. Some people think I should try implants or just live oral and not sign. I love to sign because it is apart of who I am now. What do you all think?
  8. SilentFairyGirl

    Only deaf for a month now!

    To all Thank you so much for making me feel so welcome. It is very nice of all of you to take the time to send a welcome out to a new person on the site. Lot of love and hugs go out to all of you.
  9. SilentFairyGirl

    AD family..I just want you to know that...

    Hey there! I have seen you around like here and on tag. You seem to me to be a very nice person. Trust me we all have ups and downs. It will get better. P.S your right AD family is just that! You guys are family
  10. SilentFairyGirl

    Only deaf for a month now!

    Thank you for the welcomN me! LotsAlovez & Hugz
  11. SilentFairyGirl

    Only deaf for a month now!

    I got very sick and had a very high fever. When The fever left so did my hearing. They say nerv damage. Can't be fixed. So I got to live, but at the cost was my hearing. So when I look at the whole picture I guess I am lucky to just be here you know. I just miss hearing and wonder if I will get...
  12. SilentFairyGirl

    Only deaf for a month now!

    I have only just become deaf. I live in a house of all hearing ppl. I have starting teaching my self to sign but I just want to know will I feel alone for ever? I have been placed into a world and culture I know nothing about. I feel like I don't belong in either world. How do I meet other deaf...