Recent content by noface0711

  1. noface0711

    How is your weather today part II

    Haha, I think i wanna quote your post but it was broken :)
  2. noface0711

    How is your weather today part II

    It's wet and has litthe rain.
  3. noface0711

    How is your weather today part II

    It is snowing. My two cars died on me. I guess god is warning me that I shouldn't go out in the storm.:)
  4. noface0711

    Deaf Apple Forum/Discussion

    I think this going to happen..techy charge 30/40quids I may aswel got another pad amount it costs and so slow:):)
  5. noface0711

    My journey to hearing with a Cochlear Implant

    Im very active too, I was splitting logs 2 days after surgery with an ax. whatever you do DO NOT BLOW YOUR NOSE !!!
  6. noface0711

    Apple refuses to unlock San Bernardino terrorists phone for FBI investigation

    I don't understand why FBI can't hack an iphone while they can hack a PC.:confused: