RIM Officially Announced BlackBerry Curve!

~via BB~

Chick, Try my best to answer your questions... Anyway, I was right about the CURVE will run on EDGE, notice it from below:


My question, is it worth to have the wi-fi or the 3g even if it's edge isn't it not?? Makes me think to wait for the 8830 to come out first but the curve looks soo hot and lighter/smaller please advise thanks...
~via BB~If you felt not sure about wifi, you can read the article on site:
T-Mobile Testing Wi-Fi / Cellular Hand-Over, there you go. :)

For the requirements you listed, any current model BlackBerry will fit the bill. As far as is the CURVE the right one for you, I just suggest going to the BlackBerry website and comparing the 8100 or 8800 vs. 8300 and see which one you think will meet you needs more.

If you need any help/ feedback, just let us know. Good luck!
heheheh my girlfriend got me into this blackberry business like 4 years ago, it'll be my third one ...I had the 7280 first time it was cool and then 8700 blew my mind, my mom calls it "your hot boytoy" lmaoo.. MY g/f she calls herself.. the crackberry lol.. Yeah it's sure great cause of the video part to be able to listen to music and the memory card.. it's about the same size as the 8700 and 8800 is abit smaller..

my question is about the tethered modem, I'm not that familiar with it, suppose you can go on any computer to d/l what's on your bb such as at work, is that possible even though we use different system... just a thought..
I really can't think what's the difference between 8800 and Curve??

As you know it's BB OS not WIndows OS which is good cause some friends told me with Window OS it crashes alot.. soo that's good!!

thanks for the info..
~via BB~
Wow, chick, you use the blackberry for four years.. that is impressive.. the sidekick I've served for five years. My fiancee recently bought 8700, she dislike it and she switched her bb for my sk3. I using bb for four months.. you are bb user for four years and I am bb user for four months, didn't you notice "4"? Ha..

also question about pricing, is the curve about the same as if it was a "pearl" not the 8700 or 8800 ??
~via BB~

Chick, I wish know the price for 8300, we will find out the offical price for 8300 after WES (Wireless Enterprise Symposium ) in Orlando, Florida today, they will annonce it.

Lol, I got Windows Mobile 5 on my Cingular 8525. Yeah you got that right it does crash time to time. I wonder if Windows Mobile 6 will help with stabity issues. I don't think there's a BB that runs Windows, so you're safe.
~via BB~
sequoias, I honestly had once crashed on BB after downloaded IM+ from internet. Grr.. But my bb is doing great so far for 4 months.

If this rumor is to believed it, it looks like Dash owners will enjoy another full month of exclusivity. that informed them that AT&T's all smartphone won't be receiving the Windows Mobile 6 treatment until June.

Good luck.. ;)
what I found...

8800 (No Camera, GPS)
8820 (No Camera but WiFi and GPS)
8300 (Camera, no WiFi, no GPS)
8320 (Camera, WiFi)
83xx (Camera, WiFi, GPS)
9xxx (Don’t get me started)
It looks like it will be Q4 for me for the 83XX or the 9XXX from RIM. I need the Camera, WiFi, GPS, which to me should be standard on all smartphones now.

I'm thinking of waiting for the 8320 or the 83XX then, as most of the bloggers say the 8300 series keyboard is just like how the 7200 series use to be which I love than the 8700 I have now...
~via BB~
Wow, chick, you use the blackberry for four years.. that is impressive.. the sidekick I've served for five years. My fiancee recently bought 8700, she dislike it and she switched her bb for my sk3. I using bb for four months.. you are bb user for four years and I am bb user for four months, didn't you notice "4"? Ha..

~via BB~

Chick, I wish know the price for 8300, we will find out the offical price for 8300 after WES (Wireless Enterprise Symposium ) in Orlando, Florida today, they will annonce it.

~via BB~
sequoias, I honestly had once crashed on BB after downloaded IM+ from internet. Grr.. But my bb is doing great so far for 4 months.

If this rumor is to believed it, it looks like Dash owners will enjoy another full month of exclusivity. that informed them that AT&T's all smartphone won't be receiving the Windows Mobile 6 treatment until June.

Good luck.. ;)

OH you have the IM+ is it cool?? why do they still have ICQ in it grr.. I'm thinking of loading this IM+ cuase we don't have msn preloaded up on our canadian bb grr.. I know you have to pay one time fee right??
Well with my 8700 I really never had any crashes at all my friend who had a Treo told me his crashes too much so he moved to 8703e or g same BB OS.. I guess you are right about the carrier of these devices.. since 8700 uses edge.

My brother have a Tmoblie Dash which have Windows Moblie OS on it and it never crash for him either because he does not download and install different applications on it.

And more applications you download and install on your Smartphone or PDA more chance it will crash due to undiscovered bugs in applications or poorly written applications.

Applications can be like IM or different web browser or irc client or GPS mapping or Phone Alarm or etc anything like that.

It not the phone or OS crashing . It what you download and install on your phone that can cause crash no matter what OS - BB or Symbian or Windows Mobile.
OH you have the IM+ is it cool?? why do they still have ICQ in it grr.. I'm thinking of loading this IM+ cuase we don't have msn preloaded up on our canadian bb grr.. I know you have to pay one time fee right??
Chick, No, I haven't the IM+ on my berry since I deleted it off from my bb, because it once crashed on my bb after downloaded it from internet. they need fix glitches and bugs. I use Yak-on for now, its program that somewhat..

IM+ is great program applications but huge mb of IM+ eat your mb of data space. OZ can't beat IM+ applications program.

For you, I just suggest going to BEE JIVE, there you check out.

I don't own it. I saw it and test it at the mega mall in Houston.
No way, the Curve arrived there at the mega mall in houston.. thats fast! I find SUPER-hard to believe.. I don't know if you told the truth.. but you can shoot the new device at mega mall, then post this asap..

Oh wait a min, let me step back.... you mean you saw 8100 and test it?

8100's camera 1.3 megapixel:

is there gray in picture as above?

I do own high-end camera. sheesh. :fart:
Yeah, HAHAHAH! that is cool.. little off-topic, I just curious what kind of high end camera you have? my high-end camera is Canon 30D..;)
Chick, No, I haven't the IM+ on my berry since I deleted it off from my bb, because it once crashed on my bb after downloaded it from internet. they need fix glitches and bugs. I use Yak-on for now, its program that somewhat..

IM+ is great program applications but huge mb of IM+ eat your mb of data space. OZ can't beat IM+ applications program.

For you, I just suggest going to BEE JIVE, there you check out.

No way, the Curve arrived there at the mega mall in houston.. thats fast! I find SUPER-hard to believe.. I don't know if you told the truth.. but you can shoot the new device at mega mall, then post this asap..

Oh wait a min, let me step back.... you mean you saw 8100 and test it?

8100's camera 1.3 megapixel:

is there gray in picture as above?

wow that's pretty clear not from a professional but clear enough to fix it afterwards.. thanks for showing as I wasn't too sure if I wanted the camera included but then I have to be careful with my work as they aren't to allow cameras in the workplace so I have to be realllly careful... sigh.. thanks for the picture to view..

I think I'll wait for the 833X on lol.. maybe next year.. so saving up for that lol..
No way, the Curve arrived there at the mega mall in houston.. thats fast! I find SUPER-hard to believe.. I don't know if you told the truth.. but you can shoot the new device at mega mall, then post this asap..

Oh wait a min, let me step back.... you mean you saw 8100 and test it?

8100's camera 1.3 megapixel:

is there gray in picture as above?

Yeah, HAHAHAH! that is cool.. little off-topic, I just curious what kind of high end camera you have? my high-end camera is Canon 30D..;)

it's only on demo, unfortunately, I don't live in Houston. It's 4 hours away from there. Can't take picture to proof. Sorry. You can see the review saying that there is problem that show gray during medium light.

and I own canon SD400
it's only on demo, unfortunately, I don't live in Houston. It's 4 hours away from there. Can't take picture to proof. Sorry. You can see the review saying that there is problem that show gray during medium light.

and I own canon SD400

Just let you know that XBGMER is from NoCal.

He's just show a something about curve at mall in Houston.
T-Mob will arrive in europe sooner!


T-MOBILE from Germany, who can read germanic language? can you interpeter it on this post from what tmobile site says?

T-MOBILE from Germany, who can read germanic language? can you interpeter it on this post from what tmobile site says?

In German "Juni" means June

That's next month. Just hold tight and wait until it arrives USA. I understand german a little. I am thinking about Blackberry Curve cuz it have camera but not have WiFi ect.. And maybe Blackberry 8705e. I personally have Tmobile SK2 and my contract expired last year and I'm on month to month basis until I decide to sign up one of service that offer better rate. Sprint, AT&T, ect or back old Tmobile. I'm just picky. I DID check Blackberry 8800, It's niiice but .... Blackberry Curve ummh.. Let me hold my pant really tight (hope I didn't get wedgie) till It arrive and Let me see what everyone have their say.

In German "Juni" means June

That's next month. Just hold tight and wait until it arrives USA. I understand german a little. I am thinking about Blackberry Curve cuz it have camera but not have WiFi ect.. And maybe Blackberry 8705e. I personally have Tmobile SK2 and my contract expired last year and I'm on month to month basis until I decide to sign up one of service that offer better rate. Sprint, AT&T, ect or back old Tmobile. I'm just picky. I DID check Blackberry 8800, It's niiice but .... Blackberry Curve ummh.. Let me hold my pant really tight (hope I didn't get wedgie) till It arrive and Let me see what everyone have their say.

~via BB~
Catty, Many thank for translate it from german language. I really apperciate it! Yeah BB CURVE should be arrive Tmobile USA in July or Aug or Sept, I bet.

BBerry 8705e from Sprint, am I right??
~via BB~
Catty, Many thank for translate it from german language. I really apperciate it! Yeah BB CURVE should be arrive Tmobile USA in July or Aug or Sept, I bet.

BBerry 8705e from Sprint, am I right??

NO Problem man!

Next time, run 2nd browser and go to AltaVista and click "babelfish" . Choose German to English. This is fastest way for you to translate. Copy and paste and click translate LOL. I didn't do that on recent posting. I've seen "Juni" many time in past when I used to work for UTLAS (UNiversity of Toronto Library Automation System in USA) where I transfer data from library card to computer. Some are written in foreign language so I had to use language translator book often until I finally able to read and translate without it. I notice Spanish is easiest, French and Italian is okay, and German is a little tough (I've ever wonder how they pronounce that long words "Geschaftskunden" as "Business"for just simply short english version ROFL) Check this out German Tmobile T-Mobile | Mobilfunk | Geschäftskunden Portal

I betcha your brain crashed on German. Pretend you're in Germany right now and you have no such knowledge what the word meant LOL. Say "Gunbangdungen" and They'll look upon you like a purebreed idiot
~via BB~

BBerry 8705e from Sprint, am I right??

No, It's Tmobile. I looked through Deafpagers.com - #1 for wireless needs. It did show on listing BUT on Tmobile website, None!! just 8700g. In fact.. I DID saw 8703g on the list but few days later, I check again. It disappeared from the listing. Tmobile's Blackberry dept told me they DO have 8705 but not yet on listing. Sheesh Tmobile make it sound very confusing. LIke I said before, I'm gonna to hold my pant really tight (I hope I don't rip my pant LOL) until Blackberry Curve arrives. Actually I'm not in a hurry for Blackberry anyway as long as my old worn, beatened, bloated keyboarded Tmobile SK2 still alive and kickin'. :giggle:

In German "Juni" means June

That's next month. Just hold tight and wait until it arrives USA. I understand german a little. I am thinking about Blackberry Curve cuz it have camera but not have WiFi ect.. And maybe Blackberry 8705e. I personally have Tmobile SK2 and my contract expired last year and I'm on month to month basis until I decide to sign up one of service that offer better rate. Sprint, AT&T, ect or back old Tmobile. I'm just picky. I DID check Blackberry 8800, It's niiice but .... Blackberry Curve ummh.. Let me hold my pant really tight (hope I didn't get wedgie) till It arrive and Let me see what everyone have their say.


8800 (No Camera, GPS)
8820 (No Camera but WiFi and GPS)
8300 (Camera, no WiFi, no GPS)
8320 (Camera, WiFi) - probably will be out early next year.. (this what I'm waiting for)
83xx (Camera, WiFi, GPS)
9xxx (Don’t get me started

I prefer to have the 8320 than 8700 or 8800 cuz of the keyboarding is softer like the 7200 series... can't wait for it to come out!!!
8800 (No Camera, GPS)
8820 (No Camera but WiFi and GPS)
8300 (Camera, no WiFi, no GPS)
8320 (Camera, WiFi) - probably will be out early next year.. (this what I'm waiting for)
83xx (Camera, WiFi, GPS)
9xxx (Don

GPS is Optional for me. I'm good w/ map.

WiFi would be nice but service not everywhere under Tmobile, Sprints, At&T, Cigular ect.. I prefer w/ camera cuz I can take snapshot and send email to my wife and friends.

It's more likely I might get BB Curve but I can't guarantee it lol. If new BB come out w/ nice feature than that if I didn't sign up for service. I would go for it.
if theres a blackberry that's a pda with a slide out keyboard, I would buy it fer sure!