Recent content by NotSoHardOfHearing

  1. NotSoHardOfHearing

    Honest questions from a hearing person;

    Anyone know HOW to change the name? Or do I need to re-make my page?
  2. NotSoHardOfHearing

    Honest questions from a hearing person;

    Point taken. Ill change my name thing, and Id much rather make a couple friends then do a culture screening. But I guess I didn't know how to "start". I feel like I'm an outsider in the corner lol. Of course you guys are normal lol. I'm not expecting some crazy stuff. More like you said just...
  3. NotSoHardOfHearing

    Honest questions from a hearing person;

    I agree. It was nice and I got to use these new found skills of mine. It was hard to finger spell a lot of comments about engines, but I got lucky and people were patient and some could read lips :)
  4. NotSoHardOfHearing

    Honest questions from a hearing person;

    Nope, beautiful Southern California
  5. NotSoHardOfHearing

    Honest questions from a hearing person;

    I suppose "wanting to know about our secret culture" should be added to that list? Look man, I'm not trying to pry or even asking for a bio. But I don't know how to ask what its like to be deaf. I don't want you guys to think I want to pity you or even that its a disability. I see it as an...
  6. NotSoHardOfHearing

    Honest questions from a hearing person;

    Well if curiosity killed the cat-- "meow" Funny fact: I have 3 cats and a ferret. He is not deaf but acts like it lol. Sucks about your zipper. How long have you guys been a part of this site?
  7. NotSoHardOfHearing

    Honest questions from a hearing person;

    Good evening all! I hope no one takes offance to my butting in!! But as a hearing person who is currently in an ASL class, I have quite the list of questions for you. First I'd like to thank you for even answering. I promise nothing to personal, but I'd like to know about your life, and...