Recent content by Grendel

  1. G

    Installing flashing fire alarm in apartment

    I called the fire department and the only thing they were able to do was refer me to my local deaf services. I called the services and they were horribly mean to me. They wouldn't give me any sort of advice beyond talking to my manager, which I have already done. Absolutely disgraceful, and...
  2. G

    Installing flashing fire alarm in apartment

    Hi all, What exactly are my rights about getting a flashing fire alarm set up in my apartment. My landlord says it's up to me to install it, and I tried, but I am really having a hard time setting it up and testing it. What kind of person can I look up in the yellow pages to install...
  3. G

    Are you shy to wear a HA/CI or don't care?

    I was worried about how my CI would look until I actually got it. When I put it on I realized it wasn't really a big deal (especially since I have thick hair to cover it). I just want the thing to start being effective for me. If people don't like how my HA and CI look, too bad--but I...
  4. G

    I got my CI but can't hear anything

    Hi everyone-- It's been a while since I've posted; life has been busy. I ended up getting my CI surgery a few weeks ago. It just seemed like the right time to do it as I am unemployed this summer and graduate school begins in the fall. I got "turned on" yesterday by my audiologist, and...
  5. G

    Why Would You NOT Choose A CI?

    Vanity To be very honest, my main concern is the same as SCBassist's used to be --cosmetic -- and I think it's interesting that many of you don't worry about that at all. Makes me feel silly but I suppose being a single girl it becomes more of a concern (ie, trying to imagine explaining the...
  6. G

    Perception of your voice -- Contradica?

    Hey all: How does your perception of your speech/voice change after CI? I read some encouraging comments in Contradica's blog. I am very VERY self-conscious of mine right now--it seems my speech has gotten worse in the past few years, perhaps because I am constantly too stressed to be...
  7. G

    pics of you

    Thats such a cute pic of you Freakycat... u changed ur hair color recently?
  8. G

    pics of you

    thanks guys! that's such a huge compliment, though i personally don't see the resemblance :)
  9. G

    pics of you

    Sorry this is a little large. Also, I'm sort of a lurker and new to the board, so hello all.
  10. G


    I sympathize! I used to use FM systems in high school, and most of the teachers simply could not get used to them. They carried around the microphones awkwardly and sometimes even left them on the desk, where they would cause awful static on my end. I think the real problem is lack of...
  11. G

    Hi & Some Questions for CI Users

    Oh okay, thanks for answering. So how do you avoid the static electricity problem? And where do you get official cards saying that you're a CI wearer?
  12. G

    Hi & Some Questions for CI Users

    MRIs and other problems Hi again everyone-- I consulted with a dr. today. He said I am a candidate based on my audiogram. We discussed my history and expectations, and he wants to implant my bad ear as I had predicted. I am still thinking about it and researching for at least one more...
  13. G

    Hi & Some Questions for CI Users

    Wow, I got such a great response so fast :). You guys are wonderful! It's really comforting that all of us have similar problems and we're all doing just fine, whether we choose to use hearing aids or CI's or even nothing at all. I don't know any HOH/deaf people, and it sometimes wears down...
  14. G

    Hi & Some Questions for CI Users

    Just did some research and it seems they usu. recommend implanting the ear with less hearing and using a hearing aid on the other side. Hmm... anyone tried this approach?
  15. G

    Hi & Some Questions for CI Users

    Hey everyone, this board is just what I was looking for. I am a 21 year old girl with severe to profound bilateral loss. I do wear a digital HA in my right ear only. This is the ear that has a little bit of residual hearing. I have had no hearing in my left ear since I was 6. During a...