Recent content by goofyjojo67

  1. goofyjojo67

    Happy Birthday DreamyHawaii, DoVip, Andrea, and the others!

    how come you never told me your birthday dreamyhawaii. When I come back to hawaii I will :smash: on your head.. bad boy... shame on you :slap: when I come home next summer... you better be ready
  2. goofyjojo67

    Guess what?!

    good job brother my bestest friend from my home state.. Ron let talk later i am happy for u
  3. goofyjojo67

    I'M new here too

    welcome here Glad u can join us thanks
  4. goofyjojo67

    Aloha I am from California

    never forgotten u
  5. goofyjojo67

    URGENT--Missing Deaf Teenager from Fontana, California

    I hope they find the girl soon..
  6. goofyjojo67

    In Loving Memory of...

    That was a beautiful Poem...... IT very sweet
  7. goofyjojo67

    Rude City Bus Drivers or bad bus riding experince

    Hello Everyone. I had bad experince riding with city buses in Hawaii.. We had rude drivers or they never show up when they suppose too..... And Now I am riding buses here in California. Some Bus Drivers are very nice and understanding..... And I had a bad one in Hawaii. where the Driver makes...
  8. goofyjojo67

    This Guys Is Frickin' Nuts

    that is really gross
  9. goofyjojo67

    Let's See If You Read Your E-mails

    it was a intereesting story I love it and senting to my friends and I got it from a friend who is hearing she lives in Texas
  10. goofyjojo67

    Aloha I am from California

    aloha, I am from Kailua Hawaii for 19 years.. moved to California since 2 year ago.. I lived in Kailua which is on the oahu.. It my favorite island I been to another island.. Nothing fun to me.. But Oahu is the best :spam:
  11. goofyjojo67

    Aloha I am from California

    hi kristy this is jo.. I hope you haven't forgotten me.. i will tlakt oy ou soon :gpost:
  12. goofyjojo67

    Hello, from Washington State

    Welcome to alldeaf.. I hope you enjoy this see you soon From California :ily:
  13. goofyjojo67

    Which did you born hearing impaired or hearing then became impaired?

    I was born deaf unknow. BEcasue my mom didnt tell me how I became deaf. I was born without a ear on my right side... So It unknow how I became hard of hearing too.. My mom didnt explain to me :ily:
  14. goofyjojo67

    Hello from Wisconsin

    Hey this is your old from Hawaii who lives in California... Want to say Welcome on here honey... ALOHA FROM CALIFORNIA U KNOW WHO I AM> TALK TO U :welcome:
  15. goofyjojo67

    Blind Dog = Dead Dog??

    To me I refuse to put my dogs to sleep if they are not walking or eating I would have to forces my self to put my dogs to sleep. IF the dog is blind. We are responibly to watch where the dog wants to go.. I had good memory of my dog Sweetie. She can't see but I always follow her where she going...