Recent content by BananaFana

  1. BananaFana


    Definitely see your audiologist. It could be something like needing new earmolds. Or my audiologist discovered that mine was a skin issue and before putting my molds in in the morning I'd wipe them off with rubbing alcohol and there would be no itching!
  2. BananaFana

    Future slp - quick hearing aid & cochlear implant interview questions request

    1. How long have you worn your hearing aids? Since 2010 off and on and then since 2013 regularly 2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? Since I was a child. My parents never believed the school hearing tests so just ignored it 3. How long do...
  3. BananaFana

    At the lake

    Wow! That's a pretty adorable kid and really pretty lake! What's it called?
  4. BananaFana

    Stupid comments

    This is me too Ducky. If I say I'm HoH people assume it's like vision and my hearing aids have 'fixed' everything. If I say I'm deaf they seem to get it better and slow down and stop mumbling
  5. BananaFana

    What are you thinking about? Part VIII

    My parents are in Alabama. They were supposed to drive to Panama City Beach today but with Irma they are now looking into Gulf Shores in Alabama which I think is STILL a bad idea but they are my parents so I'll sit down and shut up and just worry :(
  6. BananaFana

    Goldenleaf74 is returning

    Welcome back! I don't remember you but am glad to see you! I just got back after a long absence myself!
  7. BananaFana


    I have a streamer pro which allows me to answer my phone calls BUT I also have severe severe anxiety and never do unless it's my mom or something lol. I ask people to txt me over call me or email even!
  8. BananaFana

    What are you thinking about? Part VIII

    Sending your dad good thoughts. Cellulitis sucks :(
  9. BananaFana

    Greasy hearing aids after wearing a few hours

    I'm looking into buying the little sweat guards. They have fun colors and it will hopefully help!
  10. BananaFana

    Greasy hearing aids after wearing a few hours

    The only thing that touches my face and behind the ears is one soap made for oily skin. It's also been around for years so I don't think that's the issue. I use cetaphil daily face wash. I can't use other soaps. I have very sensitive skin and anything else besides cetaphil or occasional baby...
  11. BananaFana

    Greasy hearing aids after wearing a few hours

    Not in a place I can google from on phone. Not load from the wifi. Thanks for links
  12. BananaFana

    Greasy hearing aids after wearing a few hours

    What are hearing aid sweat bands? Do you have a photo or a link? I'd love to give them a look! Thank you
  13. BananaFana

    Greasy hearing aids after wearing a few hours

    I don't have hair. It's on the side of my hearing aid that sits against my ear. I just have very oily skin. I even scrub my ears before putting them on and still oily :(
  14. BananaFana

    Greasy hearing aids after wearing a few hours

    It seems like no matter how much I wash behind my ears my hearing aids get super greasy. Has anyone figured out how to cut this down or out? I can't stand the feel of it.
  15. BananaFana

    What has happened to all the ad members? :(

    I hang out on facebook more than anything now