Need your advice abt this.


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Mar 5, 2004
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I want to ask you a question abt Sorenson installer. Maybe you can tell me if this person is right or wrong. Let me tell u the short story

Todd (fake name) went over to my friend Jean's house. He told her he went over for the service check and asked her why she didn't use VP often. Jean herself is deaf but have CI and use cellphone to make phone call to hearing friends. She have vp is because she can contact me often when she can. She used to have huge deaf friends but just me right now.

Anyway back to the point is - Todd told Jean to use vp/vrs more and forced her to use VRS right now front of Todd. Jean told him No. He said "if you dont use it. Ill take it away from you." Jean was like wtf?? He left.

Jean contacted me and told me. I told her go to to email them and complain to them abt Todd and his service also his attitude. I also told Jean to ask question to Sorensonvrs abt how did Todd know that she didnt use it much, etc.

I never heard that installer went over someone's house for the service check. Have you all had it before??
I want to ask you a question abt Sorenson installer. Maybe you can tell me if this person is right or wrong. Let me tell u the short story

Todd (fake name) went over to my friend Jean's house. He told her he went over for the service check and asked her why she didn't use VP often. Jean herself is deaf but have CI and use cellphone to make phone call to hearing friends. She have vp is because she can contact me often when she can. She used to have huge deaf friends but just me right now.

Anyway back to the point is - Todd told Jean to use vp/vrs more and forced her to use VRS right now front of Todd. Jean told him No. He said "if you dont use it. Ill take it away from you." Jean was like wtf?? He left.

Jean contacted me and told me. I told her go to to email them and complain to them abt Todd and his service also his attitude. I also told Jean to ask question to Sorensonvrs abt how did Todd know that she didnt use it much, etc.

I never heard that installer went over someone's house for the service check. Have you all had it before??

It is true... one of my friends who is vp installer... he told me that his boss checks every ip addresses to see if anyone use vp or vrs,,,he ordered my friend to go to that lady who never use vp for whole year... vp was taken away....
You must be kidding me?! No one show up here or at my parents' home for not using the vp too long... To taking the vp away. Our vp-100 here was not working pretty good due by d-link being not work correct and Sorenson-VRS being lemon. Also, my parents isn't using the vp-100 because of here vp isn't work good. :confused:
I got warning that they will take mine taken away.. Cause I don't use VP a lot like you all do. And we been looking the videophone at Best Buy for nearly 200 bucks.. They can take the VP away from us whenever they want to.
Wow I too don't think that's right either, I mean some may be just too busy being on VP, ya know deaf people got jobs too ...but geeze...
I think basically why they are doing this is cause this device is free to all deaf consumers. As it cost them money to make the device, cost them to pay someone to install it for you, it cost them interpreters to keep their jobs.. I think they want to give to someone thats very dependent on it for everyday.. If you bought it they wouldn't take it away from you. I think I can understand from their perspective that why keep something that you don't use that's collecting dust that would benefit others that needs it more... Just my opinion... (I wouldn't care if you do agree or disagree with my opinion) nothing is free anymore... we can't be selfish all the time... smile

We don't have it free here in Canada, but some people buy it on their own..

good day,
uhhhhh..I better use it more often then? I hate having to clean myself up so I can look presentable to others. :giggle:
That's very odd! I thought that our government pays that company to get the VP devices for free. Why it has to do with the interpreters? Do we have to pay the interpreters to be on VP if we don't often use it? How about if you tell them to dial at your house numbers so that you will see yours as a same face. That would be interesting. hee hee. Probably, it will not work that way, but I have never tested it before.

I'm on a waiting list to get one.
Yea I know.. I told Jean to email and explain to them the situation. So I will let you know what Sorenson say.

It is unbelievable.
Excuse me I have not heard about that situation. I do sometimes get email from sorenson to update or notified you about vp. So I have not heard about that they will take it away. Maybe DHB65 will clear that up for us.
No way! Must be hoax???

Yea I know.. I told Jean to email and explain to them the situation. So I will let you know what Sorenson say.

It is unbelievable.

Pls let me know too!! Cuz I don't use my VP very much due to my reason and I don't believe each things like that!! That Todd must be hoax or whatever u call it!! My gosh... pls find out if that is true or not cuz I have not have any plms with it since a year now... how could do that? Man!!

U got that right Vamp, I agree with u compteley 100%!!!

P.S. Actually I do use VP but not very often at all cuz of my work keep me busy so much...
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Obvouisly Todd is spy and checking all deaf people lives..
I do not approve this one.. stupid..

Does this company have rights nosy theirs... it's broke the violation their privacy rights!
yes its true i just foundout from vp installer at deafclub i was like wtf? many of us disagree with it... Sorry of what ur friend went thru.. redheadgurl :(
wow i never hear that before.. i dont use vp that much sometime i use vp when i am in mood...
i use the vp and vrs when i can and when i'm at work and this guy i know whos a vp installer says the ONLY time they will take it is when its not in use as in over an year OR at the very least using it for pornographic those are the only time they will take it and yes Sorenson does check ip users to see if anyone's used it. i use it maybe abt 5 times a day then i'm done. and if they take it away from me oh well thats fine i can use the computer IP relays i really don't give a damn.
Sorenson videophones are offer for free for all Deaf/HOH people even calls are free, if they're not using it often, or haven't in a long time, Why keep it? if not even interesting in using it anymore. That's my opinion. ;)