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  1. goofyjojo67

    Happy Birthday DreamyHawaii, DoVip, Andrea, and the others!

    how come you never told me your birthday dreamyhawaii. When I come back to hawaii I will :smash: on your head.. bad boy... shame on you :slap: when I come home next summer... you better be ready
  2. goofyjojo67

    Guess what?!

    good job brother my bestest friend from my home state.. Ron let talk later i am happy for u
  3. goofyjojo67

    I'M new here too

    welcome here Glad u can join us thanks
  4. goofyjojo67

    Aloha I am from California

    never forgotten u
  5. goofyjojo67

    URGENT--Missing Deaf Teenager from Fontana, California

    I hope they find the girl soon..
  6. goofyjojo67

    In Loving Memory of...

    That was a beautiful Poem...... IT very sweet
  7. goofyjojo67

    Rude City Bus Drivers or bad bus riding experince

    Hello Everyone. I had bad experince riding with city buses in Hawaii.. We had rude drivers or they never show up when they suppose too..... And Now I am riding buses here in California. Some Bus Drivers are very nice and understanding..... And I had a bad one in Hawaii. where the Driver makes...
  8. goofyjojo67

    This Guys Is Frickin' Nuts

    that is really gross
  9. goofyjojo67

    Let's See If You Read Your E-mails

    it was a intereesting story I love it and senting to my friends and I got it from a friend who is hearing she lives in Texas
  10. goofyjojo67

    Aloha I am from California

    aloha, I am from Kailua Hawaii for 19 years.. moved to California since 2 year ago.. I lived in Kailua which is on the oahu.. It my favorite island I been to another island.. Nothing fun to me.. But Oahu is the best :spam:
  11. goofyjojo67

    Aloha I am from California

    hi kristy this is jo.. I hope you haven't forgotten me.. i will tlakt oy ou soon :gpost:
  12. goofyjojo67

    Hello, from Washington State

    Welcome to alldeaf.. I hope you enjoy this see you soon From California :ily:
  13. goofyjojo67

    Which did you born hearing impaired or hearing then became impaired?

    I was born deaf unknow. BEcasue my mom didnt tell me how I became deaf. I was born without a ear on my right side... So It unknow how I became hard of hearing too.. My mom didnt explain to me :ily:
  14. goofyjojo67

    Hello from Wisconsin

    Hey this is your old from Hawaii who lives in California... Want to say Welcome on here honey... ALOHA FROM CALIFORNIA U KNOW WHO I AM> TALK TO U :welcome:
  15. goofyjojo67

    Blind Dog = Dead Dog??

    To me I refuse to put my dogs to sleep if they are not walking or eating I would have to forces my self to put my dogs to sleep. IF the dog is blind. We are responibly to watch where the dog wants to go.. I had good memory of my dog Sweetie. She can't see but I always follow her where she going...
  16. goofyjojo67

    Olny srmat poelpe can.

    I really can understand it... it not hard to figure it out.. i can understand. anybody can understand this... How amazing ur brain works....
  17. goofyjojo67

    Ending ear infections with ear tubes

    Hi I had tube in my ear... But I had about 5 time putting tube but the last one was i was on the plane from hawaii to go chicago.. It pop out it made my ear bleed so my parents had to take me to the hospital in chicago becaue it was bleeding and the doctor told my parents i have hole in my ear...
  18. goofyjojo67

    Have you heard about videophone will install on phonebooth for public?

    If You say that.. THey keep making us to wait for what we want. It been years when we had our hawaii tdd in... so We will be waiting for long time... it takes time and money
  19. goofyjojo67

    I'm here now!

    Hey Richard. I am on here too.. look for goofyjojo67,,,, Welcome the board let keep in touch
  20. goofyjojo67


    no i am goofyjojo67