Questions for women


Active Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Suppose your bf or husband offer to pay you to get breast implants, would you go for it?
Gosh - good question - I will probably be offended at first thinking he doesnt think mine is good enough but hey I'm in my 40s so will grab the opportunity as gravity is setting in ;)
Oh sure!!! Maybe not implants but like agumentation. However, I have a fear of going under the knife so I dont know if I would actually go for it if I was presented with the offer.
This is stupid; do you love your significant other for her anatomy or for her HERSELF?
Gosh - good question - I will probably be offended at first thinking he doesnt think mine is good enough but hey I'm in my 40s so will grab the opportunity as gravity is setting in ;)

Yep, that is why I said sure..if u had asked me 15 years ago, I would have said no and felt offended but hey, once gravity takes over, things change. LOL! :giggle:
This is stupid; do you love your significant other for her anatomy or for her HERSELF?

I know my hubby loves me but if he offers to pay for it knowing that I bitch about gravity, I wouldnt be offended. If I was dating him, then yea I would. I guess it depends on the couple's realtionship with each other.
NOPE! I will turn it down...I rather have my breasts get reductions.
I know my hubby loves me but if he offers to pay for it knowing that I bitch about gravity, I wouldnt be offended. If I was dating him, then yea I would. I guess it depends on the couple's realtionship with each other.

Well, that;s a horse of whole 'nuther color! Breast reductions for a medically compelling reason is most reasonable to me; besides his money is your money, pot, lol...
Oh please, I don't need breast implant just to please my husband in future or a boyfriend. I would rather have the guy like me for myself and not try to change me into something that I am not a super model to get implant breast to be a playboy bunny, My breasts just fine the way it is, beside my breasts is big enough as it is! lol

Why don't men get breasts implant? lol I am sure that would look funny! lol
Well, I am happy with mine. I don't need breast implants. :)
Why don't men get breasts implant? lol I am sure that would look funny! lol


No thanks, I am prefectly happy with my body. No implant necessary for me. (male) oh oh oh Am I supposed to post in question toward women?? If it does. I guess it is too late for me to post on it. oopsie!
Sorry, I won't ask my wife to do that. She has small titties and that the kind I like. I don't like hug titties, they scare me and afraid they could knock me out. Plus, more then a mouthfull is a waste. Lol

Did I give TMI?
:giggle: Well the "girls" really don't need to be any bigger but I wouldn't mind a lift!!! :giggle: :giggle:
As for me, being the 'hubby'...I would think it would be quite offending or downright upsetting to ask the wife to...enhance the mounds...for what? So other and more guys can gawk at her, feel jealous or make me or her feel special? Nooooo..I love for 'who' she is...and the way she is..she's very cute and adorable in my own eyes--there's no need for modifications of any sort whatsoever. If I had to offer her money for would be either for her to enjoy shopping or we can take a trip somewhere. :D

Hell, no. I won't get under the knife just for the sake's of my future lover and the pleasure of having me all by himself.

Let's suppose he give me some money for the breast implants. I'll simply do a white lie that I will go to the hospital. He will think I will go there, but instead I will spend my whole day shopping. Well, he agreed to give me money. :)

To be realistic here, I will not take the chance. I'll probably shove the money up to his ass and leave. May he find another woman with the sizes of DD or EE, whatever how huge her hooters are!
Hell, no. I won't get under the knife just for the sake's of my future lover and the pleasure of having me all by himself.

Let's suppose he give me some money for the breast implants. I'll simply do a white lie that I will go to the hospital. He will think I will go there, but instead I will spend my whole day shopping. Well, he agreed to give me money. :)

To be realistic here, I will not take the chance. I'll probably shove the money up to his ass and leave. May he find another woman with the sizes of DD or EE, whatever how huge her hooters are!

Hell yeah! I am with you all the way on that one! lol I would done the extact same thing shoving the money up his ass! ha:giggle:
No way,if he don`t like what I have he can go elsewhere