VirtualBox in Ubuntu

Yeah, true, it could happen anytime. I'm just saying it isn't right now. Ah, CherryOS, thanks for the flashback. It stopped few years ago.

Mac? Yeah, I prefer Mac too, so I don't have to do the repair more often then windows lol. Speaking of that, I'm going to install two mini macs today at my work then do some hard drives' cloning through the network. Woohoo, something new I can learn for cloning thur network on Mac! So wish me a luck. :)

Yeah, I remember there's a lot of firesharings banned. Been that way for years since the internet is released in public.

I gotta go now, thanks for some chatchit. :wave:

Yup, it can be anytime.

Oh cool about install 2 mini mac, plus good luck with that.

Sure, Your welcome. :)
It's suppose to be illegal, violate of policy from Apple.

OS X is exclusive to Mac based computer and laptop, that's legal.

It's same with PearPC, that's illegal software.

I wouldn't care if it's illegal. I know Apple won't do anything cuz once it's sold to customer to use, it's their problem. Customer can do however they wish to mess with their Apple OS or use different OS. Apple just design their mobo and OS. They are well aware that once it's out, it's gonna to be screwed. So they left it open. If they design PC that locks only Apple OS, none else, they'll lose popularity. So the know the risk tho. Therefore it's never illegal. Unless different OS developer decide to design OS for Apple and if it ran great and better than Apple OS and gaining lot of popularity that overtakes MAC OS then Apple will do something to either compete or file lawsuit. Hey remmy that we are living in FREEE COUNTRY!! so what the heck of it!! If Apple decide that other OS is illegal, they would fight to make it illegal and throw anyone into jail. Then Apple will look bad afterward.

It's the same as RIAA and music artist. Music artist complained about royalty lost due to P2P music downloading. Then later they worked with RIAA and made it illegal and then shut down many P2P website. But after that artist realized that it's hurting their audience cuz they got caught and fined $3000 or more and popularity dropped. Now that music artist are fighting against RIAA whom they formerly supported. What goes there comes around so Apple don't want be part of it. It's okay for Apple MAC w/ Intel processor to have Windows Vista OS or dualbooting. It's nuthing wrong. The main purpose for Apple to attacts Windows crowd or Linux crowd. Soon in the future who knows that Apple, Windows, and Linux will all combined together become one of the most powerful OS (maybe in 20 years later). ROFL

So don't jump conclusion that it's illegal.

I wouldn't care if it's illegal. I know Apple won't do anything cuz once it's sold to customer to use, it's their problem. Customer can do however they wish to mess with their Apple OS or use different OS. Apple just design their mobo and OS. They are well aware that once it's out, it's gonna to be screwed. So they left it open. If they design PC that locks only Apple OS, none else, they'll lose popularity. So the know the risk tho. Therefore it's never illegal. Unless different OS developer decide to design OS for Apple and if it ran great and better than Apple OS and gaining lot of popularity that overtakes MAC OS then Apple will do something to either compete or file lawsuit. Hey remmy that we are living in FREEE COUNTRY!! so what the heck of it!! If Apple decide that other OS is illegal, they would fight to make it illegal and throw anyone into jail. Then Apple will look bad afterward.

It's the same as RIAA and music artist. Music artist complained about royalty lost due to P2P music downloading. Then later they worked with RIAA and made it illegal and then shut down many P2P website. But after that artist realized that it's hurting their audience cuz they got caught and fined $3000 or more and popularity dropped. Now that music artist are fighting against RIAA whom they formerly supported. What goes there comes around so Apple don't want be part of it. It's okay for Apple MAC w/ Intel processor to have Windows Vista OS or dualbooting. It's nuthing wrong. The main purpose for Apple to attacts Windows crowd or Linux crowd. Soon in the future who knows that Apple, Windows, and Linux will all combined together become one of the most powerful OS (maybe in 20 years later). ROFL

So don't jump conclusion that it's illegal.


You don't recall about CherryOS, PearPC would probably not compatible with new leopard, that what I got few info from my friend, now, Apple isn't stupid so enough to find out.

Boot camp is legal because MS let Apple to make something, plus MS made money from users that bought windows vista.

If you don't care about illegal then good luck with DCMA or copyrighted law in near future, I'm not take like that.
FYI, PearPC is emulation of Mac OS but don't make looks like true Mac.

Unlike on bootcamp, you can running the windows in full, that's true windows, not from emulation, even you can get attacked by viruses.

None of them are make true Mac on PC based, just emulation, I don't like stuff in emulation, just rather to run on real Mac computers.

btw, if you are talking about free country, USA isn't free country, we have many restricted in anywhere, plus if too much in computers without pay to Apple (except for software, even some are free from illegal copies) then Apple can go out of business then we would have no choice, except for struck with windows. I don't like Linux at most time, no offense.
FYI, PearPC is emulation of Mac OS but don't make looks like true Mac.

Unlike on bootcamp, you can running the windows in full, that's true windows, not from emulation, even you can get attacked by viruses.

None of them are make true Mac on PC based, just emulation, I don't like stuff in emulation, just rather to run on real Mac computers.

btw, if you are talking about free country, USA isn't free country, we have many restricted in anywhere, plus if too much in computers without pay to Apple (except for software, even some are free from illegal copies) then Apple can go out of business then we would have no choice, except for struck with windows. I don't like Linux at most time, no offense.

Nah, I wouldnt care about it. :shrug: Remmy that everyone have common sense. Linux became popular cuz it's open sourced that anyone don't have to worry about getting sued. You can always argue that USA is not free country. Actually, It's free country that you do whatever you wish at home. You can't get punished just trying to install Apple OS in PC. Who's watchin'. I'm sure that there's online coding in Apple OS like Windows OS to tell Apple that someone is using illegal copy or doin' something on it's OS in PC. They can't just jump in and sue just like RIAA. Plenty of college students and anyone who does hobby on computers can do whatever to screw Apple or M$. Apple cannot sue everyone in their sight. Apple knows that. M$ did not want to punish anyone using illegal copies of XP or Vista. If they do then everyone will be scared of using PC and it'll hurts M$ like a hell. That's where their money come from. They're trying to balance tho cuz their OS are costly and NOT everyone can afford it. There are plenty of hackers and crackers out there fighting for freedom. If you don't like the idea, move to Communist country where they hunts down and kill anyone doing illegal. Get a life!

I'm really sorry that you are being very defensive with Copyright. I have my opinion about it. Copyrights DOES destroy innovation!! See that Japan is Technological Superpower. They are very successful and creative in a way to bring them to higher plane. What happened to USA. We're waay behind because companies who tried to do innovation got tangled up with Copyright law. It hurts them and hurts us. Copyrights are Company's greed. So that's what everyone is fighting against. Way to go Linux!!

Nah, I wouldnt care about it. :shrug: Remmy that everyone have common sense. Linux became popular cuz it's open sourced that anyone don't have to worry about getting sued. You can always argue that USA is not free country. Actually, It's free country that you do whatever you wish at home. You can't get punished just trying to install Apple OS in PC. Who's watchin'. I'm sure that there's online coding in Apple OS like Windows OS to tell Apple that someone is using illegal copy or doin' something on it's OS in PC. They can't just jump in and sue just like RIAA. Plenty of college students and anyone who does hobby on computers can do whatever to screw Apple or M$. Apple cannot sue everyone in their sight. Apple knows that. M$ did not want to punish anyone using illegal copies of XP or Vista. If they do then everyone will be scared of using PC and it'll hurts M$ like a hell. That's where their money come from. They're trying to balance tho cuz their OS are costly and NOT everyone can afford it. There are plenty of hackers and crackers out there fighting for freedom. If you don't like the idea, move to Communist country where they hunts down and kill anyone doing illegal. Get a life!

I'm really sorry that you are being very defensive with Copyright. I have my opinion about it. Copyrights DOES destroy innovation!! See that Japan is Technological Superpower. They are very successful and creative in a way to bring them to higher plane. What happened to USA. We're waay behind because companies who tried to do innovation got tangled up with Copyright law. It hurts them and hurts us. Copyrights are Company's greed. So that's what everyone is fighting against. Way to go Linux!!


In longest knowledge, Linux isn't illegal, it's legal to install on PC based, plus Mac OS X (10.4) has some Unix feature. I decided to not install Linux due diffcult to across and not much feature like windows does, it's my personal. I don't care about open source, my life don't need it, I was means about illegal copies of OS X, not paid to Apple then would be some of my concern in near future, just like back in day, floppies are popular to make copies of games then share with other people, now it's much changing because more companies are added copyrighted protection, BD has strong copyrighted protection since HD-DVD has been hacked, plus HD-DVD makers are tried to change the code then wouldn't run on HD-DVD player for future movies, that's according from Vampy, I don't care about HD-DVD because they aren't my support.

Copyrighted is greed by companies are just your views, none of them are fact or so, companies don't want lose their profit from illegal, that what I'm against on modded consoles because I had ALOT of respect to game developers and support them to make better future games, if not then they are going to down or more less on future games, few game companies are out of business like 3DO and Acclaim for many reason, including with illegal copies.

I'm not going to debate with you, that is all of your views.
In Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04, Use Synapic Package Manager and Click "Find" and type "Beryl". They're in there. I've installed that and also DON'T FORGET to add "Beryl Manager" (A MUST HAVE!!!) which enable you to run taskbar icon look like Diamond shaped Ruby stone near the clock. Usually, Beryl Manager located in "Start-->System" in KDE or In Application in Gnome. ( I like KDE better than Gnome cuz more options)

As for the Skydome. YOU'll need to expand pix to 1024x1024 or 1260x1260 up to 1600x1600 (must be double numbered) in order to get Skydome background working. I learned it from other blog. YOu can see the skydome behind the cube on my pix.

I recommend Nvidia card cuz It works faster and smoother than ATI. I'm currently using ATI radeon 9000pro 128mb AGP. It works just fine but there are time that I put too much animation and transparency. It ran slow..


I have iMac (running vista on bootcamp) with ATI Radeon 2400 HD XT and not good to run with aero feature and games at same time, need to disabled.

I kept my old computer and need buy new motherboard, PSU, CPU, graphic card (must 2 PCIe 16x) to support dual graphic card via SLi (from GeForce) and more RAM, it wouldn't happen until next years.
I have iMac (running vista on bootcamp) with ATI Radeon 2400 HD XT and not good to run with aero feature and games at same time, need to disabled.

I kept my old computer and need buy new motherboard, PSU, CPU, graphic card (must 2 PCIe 16x) to support dual graphic card via SLi (from GeForce) and more RAM, it wouldn't happen until next years.

U could try Nvidia the next time you build a new system.
In longest knowledge, Linux isn't illegal, it's legal to install on PC based, plus Mac OS X (10.4) has some Unix feature. I decided to not install Linux due diffcult to across and not much feature like windows does, it's my personal. I don't care about open source, my life don't need it, I was means about illegal copies of OS X, not paid to Apple then would be some of my concern in near future, just like back in day, floppies are popular to make copies of games then share with other people, now it's much changing because more companies are added copyrighted protection, BD has strong copyrighted protection since HD-DVD has been hacked, plus HD-DVD makers are tried to change the code then wouldn't run on HD-DVD player for future movies, that's according from Vampy, I don't care about HD-DVD because they aren't my support.

Copyrighted is greed by companies are just your views, none of them are fact or so, companies don't want lose their profit from illegal, that what I'm against on modded consoles because I had ALOT of respect to game developers and support them to make better future games, if not then they are going to down or more less on future games, few game companies are out of business like 3DO and Acclaim for many reason, including with illegal copies.

I'm not going to debate with you, that is all of your views.

Yup I understand that. Don't bother to debate too. Everyone have their point view too.
U could try Nvidia the next time you build a new system.

GeForce is very good for most games but The Sims 2 and Sim City 4 are biggest issue with certain of GeForce, worse than ATI but it was from development that made The Sims 2 to run on poor performance, plus too much hassle for GeForce to fix it or update the driver.

My old PC was missed APG slot, it's 4x or 8x, back in 2003 when we bought computer with 2.8 Ghz of Pentium 4 and AGP slot was missed because employee at Sears isn't honest to us, we found out about after 1 year, too late to make claim or something.

In before 2004, I must have APG for games, fuck to PCI.
GeForce is very good for most games but The Sims 2 and Sim City 4 are biggest issue with certain of GeForce, worse than ATI but it was from development that made The Sims 2 to run on poor performance, plus too much hassle for GeForce to fix it or update the driver.

My old PC was missed APG slot, it's 4x or 8x, back in 2003 when we bought computer with 2.8 Ghz of Pentium 4 and AGP slot was missed because employee at Sears isn't honest to us, we found out about after 1 year, too late to make claim or something.

In before 2004, I must have APG for games, fuck to PCI.

Yeah, happens to anyone who owned a store bought pc. They got suckered while I built my system in 2002 or 2003 which was the very first Gigabyte 7VAX KT400 system with 8x AGP which came out along with 4 other mobo brands. I installed palomino core 1.6Ghz system. It ran very fast and smooth. But the problem was that AGP 8x graphic card was few to find. I originally had Nvidia MX440 w/ 128mb 8X w/ tv out. The tv out was broken when I tested it. found out someone previously used that card. I returned it and had an exchanged for ATI Radeon 9000 Pro 4X agp w/ 128mb. What choice do I have.

Currently, I still have Gigabyte system and it still runs as fast as my new AV8 64bit AMD 939. I replaced the capacitors cuz it was leaky. Luckily it didn't damage the board. I bought the high quality capacitor that was pulled from other board. I replaced it and I noticed the difference in performance now. Much faster than previous. LOL. It became my kid's system. But the sux part is I pulled ATI 9000 pro from Gigabyte and installed it to AV8 when I built the system.

I love building system than buy from store. Store bought system tend to missing some criticial parts need for upgrades. I knew that if one wanted upgrade will be forced to buy new system instead of upgrading. Not worth it.

Nah, I wouldnt care about it. :shrug: Remmy that everyone have common sense. Linux became popular cuz it's open sourced that anyone don't have to worry about getting sued. You can always argue that USA is not free country. Actually, It's free country that you do whatever you wish at home. You can't get punished just trying to install Apple OS in PC. Who's watchin'. I'm sure that there's online coding in Apple OS like Windows OS to tell Apple that someone is using illegal copy or doin' something on it's OS in PC. They can't just jump in and sue just like RIAA. Plenty of college students and anyone who does hobby on computers can do whatever to screw Apple or M$. Apple cannot sue everyone in their sight. Apple knows that. M$ did not want to punish anyone using illegal copies of XP or Vista. If they do then everyone will be scared of using PC and it'll hurts M$ like a hell. That's where their money come from. They're trying to balance tho cuz their OS are costly and NOT everyone can afford it. There are plenty of hackers and crackers out there fighting for freedom. If you don't like the idea, move to Communist country where they hunts down and kill anyone doing illegal. Get a life!

I'm really sorry that you are being very defensive with Copyright. I have my opinion about it. Copyrights DOES destroy innovation!! See that Japan is Technological Superpower. They are very successful and creative in a way to bring them to higher plane. What happened to USA. We're waay behind because companies who tried to do innovation got tangled up with Copyright law. It hurts them and hurts us. Copyrights are Company's greed. So that's what everyone is fighting against. Way to go Linux!!


Hear hear! Linux rocks and hackers never end! But at my work, I have to protect the school from them. Have to keep track of security updates. Ugh. But good $$$.
Hear hear! Linux rocks and hackers never end! But at my work, I have to protect the school from them. Have to keep track of security updates. Ugh. But good $$$.

"Jump and high 5". Hackers keep everyone busy securing companies and government's computers. They sure helped the economics!! Companies hires former Hackers to protect their system and paid them GOOD $$'s. Glad to hear that!!

I love Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04! I'm just Linux freak and had many distro that I tried (Knoppix, DSL, Slax, SabayonLinux, Mandrivia, Fedora Core, PCLinuxOS and many more that I can't list). 90% of them works w/ my desktop and lappy except for Gentoo (very odd!! cuz it works fine on Sabayonlinux which is Gentoo base) My hdd for XP (I normally swaps them for my kid's sake" on Ubuntu box) is failing and boots up very very sllloooww and I suspect 5 years old hdd is going down and also it was infected with virus. I backed up the files. I reinstalled Windoz and still boot up like a slug!! I told kids that they'll have to live with Ubuntu.

I told them that Wines and other VM MIGHT work with SOME Windows Games. (Ubuntu got plenty of cool games!! from Synapics and Add/Remove. I love 3D billard!!, looks and plays realistic!!) I'm a newbie to Wines. I ran VirtualBox under Root user and it works just fine. I tried to install Myst III :Exile game for my kids. It says "Debugger error". Uhh I know why cuz software detects it's a virtual machine. Shoot. I DO know VMware for Linux would work. I've installed VMmachine before on Windows box and it works on some games. I also would try Cedga too. My daughter LOOVE Ubuntu cuz it's stable and no worry about virus cuz she visits often (I suspect she got the virus from) and it doesn't get infected at all. She love the cool Beryl desktop LOL. I am hoping that my wife buy her own nice lappy so I can dualboot my Acer lappy with newer Ubuntu (Gusty Gibbon 7.10) w/ newest ATI Linux driver to allow me to run Fusion Compiz! (my lappy have ATI Xpress 200m which was a biggest issue till now for 3D desktop. SabayonLinux 3.4 finally did worked! but had a odd glitch that won't let me to click for drop down menu. It flickers when I click LOL. not nearly ready)

I am looking foward for Linux to butt head to head w/ M$ suckers!! Boooo Boo to Vista!!

"Jump and high 5". Hackers keep everyone busy securing companies and government's computers. They sure helped the economics!! Companies hires former Hackers to protect their system and paid them GOOD $$'s. Glad to hear that!!

I love Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04! I'm just Linux freak and had many distro that I tried (Knoppix, DSL, Slax, SabayonLinux, Mandrivia, Fedora Core, PCLinuxOS and many more that I can't list). 90% of them works w/ my desktop and lappy except for Gentoo (very odd!! cuz it works fine on Sabayonlinux which is Gentoo base) My hdd for XP (I normally swaps them for my kid's sake" on Ubuntu box) is failing and boots up very very sllloooww and I suspect 5 years old hdd is going down and also it was infected with virus. I backed up the files. I reinstalled Windoz and still boot up like a slug!! I told kids that they'll have to live with Ubuntu.

I told them that Wines and other VM MIGHT work with SOME Windows Games. (Ubuntu got plenty of cool games!! from Synapics and Add/Remove. I love 3D billard!!, looks and plays realistic!!) I'm a newbie to Wines. I ran VirtualBox under Root user and it works just fine. I tried to install Myst III :Exile game for my kids. It says "Debugger error". Uhh I know why cuz software detects it's a virtual machine. Shoot. I DO know VMware for Linux would work. I've installed VMmachine before on Windows box and it works on some games. I also would try Cedga too. My daughter LOOVE Ubuntu cuz it's stable and no worry about virus cuz she visits often (I suspect she got the virus from) and it doesn't get infected at all. She love the cool Beryl desktop LOL. I am hoping that my wife buy her own nice lappy so I can dualboot my Acer lappy with newer Ubuntu (Gusty Gibbon 7.10) w/ newest ATI Linux driver to allow me to run Fusion Compiz! (my lappy have ATI Xpress 200m which was a biggest issue till now for 3D desktop. SabayonLinux 3.4 finally did worked! but had a odd glitch that won't let me to click for drop down menu. It flickers when I click LOL. not nearly ready)

I am looking foward for Linux to butt head to head w/ M$ suckers!! Boooo Boo to Vista!!


Ok, what are you prefer to run? Mac or Windows? Just 2 choice.
Ok, what are you prefer to run? Mac or Windows? Just 2 choice.

Sorry Pacman if I get in your question to Catty.

I prefer both and couple of other OSes. Some didn't suit me, then I use other operating system that suit me. LONG STORY. :)

PS. I'm sure Catty will prefer Linux instead of those two. Right Catty? Or prefer Windows for more variety of hardcore games?
Sorry Pacman if I get in your question to Catty.

I prefer both and couple of other OSes. Some didn't suit me, then I use other operating system that suit me. LONG STORY. :)

PS. I'm sure Catty will prefer Linux instead of those two. Right Catty? Or prefer Windows for more variety of hardcore games?

I said Linux are excluding from choice, I said if there's 2 choice then what would you pick one for prefer to run at most? Windows or Mac (means as closed source)
I said Linux are excluding from choice, I said if there's 2 choice then what would you pick one for prefer to run at most? Windows or Mac (means as closed source)

FYI. Mac OS X have little more open sources then windows. Cuz this OS is based on Unix.
FYI. Mac OS X have little more open sources then windows. Cuz this OS is based on Unix.

I know, I said in general.

Now, you don't answer my question from pick one on two choice, that you prefer to use it.

For me, I will pick mac over windows.
I know, I said in general.

Now, you don't answer my question from pick one on two choice, that you prefer to use it.

For me, I will pick mac over windows.

You didn't said in general. No offended.

I personally prefer Mac over Windows too especially for my work. Due to less troubleshooting issues. I work as system administrator for the school for long time and now ordering about 15 more mini macs. They are for workstations using RDC (Remote Desktop Connection for Mac) to the server (Windows server 2003 R2).