big ?!!!!!!!!! on making a deaf baby?


New Member
Mar 4, 2007
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i am doing a project in school were i have to right a paper on a sertain subject. my subject is, "making a deaf baby"
i still havent chosen wether i am against it or for it.
i kneed anyones opinion on this subject.. are u against it? or for it? and why?

I dont think anyone can be for or against their baby being deaf..if it happens it happens and you have to cope..You also can't just "make" a deaf baby, if your deaf than there's a chance your child could be too but u dont just make a deaf baby, just like you dont make a baby handicapped or blind or even plain blue eyed brown haird child, if just happens and you should be happy and blessed with what you get.
I could rephase this question into a more harsh terminology..."Should Deaf people be allowed to reproduce?" If you look at it from that perspective, you can see it just looks wrong. The same with any people with a heriditary condition, like being unintelligent or ugly. I feel that you should be able to decide as a couple. I find it interesting you are undecided, but you are hearing. Is it wrong to be Deaf?
i am doing a project in school were i have to right a paper on a sertain subject. my subject is, "making a deaf baby"
i still havent chosen wether i am against it or for it.
i kneed anyones opinion on this subject.. are u against it? or for it? and why?
Wow.. What a stupid topic... no one plans to have deaf babies..... it just happens...
i am doing a project in school were i have to right a paper on a sertain subject. my subject is, "making a deaf baby"
i still havent chosen wether i am against it or for it.
i kneed anyones opinion on this subject.. are u against it? or for it? and why?

You're question makes it sound like its something as simple as deciding if you want to make cookies!! And I agree with SxyPorkie--it's not something you decide. Its something that happens, and then you deal with it.
I rather let it be natural. I can understand screening for diseases, but not for deafness. :roll:
i am doing a project in school were i have to right a paper on a sertain subject. my subject is, "making a deaf baby"
i still havent chosen wether i am against it or for it.
i kneed anyones opinion on this subject.. are u against it? or for it? and why?
What made you choose that subject? I am just curious. Also, are you deaf yourself or are you hearing? Thanks
choose to have a deaf baby??? what????

Ok, I don't know if it's just me or not but why would you want to choose or not. And as someone commented, perhaps maybe people could be tested for deafness or diseases but are you going to abort a baby just because they are deaf or have down syndrome? Personally, I wouldn't. I am a hearing mother with one hearing child, one deaf child, and another one on the way. Would I care to know before birth? What good would it do? They do hearing screens right before they leave the hospital so most of the time you find out at birth if you need to start teaching sign language or what not. In some cases, like mine, I didn't find out my son was deaf until almost two years old. But we deal with it, because we love our son and we don't worry about the next child being deaf because there are so many qualities my deaf son possess that my hearing son doesn't and just the opposite. That's what makes them unique, their own person.
I could rephase this question into a more harsh terminology..."Should Deaf people be allowed to reproduce?"

What sort of question is this? I find the post offensive and maybe this poster is having a laugh at our expense. I just cant believe that someone has posted this on AD.
Like what Sxyporkie says "no one plans to have deaf babies..... it just happens" is correct.
zam: could you be more specific? If by "make" you mean something along the lines of genetic manipulation or otherwise ensuring that a child is deaf, that might get a more nuanced response (actually, I believe there was a thread on that earlier this year or late last year - you could check the archives).
I just wanted to ask if you were paying attention in your grammar/English studies? Your profile states you are 16 years old, as I had to recheck it after some thought. Note the numerous corrections I have made to your script. :stupid: Maybe you are struggling to make a passing grade in Mr. Poston's class, so you threw a quick topic together, and headed out to hang at the mall. As you can see, without much effort to ask a reasonable question here, you have offended many. I am not offended because I have chosen to keep the world a less crowded place by shooting blanks into my Kleenex. I see you have not replied here to any posts. Did this topic grant you a passing grade? There are several others here from your class, and some of them appear to have actually THOUGHT about what to say. I still cannot believe this topic even got past your fingers. Read it again, and read how some members feel. Deafness is not a go back to your homies and share the chuckles, maybe puff on some bud and giggle at your wit...Just go away! :rl: Mr. Poston, please pass this fool, so he can take his comedy to another board.:deal:
i am doing a project in school were i have to right(write) a paper on a sertain(certain) subject. my subject is, "making a deaf baby"
i still havent chosen wether(whether) i am against it or for it.
i kneed(need) anyones opinion on this subject.. are u against it? or for it? and why?
I just wanted to ask if you were paying attention in your grammar/English studies? Your profile states you are 16 years old, as I had to recheck it after some thought. Note the numerous corrections I have made to your script. :stupid: Maybe you are struggling to make a passing grade in Mr. Poston's class, so you threw a quick topic together, and headed out to hang at the mall. As you can see, without much effort to ask a reasonable question here, you have offended many. I am not offended because I have chosen to keep the world a less crowded place by shooting blanks into my Kleenex. I see you have not replied here to any posts. Did this topic grant you a passing grade? There are several others here from your class, and some of them appear to have actually THOUGHT about what to say. I still cannot believe this topic even got past your fingers. Read it again, and read how some members feel. Deafness is not a go back to your homies and share the chuckles, maybe puff on some bud and giggle at your wit...Just go away! :rl: Mr. Poston, please pass this fool, so he can take his comedy to another board.:deal:

I see no harm to answer people´s questions... :dunno: I really don´t mind to have people who ask me any (I mean anything including annoy) questions... All what I do is positive their questions, no matter what.
You know, that is my usual approach. However, after some thought, I just got the strange feeling that this person does not really care about the replies, just passing his class. Therefore, why not ask something less offensive, such as "What TV show is your favorite?" instead of making an insulting question. It does not insult me personally, but I stepped up and spoke for many quieter people that had read this and just moved on. After all, I think this student was looking at learning SOMETHING from the question, but perhaps not whether a Deaf child is a bad thing. Notice all quiet on his part here, where is he?
I see no harm to answer people´s questions... :dunno: I really don´t mind to have people who ask me any (I mean anything including annoy) questions... All what I do is positive their questions, no matter what.
sorry if this isnt what you ment

having a baby that is born deaf is fine dont need to change that unless the child him/herself wants to (coclear implants) did i spell that right? but even then i hear those things dont work 100%, but if a baby is born hearing then leave it as a hearing child, dont force it into deafness just because your scared he/she wont fit in, it is your child and you shouldnt care what other people think of you child, they should accept the child hearing or deaf no matter what and the parents should be happy for what they have
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having a baby that is born deaf is fine dont need to change that unless the child him/herself wants to (coclear implants) did i spell that right? but even then i hear those things dont work 100%, but if a baby is born hearing then leave it as a hearing child, dont force it into deafness just because your scared he/she wont fit in, it is your child and you shouldnt care what other people think of you child, they should accept the child hearing or deaf no matter what and the parents should be happy for what they have

I agree with your ideas on acceptance, but just want you to be aware that a CI does not make a deaf child hearing. It makes them a deaf child with a CI.
Both of my children are hearing..there was a moment when the doctors thought my son was deaf and I gotta be honest here, I got butterflies and got all excited about it. I was surprised that I reacted that way...but no, he is not deaf and of course, I dont wish that on him but there was that fleeting moment that I was about to jump up and down for joy of having a deaf baby.

Anyways, I would never manipulate my child's DNA to match my needs. I would just let nature take its course. As for screening for deafness and I find out the baby carries the deaf gene, I would NEVER abort it. If people plan on doing that just because the baby is deaf, that is just plain tragic.

Deaf or hearing, both of my children will learn ASL and my son is signing a lot now. He hasnt spoken a word yet. My in laws are worried that by him signing he will be delayed in speech devolopment. Oh boy..:ugh:
I agree with those of you who found Z.A.M.'s question offensive but only because of the way he asked it and you understood it as. I'm in Mr. Poston's ASL class and we have discussions about some of the debates that have been going on in the deaf community. I'm going to clairify what (I believe) Z.A.M. was trying to say.
To raise the chances of having a deaf child, some mixed couples (one hearing parent and one deaf parent) and couples with both parents deaf have went to donors who were deaf. This would mean that the parents were "messing" with the DNA of their child so that the chances of being deaf may be increased.***The question is... is this wrong?

I personally believe no. Although I am hearing, I would think of this from a deaf person's point of view. If my entire family were deaf I would want to keep my deaf culture and want my children to experience it. If they wanted to be hearing later in life, they would always have the option of Cochlear Implants.

what do you guys think?
I find it odd that anyone would try to alter through donor sperm, to ensure deafness. Why not become infected with Rubella during pregnancy? That has worked deafness magic on many of the members here.
I agree with those of you who found Z.A.M.'s question offensive but only because of the way he asked it and you understood it as. I'm in Mr. Poston's ASL class and we have discussions about some of the debates that have been going on in the deaf community. I'm going to clairify what (I believe) Z.A.M. was trying to say.
To raise the chances of having a deaf child, some mixed couples (one hearing parent and one deaf parent) and couples with both parents deaf have went to donors who were deaf. This would mean that the parents were "messing" with the DNA of their child so that the chances of being deaf may be increased.***The question is... is this wrong?

I personally believe no. Although I am hearing, I would think of this from a deaf person's point of view. If my entire family were deaf I would want to keep my deaf culture and want my children to experience it. If they wanted to be hearing later in life, they would always have the option of Cochlear Implants.

what do you guys think?