Top ten reasons for customers at restaurants

Yeah, it sounds like a whiner who posted that. Probably a owner of the restaurant posted that.
:rofl: I had a good laugh on that top ten rules for customers.
Well, if they dont want my baby to make a mess then I wont come in and give them my business. I will stay home and cook. :giggle:
Well, if they dont want my baby to make a mess then I wont come in and give them my business. I will stay home and cook. :giggle:

Their business and not ours. ;) If ya know what I mean.
Well, if they dont want my baby to make a mess then I wont come in and give them my business. I will stay home and cook. :giggle:

They might make your baby do some sweeping. :rofl:
yep, that aint going to happen because we have the right to refuse paying them whether we like it or not.
I agree with most of the rules. I have had to wait longer because they were busy cleaning up an extremely messy table. I've also seen servers nearly trip over kids crawling under the tables and running like maniacs. Oh yeah, those pizza delivery men? They almost never get tips from deaf students and almost always get tips from hearing students from RIT/NTID. I've stood outside waiting for my pizza. When the delivery guy gives another deaf student the pizza, that student will expect exact change and walk away without tipping. When I ask them why they didn't tip, they usually say... "I just want the pizza. I don't care about the driver. Screw them." and walk away. :roll: Oh yeah, after 5 years of doing this... Dominos decided to include a delivery charge. Jeez.

What about problems with their food? I've seen people make excuses that are so stupid that they don't deserve to be in the restaurant in the first place. One guy I know ordered an appetizer and a dinner meal. After he finished his appetizer, his dinner meal arrived. Ten minutes later, that guy stared at his food and decided that he didn't want it. Basically, his rule was... "If I don't touch it, I don't have to pay for it." Another guy I know went to this shaved ice place and ordered one flavor. After eating 1/3 a cup of that flavor, he went to the counter and demanded a different flavor because he was tired of the first flavor. In both cases, I was there. It was a friend of mine. Of course, I yelled at them for it... but they just didn't get it.

So, I understand how some of these restaurant employees feel when their customers give them attitude like that.
Having been a former waitress, I can understand the server's side of it, and the customer's side of it, but guys, remember, they are doing you a service, and their pay is like 1/4 less than minimum wage, so basically, Tips are what they live on.

So any tips you give your pizza drivers, servers, or any food service worker, is actually helping them.
Having been a former waitress, I can understand the server's side of it, and the customer's side of it, but guys, remember, they are doing you a service, and their pay is like 1/4 less than minimum wage, so basically, Tips are what they live on.

So any tips you give your pizza drivers, servers, or any food service worker, is actually helping them.

Very true! My brother work pizza delievery, he spend all his paycheck on the bills and only live off the tips.. If he don't get any tips, he simply don't eat. Scary..
That applies to some states have minimum wage for waiteresses and some jobs that earn tips. For example, Kansas has a minimum of 2.69 per hour (dont remember exact amount) they need tips to help keep up with the income. Washington state is different, they earn the minimum wage same as everyone do, and they got extra money with the tips. The minimum is 7.93 per hour here.
That applies to some states have minimum wage for waiteresses and some jobs that earn tips. For example, Kansas has a minimum of 2.69 per hour (dont remember exact amount) they need tips to help keep up with the income. Washington state is different, they earn the minimum wage same as everyone do, and they got extra money with the tips. The minimum is 7.93 per hour here.

That's interesting, Sequoias and it begs the question, is the tip % rate lower there?
same here in minnesota.. its $7.25 per hour min wage.. and those waitress, waiter , delivery guys earn $7.25 a hour plus tips.
That's interesting, Sequoias and it begs the question, is the tip % rate lower there?

Good question! I haven't seen a waiteress here in Wa complain about a small tip, even for delivery drivers too. They generally are happy and don't mind whatever amount they earn.
Can someone pasted from this link over here that I can read because the link is not working?
That applies to some states have minimum wage for waiteresses and some jobs that earn tips. For example, Kansas has a minimum of 2.69 per hour (dont remember exact amount) they need tips to help keep up with the income. Washington state is different, they earn the minimum wage same as everyone do, and they got extra money with the tips. The minimum is 7.93 per hour here.

Yupp correct. My brother earn the similar wage as you said here.

Good question! I haven't seen a waiteress here in Wa complain about a small tip, even for delivery drivers too. They generally are happy and don't mind whatever amount they earn.

:rofl: same here, I haven't seen anyone complain about the small tip here in Washington neither..