Recent content by sethmantooth

  1. S

    on your tax refund what will you do with it?

    I will put that huge money from tax refund into my highest interests loan to make the monthly interests charge to go much lower or pay whole six months to auto insurance. Auto insurance cost much higher if you pay monthly rather than full six months, it added me $300 if I do the monthly payments.
  2. S

    Animal Planet & the Deaf

    I love being deaf. :deaf: I need no help with my deafies. I am not a depressed deaf person. I accept being deaf and need NO HELP except help with interpreter at school, interview, etc. I only use dog for fun, love, keep me company anytime, petting, etc. not for my deafies.
  3. S

    Guess what?!?! I'm..

  4. S

    Some States laws that FORBIDS deaf people from driving yellow and non-yellow school b

    WHAT? Are you KIDDING me? I am in Oklahoma and have touched Texas. People in Texas are shit drivers. They fight each other at drive all the time. They are awful drivers I have ever seen in my life. I always heard that drivers in Utah are awful but I also heard that Texas is worse than...
  5. S

    Restaurant customer service sucks

    OR you can go to the library, your college computer room, etc and use IP Relay to call the restaurant. IP number will come from school, library or where else. They would get number that come from college which anyone there can use the computer. They cant catch you. :D
  6. S

    Ditch Blockbuster.

    Yeah Hollywood is much easier and cheaper than BlockBuster. Hollywood you can hold video up to five days. BlockBuster only hold up to 3 days. Hollywood give you much more time to finish the movies without have to go back again and again to get different videos at each time. I also noticed...
  7. S

    UPS Settles Suit With Deaf Employees

    That's why I think hearing people should pay for SSI taxes because they don't keep Deaf peeps employed! I totally agreed with you. It is mostly hearing people's fault that deaf people dont have a good job. Also they dont want to help deaf school to be good school with good education. Like...
  8. S

    School for the Deaf

    I went to deaf school from pre-school to 4th grade. It was shitty education school. Few of my teachers have been telling to my mom that I need to be transferred to mainstreamed school. That deaf school was way too easy. I always get 95-100% in everything. When I was transferred to...
  9. S

    Is alcohol or drug(s) ok to a baby or child?

    Well. Of course HELL NO! Never touch alcohol or drugs to little child especially baby. The younger/smaller they are, the easier chance they will die from it. Like for an example, mom who smokes during pregnant can KILL the baby and/or easily mess up the baby's body inside. When the person...
  10. S

    Is alcohol or drug(s) ok to a baby or child?

    Well 8 oz. coffee have 3-4 times more caffinee than high caffinee soda like 12oz. Mountain Dew and chocolate. That is way lot more caffinee than regular soda. So it is big difference.
  11. S

    Got guts to run 200 over 55?

    Yeah not all vehicle have chip. Old vehicle dont have chip. Some car go maximum speed because the engine injector doesnt get enough air in the cylinder. The smaller engine the lower maximum it can go. The engine doesnt have enough air to make fire with gas. That is why all special kind of...
  12. S

    Restaurant customer service sucks

    Well yeah but that is hardly getting IP. How many hearing people know about Internet Relay Service? Very rarely. They would have no idea about recieve IP number.
  13. S

    Rude City Bus Drivers or bad bus riding experince

    I rode on school bus all my life until age 16 I have my own car. :D I rode on Greyhound bus once for almost 2000 miles/30 hours ride. On one way from Denver, CO to Tulsa, OK. The bus was full and only two seats left in the whole bus. There are double seats in each row on both left and right...
  14. S

    Fast Food Resturant Drive-Thru

    Yeah Here is two funny and embarrassing stories. It was late night at Wendy and dining-in was closed. Only drive thru was open. I had no choice. I go ahead with the drive thru. People usually dont understand my voice. One time I tried to say something. The worker didnt understand and...
  15. S

    Sue Target
