Recent content by Pot-Por-Ree

  1. P

    Marvel superhero aids 4-year-old with hearing loss

    1) I love comic books 2) Hawkeye was late deafened [in only 1 ear if I recall] and refused to wear his hearing aid during an interview with David Letterman for fear villians would learn of his disability [hijinks ensued] 3) Supergirl helped save a Deaf School [ even if Leonard Kirk, the artist...
  2. P

    Being Deaf:GIZMODO: How Different the World Is Without Hearing

    Being Deaf: How Different the World Is Without Hearing Tries to explain to hearies how the world works for the Deaf. Sadly is from the perspective of view point of someone who says " I don't identify with Deaf culture, which takes pride in being deaf. I accept that deafness is part of me, but...
  3. P

    How do an interpreter interpret a link??

    I don't know for sure but I suspect it works something like this: Dependant on the system used terp would "decode" the link to [By decode I mean they may hover over it so software reveals actual Url or Copy past the link or this...
  4. P

    si5s to write ASL

    I understand the "legal necessity" for a written form of ASL [many States won't recognize a language without a written form ETC] Yet I think taking a visual language and transforming it into a written visual language is very different than taking a spoken/auditory language and transforming...