The floor is glass, would u dare to stand to look down?

Wow Kool!!! :P:)
I've been there cntower when I was young... but long time ages and hasn't there yet...
I would be nervous and seeing look down.. Yes I'm think I'm fall....
I might do it but I'd pack a change of underwear, just in case.........
Oh..I couldnt!!!!

I went to a skyscraper (somewhere in Phx..cant remember the name) that had a glass elevator facing outside. My friends thought it would be cool to ride to the top and I said sure not realizing the elevator was completely in glass even the bottom so we got on and I was too busy chatting with my friends to take notice until it started moving up. Then I looked down and I was like...WTF..u can see down! It was like 20 stories high and after the 5th story, my legs started shaking so bad and couldnt support me. I had to hold onto my friend and they were laughing. I wanted so badly to press the emergency button. I have a fear of heights!!! I took the indoor elevator on the way down.

I couldnt go up to the top of the Statue of Liberty due the spiraling stairs being so narrow and so high. My legs became like jelly when I tried going up so I had to turn around to go back down. :(

I did asked you if you wore a dress... I forgot to ask if you were without underwear?????
In a way.. i am scared of height... I could climb up in the tree or ladder.. but scared to climb down... I had fallen couple times... last one i climbed the ladder in the garage about 4 yrs ago.. i fell down.. cracked my butt.. i ended up in hospital.. no more climbing up!!!
I would imagine that if someone has a big diamond ring to cut that glass floor. The rings would might banned in that building someday, uh??? :eek3:
CN Tower has a glass floor, it's quite high. way higher than any of these pictures you posted.
Banjo, have you been up there? If yes, what was the feeling like for you?

8:57 PM
Banjo CN Tower has a glass floor, it's quite high. way higher than any of these pictures you posted.
Banjo, have you been up there? If yes, what was the feeling like for you?

Yes, I've been to the CN Tower. The glass floor really didn't scare me at all, in fact I thought it was cool that I got to look down from there through the glass floor.

The elevator ride, it's interesting how you can feel the air pressure especially on the way down when the pressure lightens. Wooo, what a weird feeling!
Looks just like the skytower here in Auckland lift and glass floor, jumped up and down on it too!!!.........and if your real brave you can get into harness and jump of the outside, cant remember how many mtrs high but dam high I can tell you, you can see the people jumping off screaming all the way down, mouths open, so can imagine the scream.
I do know that CN tower in toronto do have glass floors that you can see below your feet. My friend told me that he went there and saw that and thought it was cool.
Yah I been on CN tower glass floor, its cool, at first i was afraid that I would fall through cuz i keep thinking that the glass would not hold my weight lol, but after I seen 5 people on the glass floor together i knew I was quite safe lol.

I am the same as SxyPorkie, i love to climb up, but have fear of going down..