Recent content by Debby

  1. D

    HOH Soldier

    Hey Daryn.... I want to say THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY!! :wave: I'm a veteran from the Navy... my suggestion to you, is to make sure everything is documented in your medical records regarding your hearing loss and the cause of it.... you know, when you went thru MEPS, they...
  2. D

    The psychology of hearing loss

    Very interesting article, thanks for sharing it.
  3. D

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome DL .... I love em too.... I have 2 Golden Retrievers... one is Bud... he's pretty old and really slowing down...he's around 10 years old we guess... he was a rescue off the streets... and the baby is 3... she was picked from a litter and I've had her since she was 6 weeks old.... we have...
  4. D

    FarmTown on Facebook

    I am so addicted.... I'm 15000 xp points from level 34 and the million dollar mansion :D
  5. D

    Will I ever get used to these HA's ???

    Things are getting better with my HA's ... it's taken a while to adjust to them.... and my husband lol.... he's really loud... it helps that I have a remote and can "turn him down" when he gets to carrying on too loud. He's shown a little interest in learning ASL with me...we have a program...
  6. D

    Will I ever get used to these HA's ???

    Oh yah... we have a pretty unhealthy relationship.... trust me, I know this... we've been divorced & remarried...and are having counseling....
  7. D

    Will I ever get used to these HA's ???

    The TV is too loud when he comes and turns it up when I have my hearing aids in .... I am easily annoyed by the tv anyway... it's just a noisebox.... he'll turn it on ... then want to talk to me.... It's like it's hard to hear him over the tv.
  8. D

    Will I ever get used to these HA's ???

    Hello .... I've had these HA's for about six weeks now .... I'm still not used to them they drive me nuts. Sometimes it'll feel like they aren't there... or one will feel like it's not there, but the other annoys me.... or they both annoy me. Then there's LOUD places.... restaurants and...
  9. D

    Hello newbie here

    Hi everybody, and thanks for the warm welcome. :wave: I'm terrible, joining the forums over a month ago and not logging in or checking back.... Life kinda took over and took a great big turn around on me.... (that might be one to share in the marriage/divorce section) :roll: OH and I...
  10. D

    Hello newbie here

    Hello.... newbie here.... I just went to get my hearing test today.... found out I'm a candidate for HA's... I chose the smallest ones I could get... I have no idea what the brand name or anything like that is....choices are limited with the VA and what they had where I was sent to. I'll get...