My stepson's big problem Laundry and stink


I love purple!
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Mar 27, 2006
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My stepson moved with us 3 year ago. He was 17 years old. I noticed that he never do his laundry. He had few shirt and jeans. His clothes were smelling so horrible. Also his socks are double stink. He didnt take shower much. My husband and I were working on his problem of laundry. I tried teach him how do laundry but he said he know how do it. I said then why cannot you wash them. He said he dont know why. My husband and I had to tell him to take shower, do laundry often. I thought it is not possible that he don't have any learning disibility (sp?). We contiute worked with his problem for two year. I had to kick him out for many reason one year ago.

He have a girlfriend. His girlfriend wanted talk to me so we chatted. I asked her how can you handle his stink like sock, clothes, not shower. She said she got used this and she had to do his laundry. They don't live together. She said he never never do his laundry so he smell so horrible. Also she told me that he have only one boxer. my stepson make me feel like :barf:. also she told me that her mother cannot stand him being stink at her house. She had to do his laundry.

I asked my husband do he think about stepson's mind have problem like disability. He said he dont know what wrong with him. I said I am very sorry for his girlfriend that she do everything for him. I am so suprised that she still love him so much no matter if he is so stink, is very lazy. etc.

What do you think about my stepson? He should know that he smell so bad. or his nose cant work? I cannot understand why he dont buy his underwear? He is now 20 years old. come on?

Please dont bash me because I didn't raise him until he was 17 years old. I had to tell him to take shower and do laundry very often. Now he have noone to tell him to do them.
Take him outside and hose him down with soap, that would give him a hint to take showers, and for his laundry, tell him if he doesn't take care of his clothes, You'll set it on fire. :mrgreen:
Take him outside and hose him down with soap, that would give him a hint to take showers, and for his laundry, tell him if he doesn't take care of his clothes, You'll set it on fire. :mrgreen:

lol, My stepson was outside. My husband hose him with coldest water. My stepson still never learn his lesson. We cannot set his few clothes on fire because He will be all nude. I dont want see his ugly nude!!!!!! lol
lol, My stepson was outside. My husband hose him with coldest water. My stepson still never learn his lesson. We cannot set his few clothes on fire because He will be all nude. I dont want see his ugly nude!!!!!! lol

:rofl: :rofl:
haha Cheri @ ghsh1996!!

I'm sorry to hear that, my oldest is 16 and I still wash his clothes, actually I wash everyone's clothes, and about him not taken a shower, hose him off :giggle: ...Sorry I know you rather to hear some advices, maybe talk to him about taken care of himself, cause his heath is more important then being smelly and dirty..... :dunno:...
Is your step-son obese (overweight)? If so, maybe take him to the doctor for a check?
My stepson moved with us 3 year ago. He was 17 years old. I noticed that he never do his laundry. He had few shirt and jeans. His clothes were smelling so horrible. Also his socks are double stink. He didnt take shower much. My husband and I were working on his problem of laundry. I tried teach him how do laundry but he said he know how do it. I said then why cannot you wash them. He said he dont know why. My husband and I had to tell him to take shower, do laundry often. I thought it is not possible that he don't have any learning disibility (sp?). We contiute worked with his problem for two year. I had to kick him out for many reason one year ago.

He have a girlfriend. His girlfriend wanted talk to me so we chatted. I asked her how can you handle his stink like sock, clothes, not shower. She said she got used this and she had to do his laundry. They don't live together. She said he never never do his laundry so he smell so horrible. Also she told me that he have only one boxer. my stepson make me feel like :barf:. also she told me that her mother cannot stand him being stink at her house. She had to do his laundry.

I asked my husband do he think about stepson's mind have problem like disability. He said he dont know what wrong with him. I said I am very sorry for his girlfriend that she do everything for him. I am so suprised that she still love him so much no matter if he is so stink, is very lazy. etc.

What do you think about my stepson? He should know that he smell so bad. or his nose cant work? I cannot understand why he dont buy his underwear? He is now 20 years old. come on?

Please dont bash me because I didn't raise him until he was 17 years old. I had to tell him to take shower and do laundry very often. Now he have noone to tell him to do them.

Go to Wal-Mart and buy liquid detergent then pour on his clothes and would make him to wash on himself, that remain me about what happened at deaf school when some students refuse to do laundry and refuse to shower, also houseparents told them to require to do it because school policy want all students to be clean and fresh, or they will write up and suspended at dorm.

If your stepson is hearing then why don't you send him to military service, just give a more pressure on him and would make more rights for him, also most job will REJECT to hire your stepson because of hygiene. It's not your fault since you had been raised on him so hard, that work so hard then no excuse to him.
Is your step-son obese (overweight)? If so, maybe take him to the doctor for a check?

I bet that he will get good benefit for send to weight camp with bunch of obesity people.
Is your step-son obese (overweight)? If so, maybe take him to the doctor for a check?

No, He is not. He is so skinny. I won't take him to doctor because he is 20 years old. It is his resonbility to go doctor to see what wrong with him.
haha Cheri @ ghsh1996!!

I'm sorry to hear that, my oldest is 16 and I still wash his clothes, actually I wash everyone's clothes, and about him not taken a shower, hose him off :giggle: ...Sorry I know you rather to hear some advices, maybe talk to him about taken care of himself, cause his heath is more important then being smelly and dirty..... :dunno:...

My husband and I talked with him and asked him why you let yourself strink? He said he dnt know. He always use " I don't know" all the time. He wore one boxer. I had to take him store to buy more boxer. I found out that he never wear those, he always wear same one that he used. We tried explain him that he has many germs, etc. We didn't allow him be dirty. My husband had yell at him all the time to get shower and do laundry often. He wont do it if we didn't tell him what do. We had to tell him every time! I dont know what wrong with him. I think he might be wacko? He is so insane!

Guess what? He work at Taco Bell. I will never eat anything that he work there. EWWWWW
My husband and I talked with him and asked him why you let yourself strink? He said he dnt know. He always use " I don't know" all the time. He wore one boxer. I had to take him store to buy more boxer. I found out that he never wear those, he always wear same one that he used. We tried explain him that he has many germs, etc. We didn't allow him be dirty. My husband had yell at him all the time to get shower and do laundry often. He wont do it if we didn't tell him what do. We had to tell him every time! I dont know what wrong with him. I think he might be wacko? He is so insane!

Guess what? He work at Taco Bell. I will never eat anything that he work there. EWWWWW

Ugh, I'm not surprised then can you complain to manager or boss about him? He can lose his job after you request that.

I think that he need alot of help and send to mental hospital, give alot of drugs to make him so calm down and start think about everything.
Ugh, I'm not surprised then can you complain to manager or boss about him? He can lose his job after you request that.

I think that he need alot of help and send to mental hospital, give alot of drugs to make him so calm down and start think about everything.

I dont want report his manager because I want him have job. Long story
Wow that strange. I never had a problem with my past stepchildren about the laundry or showering. Yea normally when they get older they will realized but for this one geez that is way out of date. Somebody need to give him a wake up cal.
Wow that strange. I never had a problem with my past stepchildren about the laundry or showering. Yea normally when they get older they will realized but for this one geez that is way out of date. Somebody need to give him a wake up cal.

Nick was in army for temp. He got kicked out. NOONE need to give him wake up. It is so hard.
I can tell from his behavior thru your description: He has a very low self-esteem. I suspect that he suffer depression disorder.

Depression is a mental health disorder! I would recommend him to go to see Psychotherapy to find out himself who he really is. Yes he need the help.
my oldest is 16 and I still wash his clothes, actually I wash everyone's clothes

Yes I wash my family´s clothes, too.

I support my famliy as the same as they support us with things as well which is great than force them to wash their own clothes. Each person entitle their opinion. :dunno:
My both boys are responsible for their own rooms. I don´t clean their room until they pick their dirty clothes or whatever up from their bedroom floor or tidy things up. I only get dirty clothes to wash from basket, not their floor. Sometimes they :pissed: because they need that clothes to wear... I told them how do I know that their clothes are dirty or not, they leave on the floor because they know where is wash basket, they put their dirty clothes to, don´t they? All what I do is not interfere things in their bedroom but ask them when will I clean their bedrooms then? They keep on say... tomorrow... tomorrow...tomorrow..... to weeks until their bedroom are dusted... They :pissed: because I do nothing... It took them hours to tidy their rooms and put dirty clothes in wash basket where I only get to wash... then I clean their rooms... After that, they did time to time now... It seem works (I hope so).

My friends share their experiences about their teenagers... They nagged them to tidy up their rooms and pick dirty clothes up to put in basket... etc....etc...etc... until teenagers grow up into adult and become different person when they move out and live their own apartment or married their partner... They clean their apartment like crazy and take care of themselves... My friends were like :eek3: wow...
Yes I wash my family´s clothes, too.

I support my famliy as the same as they support us with things as well which is great than force them to wash their own clothes. Each person entitle their opinion. :dunno:

Well I rather teach my son to do his laundry when he will be 10 years old. my husband and I learned how do our own laundry when we were very young. If we dont learn to wash our clothes until 18 years old then we will be very freak out and not know how do it. I think teach children to do laundry and chores on 7 age to up. My son know how clean his room, He know how put dirty clothes in basket and do chores. I still tell him to take shower.

But my stepson, No excuse, He is 20 years old. He never do his laundry that his mom did his laundry plus his girlfriend do his laundry. he dont live with his girlfriend!Huh? He don't want do laundry because he expect someone do it for him. He is so wrong because he is his own and he is old enough.
I can tell from his behavior thru your description: He has a very low self-esteem. I suspect that he suffer depression disorder.

Depression is a mental health disorder! I would recommend him to go to see Psychotherapy to find out himself who he really is. Yes he need the help.

I believe that he have something problem himself. He said he dont care about himself. ????
Well I rather teach my son to do his laundry when he will be 10 years old. my husband and I learned how do our own laundry when we were very young. If we dont learn to wash our clothes until 18 years old then we will be very freak out and not know how do it. I think teach children to do laundry and chores on 7 age to up. My son know how clean his room, He know how put dirty clothes in basket and do chores. I still tell him to take shower.

But my stepson, No excuse, He is 20 years old. He never do his laundry that his mom did his laundry plus his girlfriend do his laundry. he dont live with his girlfriend!Huh? He don't want do laundry because he expect someone do it for him. He is so wrong because he is his own and he is old enough.

Oh well, Just wait until he's turn in 30's or 40's then his health will getting more worse due poor hygiene at most time, that's not good but most important is taking care of body, such as hygiene then he can change his way, even bigger change for him. I know that some people are real pain ass and just take more time until they will be affected.

Why doesn't you make send him to mental hospital? I think it can be helpful for him.