Recent content by Jay Sea

  1. J

    Dolls w/ Implants

    Anyone know of any toy manufacturers that produce dolls with implants? My 2 year old daughter was activated in May this year. Thought it would be appropriate for her to have a doll with an implant.
  2. J

    CI Evaluation Update

    My intent was to hopefully gather information from forum members with a like situation, not to get medical advice. And if you had read my previous post you would have read that she is signing.
  3. J

    CI Evaluation Update

    My daughter has a weekly visit from a teacher from the North Carolina School for the Deaf. The teacher told me that another kid that she works with recently had CI surgery. At the time of surgery the kid had an ear infection. The incision is now infected. Does anyone think the ear infection had...
  4. J

    CI Evaluation Update

    Several hearing tests with HAs have shown no response. The entire family has become very frustrated with the HAs. My daughter hates them and constantly pulls them out. The Audis and ENT are persistent that she continue to wear them. We will start with one CI. We have been signing for many months...
  5. J

    Hearing Aid Cost

    $2,100 for a pair that best we can tell did not help my daughter at all. My insurance will not cover the cost.
  6. J

    CI Evaluation Update

    Great news! My daughter, deaf at birth, has completed a CT scan and MRI and according to the ENT we can do the CI. My wife and I are both excited and nervous. She is now 15 months old. The ENT wants my daughter to go without any ear infections for a couple months before scheduling the...
  7. J

    CI Brands

    Thanks for the replys. I posed this question to the audiologists as well and they had the same response. They have experience with both and are comfortable working with each brand. I still have concerns about implant internals and mapping software becoming obsolete within a few months/years...
  8. J

    CI Brands

    My first post here so forgive me if this question has been asked before. My wife and I are the parents of a profoundly deaf 11 month old daughter. She has worn hearing aids for the past several months with no improvements to her hearing. Her Audiologist gave us some information about the two...
  9. J

    Hi Everyone.

    My Wife and I are the hearing parents of of a deaf 10 month old named Allison. This came as a complete suprise, but we love her just the same. Thanks and we look forward to contributing to the forum.