Recent content by Nessi

  1. N


    When I was younger I always had itchy ears, I would take my hearing aids out and scratch my ears in class. Teachers/students didn't seem to mind as I told em one time "My ear itches!" so they understood pretty much what I was doing was not trying to disrupt the class. However as I got older...
  2. N

    A question for Mothers about...

    I'm pregnant right now with my first child. I've had a few cases of strong Braxton Hicks, so I know it's not false labor yet esp since I'm only 29 weeks. I know when you start feeling the contractions going at least every 5 minutes, it is most likely labor so I'm nervous about when that will...
  3. N

    A new member enters the fray!

    Welcome to AD :) How are you liking the CI? Which one do you have?
  4. N


    Welcome to AD :)
  5. N

    if you have a boyfriend/girlfiend would you let them meet your families who all hear?

    Well of course. My family is one of the most open minded families out there and they will do their best to communicate with any and everyone. I'm the only hoh/deaf person in the family.
  6. N

    now ladies and gentleman what are you looking for in a parther?

    I try not to say what I'm looking for in a partner because if they find out what I'm looking for, the person can pretend to be someone just to get what they want and then break your heart. So I just wait it out and see if they're truly the one for me or not. But of course I want honesty and...
  7. N

    CapTel Phones

    Wow, the CapTel Model 800i looks way better and not as "cheaply" made as the regular CapTel phone. I think I'll go ahead and wait till they release the new model. Thank you all for your inputs! :)
  8. N

    CapTel Phones

    I've been getting quite a few people suggesting I get myself a CapTel telephone. My question is, how many people do actually have it and how accurate is it? How well does it work for you. I'd like to hear some input (both negative and positive) first before I actually consider applying for one...
  9. N

    Hello everyone!

    Howdy, welcome to AD :D
  10. N

    New today

    DeafDruid? Interesting choice of username, are you a WoW player? Welcome to AD!
  11. N


    Hello, welcome :)
  12. N

    Birth weights

    I was 7 pounds and 9 oz when I was born I'm still pregnant with my son so I can't say his weight yet.
  13. N

    Boredom Busters

    When I'm bored and online, usually I'll go to and play some games to pass time. I also read the news esp now days with the Swine Flu going on. Play some downloaded games. If no friends are online, I usually get offline before I get too bored. Hate sitting on the PC for hours and hours...
  14. N

    sound that you hate

    One sound that really peeves me are those stupid egomaniac male hearing people who "HAVE" to have those stupid loud mufflers on their "small" cars or big trucks. Not only is it an annoying sound, you feel it too! Its like they're trying to make up for a "size" that sadly enough isn't "big...
  15. N

    Sony PSP - worth buying?

    I love my PSP even though it's "older" but it's real fun to play esp when you're on the go or just want to lay down and play a game.