Top ten reasons for customers at restaurants

Someone pasted from link for me... I was like :eek3:

Dear Mr. Restaurant Owner,

Hey customers, this is for you. When you go out to eat, the Server has a set of guidelines that they must follow when they are waiting on you. A lot of you don’t know this, but you have some guidelines as well. When you follow these simple steps, you actually will receive better service because you are speaking your Server’s love language; therefore, they will then be eager to please you.

I am reading and have questions for you. I respect your 10 Rules what you expect from us as your customer but I still want to check and make sure before I am able to visit your Resturant.

1. NEVER leave less than 20% tip. I don’t care what your "reason” may be, less than 20% is never acceptable. If you have a problem, tell the manager, it is NEVER okay to tip poorly.

Accord a former Resturant Manager in my thread... Tipping is not an obligation. Correct?

Read this.

2. Be nice, smile, and say “please” and “thank you” for everything. It’s never okay to act like a meanie.

It sound that you have bad experience with all customers in the past? If yes, it could be something wrong with your manner behavior... ?

3. Learn to do simple math. Splitting checks can put a Server in the weeds faster than anything. So please just be aware.

Can you use your few minutes time to be there for me? Can you learn to be patience yourself if I want to question you?

4. Before you ask, please read the menu. Most of your answers are already there for you.

Sure, but I still would like to have some questions if I am unsure what the menu says about. Would you accept it?

5. Remember, you’re not the only table in the restaurant, consolidating your requests is appreciated.

6. Make an effort to learn your Server’s name, this way when you need something, you won’t have to snap, whistle, wave, or call us “hey you.”


7. When you are finished eating, please leave promptly. We need these tables, especially when we are busy. By staying at the table, you’re costing us money, so please just be courteous.

Sure, but I would like to make sure...

Can I order a cup of coffee or espresso after finish eating before I leave?

8. Please control your kids. When they dump out our neatly arranged sugars, we have to re-do it. When they throw food all over the place, we have to sweep it. When they run around the restaurant, we have to dodge them, which is a real safety issue and could be dangerous.


9. If you have a problem with your food, please tell us before you eat it. Taking food back is not a big deal, we want to help you, but when you ate the entire thing, it’s tough to believe you don’t like it. So when we ask, “how is everything”, just tell us.

How do I know either the taste of food is good or not?

10. Do not come in five minutes before closing – this is just annoying. By this time, we are ready to split.

Sure but I want to let you know that I don´t like your manner writing to say like this... You should write in manner way is:

Please do not come in five minutes before closing, thank you for your understanding.

The moral to the story is just be considerate and remember the Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Sure, but I want to let you know what I think of your 10 Rules... To me, that you have no patience and did not even know what respect is. I beleive that the customers would show their respect to you in return if you show your respect on their wishes.

Thank you for your time to read my questions.

8. Please control your kids. When they dump out our neatly arranged sugars, we have to re-do it. When they throw food all over the place, we have to sweep it. When they run around the restaurant, we have to dodge them, which is a real safety issue and could be dangerous.

This remind me of my thread...
respect is a 2 way street..

Customers don't always respect the servers or managers, just like servers don't always respect customers.

And remember that the people providing service to you, will treat you the way you treat them. And as a former waitress, I know this well, so I always treat servers well and am always respectful of them.
respect is a 2 way street..

Customers don't always respect the servers or managers, just like servers don't always respect customers.

And remember that the people providing service to you, will treat you the way you treat them. And as a former waitress, I know this well, so I always treat servers well and am always respectful of them.

Yeppers, that's right. IT's like a 1 lane each direction highway so each other gotta cooperate to make good things happen. :)
Maybe due that he got huge loads of meat in the storage and need to get rid of those bloody meat to grill/bbq.
1. NEVER leave less than 20% tip. I don’t care what your "reason” may be, less than 20% is never acceptable. If you have a problem, tell the manager, it is NEVER okay to tip poorly.
Oh come on.........i'm pretty good at tipping, but if the service is bad you shouldn't have to pay for it.
Well, if they dont want my baby to make a mess then I wont come in and give them my business. I will stay home and cook. :giggle:

Agreed. What a whiney web page.

NEVER leave less than 20% tip. I don’t care what your "reason” may be, less than 20% is never acceptable. If you have a problem, tell the manager, it is NEVER okay to tip poorly.
Huh? That's crap. If a server ignores me, or brings the wrong food, or never brings me a refill so my mouth feels like the Sahara desert by the time I get to the end of my food, you can SURE BET I'm not tipping 20%. That's stupid. Tipping is "a feedback system". It teaches servers what's right and what's not. Of course its not ok if a customer is nitpicky and not tipping for silly things. That is wrong. However, when the server is totally incompetent, they don't get 20%. That encourages bad service. Period.

Be nice, smile, and say “please” and “thank you” for everything. It’s never okay to act like a meanie.
Ok, that one I agree with. Always be courteous.... unless the server is really rude. If they're really rude, I see no reason to be courteous to a rude person.

Learn to do simple math. Splitting checks can put a Server in the weeds faster than anything. So please just be aware.
Huh? You've got the computer / calculator / cash register, not me. Do it yourself. If your stupid computer doesn't make this easy, and you work in a restaurant, tell the manager to get a better computer. That's what computers are for, and a computer in a restaurant should make this easy. Maybe you should ask before you start taking the orders and make it easy on yourself.

Before you ask, please read the menu. Most of your answers are already there for you.
Uh, yeah, but unlike you, server person, I don't work here, so I have probably NEVER seen this huge menu before. A good server makes recommendations, they don't just stand there drooling waiting for me to read the huge book of a menu, and getting angry because I can't find things. Jerk.

Remember, you’re not the only table in the restaurant, consolidating your requests is appreciated.
Remember you're not the only restaurant in town. I give my money to restaurants and servers that treat me courteously, and treat me like a human being, not a cow at the feed box.

Make an effort to learn your Server’s name, this way when you need something, you won’t have to snap, whistle, wave, or call us “hey you.”
Ok, I agree with this one. Although, if someone is non-oral, it doesn't really matter. :mrgreen:

When you are finished eating, please leave promptly. We need these tables, especially when we are busy. By staying at the table, you’re costing us money, so please just be courteous.
Umm... I'll leave when I damn well feel like it. I paid for my meal and the ambience of the restaurant. I don't go to a restaurant to stuff my face and leave (that's McDonald's). I go to a restaurant to eat and to chat with friends / family. If I'm chatting longer than you like, too bad. Raise your prices if you don't like it. You're running a restaurant, not a cattle feed lot.

Please control your kids. When they dump out our neatly arranged sugars, we have to re-do it. When they throw food all over the place, we have to sweep it. When they run around the restaurant, we have to dodge them, which is a real safety issue and could be dangerous.
Well... I agree somewhat. However, understand that kids are kids. You were one too once. They're going to do stupid things like dump out all the sugar packets or make spills. If you've never had a kid, I think it's hard to understand how messy they can be, and how quickly they make messes -- especially when they're little. You can help control this, server person, by giving them crayons or other things to do.

If you have a problem with your food, please tell us before you eat it. Taking food back is not a big deal, we want to help you, but when you ate the entire thing, it’s tough to believe you don’t like it. So when we ask, “how is everything”, just tell us.
Ok, I agree somewhat. It's depends on how much food I eat before i tell you there's a problem. Sometimes it might take me a few bites to figure out something is wrong (like having hairs or bugs in my food). Or, sometimes a server will bring a replacement, and the replacement is equally bad, and then just leave -- what am I supposed to do, starve? Get up and leave? Understand that I might complain, even after I've eaten the food, because I had no choice -- you just ignored me.

Do not come in five minutes before closing – this is just annoying. By this time, we are ready to split.
Hmmm... I guess I assume that's what the hours posted on the door are for. Who told you closing time was the time posted on the door? That's for CUSTOMERS. I thought servers worked (and are paid) until the last customer LEAVES. Don't cop an attitude with me because I come in 5 minutes before closing. You won't get any tip if you do. If you're nice, I might tip you higher than 20%, because I understand that you had an expectation to leave a little earlier, but don't be presumptuous and give me a hassle. (See how the tip system works? It prevents bad customer service. That's why you don't ALWAYS get 20% tips. You earn 20% by being courteous, even when you don't feel like it.)
Signature Petition Page

Uh-uh, ain't happening.

As a thumb of rule; good service equals tip, bad service equals no tip

Absolutely right. How presumptuous they are. You don't get a tip for treating customers poorly. It's not the manager's job to run from table to table making sure everything is perfect -- he/she has a restaurant to run. The tip system automatically discourages bad customer service -- that's what it's for.
Having been a former waitress, I can understand the server's side of it, and the customer's side of it, but guys, remember, they are doing you a service, and their pay is like 1/4 less than minimum wage, so basically, Tips are what they live on.

So any tips you give your pizza drivers, servers, or any food service worker, is actually helping them.

Not all restaurants pay below minimum wage. Actually, I'd like to know that when I walk in the door. It should be mandatory that that be posted on the door. I wouldn't go to restaurants where they pay really low and expect my tips to make up the difference. I think that should be illegal -- it's skirting the minimum wage laws.
Agreed. What a whiney web page.

NEVER leave less than 20% tip. I don’t care what your "reason” may be, less than 20% is never acceptable. If you have a problem, tell the manager, it is NEVER okay to tip poorly.
Huh? That's crap. If a server ignores me, or brings the wrong food, or never brings me a refill so my mouth feels like the Sahara desert by the time I get to the end of my food, you can SURE BET I'm not tipping 20%. That's stupid. Tipping is "a feedback system". It teaches servers what's right and what's not. Of course its not ok if a customer is nitpicky and not tipping for silly things. That is wrong. However, when the server is totally incompetent, they don't get 20%. That encourages bad service. Period.

Be nice, smile, and say “please” and “thank you” for everything. It’s never okay to act like a meanie.
Ok, that one I agree with. Always be courteous.... unless the server is really rude. If they're really rude, I see no reason to be courteous to a rude person.

Learn to do simple math. Splitting checks can put a Server in the weeds faster than anything. So please just be aware.
Huh? You've got the computer / calculator / cash register, not me. Do it yourself. If your stupid computer doesn't make this easy, and you work in a restaurant, tell the manager to get a better computer. That's what computers are for, and a computer in a restaurant should make this easy. Maybe you should ask before you start taking the orders and make it easy on yourself.

Before you ask, please read the menu. Most of your answers are already there for you.
Uh, yeah, but unlike you, server person, I don't work here, so I have probably NEVER seen this huge menu before. A good server makes recommendations, they don't just stand there drooling waiting for me to read the huge book of a menu, and getting angry because I can't find things. Jerk.

Remember, you’re not the only table in the restaurant, consolidating your requests is appreciated.
Remember you're not the only restaurant in town. I give my money to restaurants and servers that treat me courteously, and treat me like a human being, not a cow at the feed box.

Make an effort to learn your Server’s name, this way when you need something, you won’t have to snap, whistle, wave, or call us “hey you.”
Ok, I agree with this one. Although, if someone is non-oral, it doesn't really matter. :mrgreen:

When you are finished eating, please leave promptly. We need these tables, especially when we are busy. By staying at the table, you’re costing us money, so please just be courteous.
Umm... I'll leave when I damn well feel like it. I paid for my meal and the ambience of the restaurant. I don't go to a restaurant to stuff my face and leave (that's McDonald's). I go to a restaurant to eat and to chat with friends / family. If I'm chatting longer than you like, too bad. Raise your prices if you don't like it. You're running a restaurant, not a cattle feed lot.

Please control your kids. When they dump out our neatly arranged sugars, we have to re-do it. When they throw food all over the place, we have to sweep it. When they run around the restaurant, we have to dodge them, which is a real safety issue and could be dangerous.
Well... I agree somewhat. However, understand that kids are kids. You were one too once. They're going to do stupid things like dump out all the sugar packets or make spills. If you've never had a kid, I think it's hard to understand how messy they can be, and how quickly they make messes -- especially when they're little. You can help control this, server person, by giving them crayons or other things to do.

If you have a problem with your food, please tell us before you eat it. Taking food back is not a big deal, we want to help you, but when you ate the entire thing, it’s tough to believe you don’t like it. So when we ask, “how is everything”, just tell us.
Ok, I agree somewhat. It's depends on how much food I eat before i tell you there's a problem. Sometimes it might take me a few bites to figure out something is wrong (like having hairs or bugs in my food). Or, sometimes a server will bring a replacement, and the replacement is equally bad, and then just leave -- what am I supposed to do, starve? Get up and leave? Understand that I might complain, even after I've eaten the food, because I had no choice -- you just ignored me.

Do not come in five minutes before closing – this is just annoying. By this time, we are ready to split.
Hmmm... I guess I assume that's what the hours posted on the door are for. Who told you closing time was the time posted on the door? That's for CUSTOMERS. I thought servers worked (and are paid) until the last customer LEAVES. Don't cop an attitude with me because I come in 5 minutes before closing. You won't get any tip if you do. If you're nice, I might tip you higher than 20%, because I understand that you had an expectation to leave a little earlier, but don't be presumptuous and give me a hassle. (See how the tip system works? It prevents bad customer service. That's why you don't ALWAYS get 20% tips. You earn 20% by being courteous, even when you don't feel like it.)[/QU

:bowlol: at "Dont cop an attitude with me because I come in 5 minutes before closing."

That's funny!

Ever gone to a restaurant with a group and asked for separate checks
but waitress says it's against the rules?

House rules: one check per table
This is not designed for the customers but for employee trust and

The best way to handle this is take the entire check amount including
tip and divide by group members. But what happens if one person was
planning to pay by credit card and the rest have cash? This throws
everything off balance. This person did ask for a separate check in
the beginning. See what I mean?
Ever gone to a restaurant with a group and asked for separate checks
but waitress says it's against the rules?

House rules: one check per table
This is not designed for the customers but for employee trust and

The best way to handle this is take the entire check amount including
tip and divide by group members. But what happens if one person was
planning to pay by credit card and the rest have cash? This throws
everything off balance. This person did ask for a separate check in
the beginning. See what I mean?

Yeah. In my opinion, the first question the server asks should be "How is the check being split?" That way, he/she can keep the totals separate from the beginning. If everybody did it that way, there would be no confusion. Their order slip should be a set of boxes (based on seats), and each time someone orders something, their box gets updated. Simple.

But then again, everybody has a job to do, so everybody probably needs to be a little bit flexible. If you're going to a restaurant and they don't ask you how things are going to be split up, anticipate that it might get messed up and try to be flexible.
Well the waiter or waitress can be very rude, who knows? I experience that before.

When my friend and I went to the Sharris resturant, one waitress didn't come to us while the resturant are empty, we wait for 5 minutes till we finally got on the table. We sat on the table and look at the menu for what we want. Then the waitress came to us and ask what we want, my friend was hearing, she told the waitress "Let me see", then waitress just left, then we wait for another 15 minutes. The waitress came back to us, finally, we order the meal we want. Then we wait very long time for the meal, and finally the meal arrived, we eat it and done with it. We was waiting for the waitress to come and hand us the receipt, but she didn't come so we decide to just leave without paying.
Well the waiter or waitress can be very rude, who knows? I experience that before.

When my friend and I went to the Sharris resturant, one waitress didn't come to us while the resturant are empty, we wait for 5 minutes till we finally got on the table. We sat on the table and look at the menu for what we want. Then the waitress came to us and ask what we want, my friend was hearing, she told the waitress "Let me see", then waitress just left, then we wait for another 15 minutes. The waitress came back to us, finally, we order the meal we want. Then we wait very long time for the meal, and finally the meal arrived, we eat it and done with it. We was waiting for the waitress to come and hand us the receipt, but she didn't come so we decide to just leave without paying.

Wow, are you in trouble for theft? like not pay and just leaving without paying.
whoever posted that is def dumb to know better that we don't have enough $$ for tip after finishing up at resturant :roll: need to realize that ecomony sucks right now cuz no thanks to bush anyways...
whoever posted that is def dumb to know better that we don't have enough $$ for tip after finishing up at resturant :roll: need to realize that ecomony sucks right now cuz no thanks to bush anyways...

If you don't have enough money for a tip, stay home and cook. U give the rest of us a bad rap!