Recent content by sabasushi2

  1. sabasushi2

    Poll for Deaf People: Which sign language you use? ASL, PSE, SEE, etc...

    I picked PSE, since that's what I use, even with my hearing husband. You see, I grew up with SEE and then drifted off into PSE, which I see as a cross between ASL and SEE. For example, while I generally put signs in the same order as English, I don't use unnecessary words like "a", "the', "to"...
  2. sabasushi2

    I Refuse

    Interesting thread. I myself do not speak, either. Reasons are many: 1) Let's face talking is akin to a blind person trying to paint a picture. No matter how much the effort, it'll be crappy anyway. :-) 2) Even if my speech is perfect, it's kinda moot because of one little detail...
  3. sabasushi2

    I Give Up, you win

    Interesting concept...I haven't downloaed the software or anything, but I do have a question to ask. As anyone who has learned written English knows, written English doesn't always match spoken English. How does your program handle this -- does it look up words in something like a dictionary and...
  4. sabasushi2

    childern of deaf and how to claim for disabilities check

    Hiya....does the child have a disability? Wouldn't the child need to have a disability to be receiving Sociail Security benefits (if that's what we are talking about here)?
  5. sabasushi2

    Anyone Else Feel Like They Have Asperger Syndrome?

    Okay, so I'm coming in a bit late, but i'd like to add a few thoughts of mine. I don't know if the OP has Aspeger's -- i"m not a psychologist or anything. But I can say that being shy (or antisocial) and being obsessed with stuff like cars doesn't mean that you have Aspeger's. It's normal to...
  6. sabasushi2

    Anyone from Houston, TX around here?

    Or 6 hours if you hit the ever-present traffic jam on I-45. :)
  7. sabasushi2

    Anyone from Houston, TX around here?

    Hey...hi there! I'll send you a PM.
  8. sabasushi2

    Anyone from Houston, TX around here?

    Thanks for the link. heh...obviously, you and I have opposite tastes in climates. I don't mind humidity (though it *does* get a little too humid at times) but I have a big problem with dry climates, which is partly why I left Colorado.
  9. sabasushi2

    What's up with her?

    I agree with Defee....the truck lady might not kow you were deaf. I've run into similar situation many times, since deafness isn't obvious, even with hearing aids.
  10. sabasushi2

    Homeless in Northern California...Should it be a Crime ?

    Some homeless people are genuine victims of circumstances (i.e., out of work, no place to live), but it's been my understanding that some of homeless people have mental illnesses and/or severe addictions that make it difficult for them to hold a job. Originally, in the past, they would live in...
  11. sabasushi2

    "What is The Meaning or Reason Behind Your Alldeaf name"

    my handle "sabasushi" (I know it says "sabasushi2" right now but I couldn't retrieve the password for the original handle "sabasushi" since it was connected to a now-defunct email address) comes from a type of sushi, "saba" which is marinated mackerel. Obviously, it is one of my favorite sushi. :-)
  12. sabasushi2

    Anyone from Houston, TX around here?

    Thanks -- that looks promising. I'm thinking maybe I could start up a silent dining group or something...
  13. sabasushi2

    Stupid question about SSI/SSDI

    Thanks, that's what I thought.
  14. sabasushi2

    Anyone from Houston, TX around here?

    Heh...yeah, I've tried submitting my email address to their mailing list, but it seems like they NEVER send out newsletters, and I keep forgetting to check their website. :-) But I'm a little nervous about meeting total strangers "cold turkey" and would like to get acquainted via email...
  15. sabasushi2

    Excellent fellowship opportunity at RIT/NTID!!!!

    I know my reply is rather late, but I gotta chip in.....there's another rule: you have to live in Rochester, NY. Easier said than done. :-) I spent a few years in Rochester, NY in mid-80's, and it's an experience I wouldn't care to repeat.