Recent content by mandaalina

  1. mandaalina

    my Phonak CROS

    Bottesini omgosh! I love the camouflage one!! Definitely going to look into it :)
  2. mandaalina

    my Phonak CROS

    thank you ^_^
  3. mandaalina

    my Phonak CROS

    I recently got my CROS... I'm honestly I child at heart and couldn't stand having no life on them. If I'm going to wear them, might as well give them a bit of my personality. Let me know what you think :) Instagram
  4. mandaalina

    Hi, I'm Amanda

    If anyone ever wanted to talk you can message me, we can exchange screenames/emails etc.. there are many options!!
  5. mandaalina

    Helix piercing and hearing aids?

    I just received my phonak Cros hearing aid and I had many piercings. Between both ears I had my tragus, industrial, rook, orbital, and the forward helix. I took them out as they made my hearing aid a bit uncomfortable (not all of them, but I still decided to take them out, the orbital and rook...
  6. mandaalina

    Hi, I'm Amanda

    glickchick, I'm from New York as well :D I'm sorry to hear that that's happened to you. Like Angle1989 had said, do you know if hearing aids will benefit you?
  7. mandaalina

    Hi, I'm Amanda

    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome :) Angle1989 I'm glad that you're so strong going through it Sarfarigirl2011 happy early birthday!
  8. mandaalina

    Hi, I'm Amanda

    My story is as follows, on February 7th of this year I woke up feeling as if I could hear the ocean in my right ear. I went through my daily motions dealing with it, and it wasn't until the late afternoon while I was in class that I noticed I could not hear anything at all in my right ear. I...