Recent content by shastagrimes

  1. S

    Moving to DC area in June - need advice

    Hi there. Hoping someone will post soon. :) I have another question. I am submitting a video of myself voicing and signing to an agency to see if I am skilled enough to work. She told me after viewing my videos she would tell me if I could work staff or freelance. I understand the basic...
  2. S

    Moving to DC area in June - need advice

    Since I've started teaching I've had a handful of students decide to go into interpreting. We've also impacted the entire community by working with the few deaf kids at the elementary schools and putting on a sign language concert. Families with deaf kids who didn't even know sign language was...
  3. S

    Want to tutor/teach ASL online for Free

    I started a sign language website for my students with the desire that we would have the capability for them to connect with and chat with the Deaf community since they have no one where we live to practice with. I am working on teaching videos and there are others doing the same but mostly we...
  4. S

    Moving to DC area in June - need advice

    Hi there - Yes, hearing people can teach ASL. I'm on an e-mail list of many ASL teachers across the country and this is a "hot topic". Here are my thoughts on it: 1. BEST CASE - ASL teachers would be Deaf and good teachers (you can have a Deaf person who knows ASL but can't teach just as...
  5. S

    Moving to DC area in June - need advice

    I went through an interpreter program about 8 years ago but never got certified. I got my BA in Sign Language and then moved to my rural hometown where there was no one to interpret for or spend time with. I started teaching and got the high school to offer ASL which I've taught for the past 4...
  6. S

    ASL Dictionary

    I'd be more than happy to let whoever wanted to work on this to use my site to host the video to save on paying for it. I'm already paying almost $200 a month for a dedicated server and I'm not sure how much I hold but it better be a lot for that much! I don't know much about how it's set up...
  7. S

    ASL Dictionary

    I would LOVE to see another sign language dictionary. I have a website for sign language videos but do not have the funds to create a dictionary at this time....I have applied for a grant but won't know until April if I got it. If I do I will let you know so we can work towards this. I think...
  8. S

    Sign Language Video site

    I would LOVE some feedback on a site I started to help people learn ASL and other world sign languages. signlanguagetube I want the site to help both hearing and deaf. I've had parents of deaf children on there, adults that suddenly became deaf and many students who are learning sign...
  9. S

    Children of a Lesser God/ ASL classes

    some parts okay.... There are some parts of Children of a Lesser God that would be educational but I have to agree that Through Deaf Eyes is a WONDERFUL documentary to show your students. I teach at the high school level and I use this the first 2 weeks of school so that the students can see...