Politically correctness.


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Oct 1, 2006
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I really hate it. It does more harm than good imo.

Not saying merry christmas because it -MIGHT- offend people is a perfect example of it.

It in no way is equal or respectful to others. It's a double-standard that hinders americans so forgieners can feel comfortable here. If they're offended by things like merry christmas they shouldn't EVEN be here. If they're offended by such things as merry christmas, chances are we're probably offended by something they do- Let's say someones an athiest and claims they're offended by such thing, but then maybe theres other people who are offended by the said atheist's goth look, example- pagan pendant. Should we ban that? No, they have every right to believe whatever they want as do we.

I say screw political correctness. If someones offended, too bad. It's been annoying, ever since post clinton politically correctness has became so widespread. Its actually taking away our freedom.

Everyone should have a right to say what they please as a holiday greeting, be it islam, christianity, chinese, whatever.

There are such bullshit laws nowadays and the jurisdical system lets idiots like OJ run free. It also lets people sue television companies, oh lets say a certian tv show makes a joke about a jew man then you get 300 jewish people claming they have emotional damage, PUH-LEASE!!! Grow the f' up.

I've been put through way more emotional damage than any lawyer ever sued for, I had my heart broke by women. I've had friends betray me, I've witnessed horrendous things such as a car wreck cause of a damn dog. Do I sue people? No! Only whiney little greedy fuckwits sue people for stupid things just because they want money. ok I think im gonna /end rant before i start cursing profusely and insulting everything wrong with the world today. -puffs and sighs- :iough:

I couldn't agree with you more about political correctness. Personally, I think it's gotten way out of hand.

When I was growing up, people didn't think twice about wishing someone a "Merry Christmas." Today we worry about offending others, so we say "Happy Holidays" instead. Every time I see a Christmas commercial (I'm sorry, a *holiday* commercial) that wishes people "Happy Holidays" or a "Happy Holiday Season" it makes me cringe.

Good ol' PC has even entered the educational realm. Since we don't want to damage a child's self-esteem, we give them an "A" for effort even if the quality of their work is below average. Whatever happened to giving a child the grade they deserve or holding them back a grade if they don't meet the requirements of their academic curriculum? Hard work and dedication never hurt anyone. It certainly didn't hurt me.

One of the things I have a very low tolerance for are those who try to be PC around people with disabilities. For example, I'm totally blind. Instead of calling a spade a spade (i.e. calling me blind), people use the terms visually impaired, visually challenged, visually handicapped, sightless (I *hate* that one :() -- the list goes on and on. If you don't mind, just call it what it is. Thank you very much. :)

Instead of worrying about how we might offend one another, perhaps we ought to start expressing how we really feel instead of hiding behind the BS of political correctness. :)
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PC is simply a way for the idiots of the world level the playing field...nothing more nothing less. Thinking is the most dangerous thing anybody can do and it must be stifled at all cost. Also, the truth must be sacrificed as well. The collective consciousness (aka group think) is the "truth" even when the evidence doesn't support it. Thus, confusion is the norm in a PC world. A better way to describe this is that reality is whatever is what one makes of it and there is no absolute truth. You might wonder why we have this "crap" around but it is easy to see why it came about.

This whole thing is more dangerous than most people realize. It is so easy to take over the system when this occurs. So many people don't know what they believe and what they stand for. When push comes to shove...they simply disappear when hard realities show up (witness 9/11...where were the idiots then?)

There are too many inanities with PC and I have no truck with it whatsoever. I prefer calling a spade a spade not something else for convenience sake. I say let the idiots live in their white ivory towers and ignore 'em. They don't have a blinking clue...not one.

One of the things I have a very low tolerance for are those who try to be PC around people with disabilities. For example, I'm totally blind. Instead of calling a spade a spade (i.e. calling me blind), people use the terms visually impaired, visually challenged, visually handicapped, sightless (I *hate* that one :() -- the list goes on and on. If you don't mind, just call it what it is. Thank you very much. :)

I so know what you mean. I eefin HATE it when people try to patronize me for being deaf, I usually want to dive at them and tear their throat out. "At least you don't have to listen to your parents arguing and the only good thing about hearing is music" <---- You don't know how much I get this. Well, maybe you do, I mean alot of the people here are deaf so I'd imagine they have at one point been told that.

A for efforrt? We're talking about overall grade here? Jeeze. I'd think "Nice effort but I believe you can do better" would impact them more and motivate them to try harder- if they already put out a good effort chances are they could of done better!

Yea, I guesss the only way to defeat it is to keep on being who we are and do what we believe in, teach our children these principles and on so forth. Still makes me pissy- because honestly I believe PC causes laziness and encourages you to whine to get your way. You don't like something and claim its offending, you'll get your way and PC will kick in. It's absurd.
For example, I'm totally blind. Instead of calling a spade a spade (i.e. calling me blind), people use the terms visually impaired, visually challenged, visually handicapped, sightless (I *hate* that one )

I am NOT PC at all and I am gonna tell you something. You can't see therefore you have no sight therefore you are "sightless."

A deaf guy complained to me that he was called "mute" because he couldn't speak. Well, here's the news... he IS mute. Mute means not being able to speak. I told him that it was an accurate description and he has NO reason to complain.
I really hate it. It does more harm than good imo.

Not saying merry christmas because it -MIGHT- offend people is a perfect example of it.

It in no way is equal or respectful to others. It's a double-standard that hinders americans so forgieners can feel comfortable here. If they're offended by things like merry christmas they shouldn't EVEN be here. If they're offended by such things as merry christmas, chances are we're probably offended by something they do- Let's say someones an athiest and claims they're offended by such thing, but then maybe theres other people who are offended by the said atheist's goth look, example- pagan pendant. Should we ban that? No, they have every right to believe whatever they want as do we.

I say screw political correctness. If someones offended, too bad. It's been annoying, ever since post clinton politically correctness has became so widespread. Its actually taking away our freedom.

Everyone should have a right to say what they please as a holiday greeting, be it islam, christianity, chinese, whatever.

There are such bullshit laws nowadays and the jurisdical system lets idiots like OJ run free. It also lets people sue television companies, oh lets say a certian tv show makes a joke about a jew man then you get 300 jewish people claming they have emotional damage, PUH-LEASE!!! Grow the f' up.

I've been put through way more emotional damage than any lawyer ever sued for, I had my heart broke by women. I've had friends betray me, I've witnessed horrendous things such as a car wreck cause of a damn dog. Do I sue people? No! Only whiney little greedy fuckwits sue people for stupid things just because they want money. ok I think im gonna /end rant before i start cursing profusely and insulting everything wrong with the world today. -puffs and sighs- :iough:

Oh yeah! Sure man, it's screwed!

A friend who worked for Walmart told me that he was even told not to say Merry Christmas but instead to say Happy Holidays. That's a politically correctness, none more. Gee!

Ah, welcome to the screwed American 21st century! :cool:
I mostly agree with what you said.

However, I resent what you said about goths being atheist. My girlfriend and I are goths and we're Christians. Most goths I know are Christians, and the one in my avatar is Jewish.
I say "Happy Holidays" when greeting strangers and "Merry Christmas" when meeting friends or families.
I say merry christmas to whoevertheheck.

Has anyone noticed the cans of Coke are labeled "Holiday 2006" ???

But, i'm pleased that Walmart is putting "Merry Christmas" back in the stores.
I am NOT PC at all and I am gonna tell you something. You can't see therefore you have no sight therefore you are "sightless."

That doesn't mean I have to *like* (or accept) being called "sightless." If someone calls me that, they will be corrected immediately and asked to use the word "blind." Hopefully they would have enough decency to respect my wishes and call me by the name/label I'd like to be called. If truth be told, I *hate* labels (I'd rather be looked at as a person first), but that's not the world we live in. :(
Fuck political correctness -- you're all hearing impaired. Deaf and dumb.

(this post was written to make a point. Political correctness is a good thing. If anything, it shows that people need to be more sensitive. If you don't like it, start calling yourself "hearing impaired.")
While I agree that political correctness can (and often does) go too far, I don't find it as offensive as some of you obviously do. I see it as a mechanism where people are attempting to be sensitive to cultural differences, and remain neutral.

Maybe it's regional. I live in a very mixed-ethnic part of the country (northern VA, very near DC), and you can never assume that someone you meet is Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim, or Atheist, etc. To me, Happy Holidays is the one way where you can wish someone well during the holiday season, and not "get it wrong". (Unless, of course, the person is a Scrooge, who isn't really a shining example of the holiday spirit.)

Personally, I think going out of your way to not offend someone is a sign of a sensitive individual, who wants to respect differences between themself and another person.

I'm an Atheist, but I don't get my panties in a bunch if someone wishes me "Merry Christmas". I'm aware that the sentiment behind the greeting is one of well-wishing, and I take that in stride. I also don't have a problem wishing the other person "Merry Christmas" back, since I know that it means something to them.

What I think is silly is how there are some folks out there who think that Christianity is being "attacked" because some other folks would rather use (and see used) "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas". To me, it has less to do with being anti-Christian, and more about being all-inclusive. Of course, I'm the kind of person who doesn't see the whole gay marriage debate as an "attack" on traditional marriage, but rather an opening up of the concept to gays and lesbians, etc. But that's a whole other argument. :)
I prefer to live in a world of the biblical correctness over the political correctness... surprised? It shouldn't be.
Fuck political correctness -- you're all hearing impaired. Deaf and dumb.

I understand your point, but I disagree. PC is just another way for people to create labels that make *them* feel better. For instance, I know alot of people who are afraid to use the word "blind" for fear of offending me. If truth be told, I'd rather have them use that term instead of the 101 alternatives they come up with. :) Call a spade a spade. After all, it is what it is and no fancy labels are going to change that.
I understand your point, but I disagree. PC is just another way for people to create labels that make *them* feel better. For instance, I know alot of people who are afraid to use the word "blind" for fear of offending me. If truth be told, I'd rather have them use that term instead of the 101 alternatives they come up with. :) Call a spade a spade. After all, it is what it is and no fancy labels are going to change that.

The problem is... some people take offense to what you nonchalantly coin as "calling a spade a spade", and some don't. There's no way to know who will be offended, or who won't... so I think some folks (myself included) will opt for finding terminology that isn't found offensive. I disagree with your assertion that this is done to make *me* feel better. I do it out of a desire to respect the other person, and treat them as I would like to be treated (ie., with respect).

I think it unfair to bash people who are only trying to be inoffensive. While it's true that the things that people say only have as much power to hurt us as we let them... the fact is, words DO have power - whether it's the power to inspire, to comfort, to incite, to denigrate, etc. When given the option, I choose not to offend. LOL, I'm sorry if you find that offensive. :eek3:
In the Genes.........right on! I don't get my panties in a wad over being wished Cherry Mistmas.. I mean Christmas HAS become very secular....but I wish people would acknowledge that there are other religions and beliefs besides Christian ones. I mean there are just so many beliefs/religions etc out there..........Diwali, ed Al die, Winter Solistice and so on..............
The problem is... some people take offense to what you nonchalantly coin as "calling a spade a spade", and some don't. There's no way to know who will be offended, or who won't... so I think some folks (myself included) will opt for finding terminology that isn't found offensive. I disagree with your assertion that this is done to make *me* feel better. I do it out of a desire to respect the other person, and treat them as I would like to be treated (ie., with respect).

Er...I have to disagree and I side with Hear Again. If we started worrying about who we will offend, we might as well cease communicating. As long as the word or phase isn't blatantly offensive, "calling a spade a spade" is a good philosophy. I think of the old word "retarded" comes to mind simply because it had lots of negative connotations whereas mentally handicapped was a much more reasonable alternative and not easily abused.

Lets take the phrase "Hearing Impaired". That offends some in the deaf culture. Why? Most certainly not because it isn't true from a pure definition aspect as they are either totally lacking hearing or have partial hearing in a world where hearing is the norm. Rather, the rationale is that they aren't missing anything from their perspective! This is an astounding and absurd statement to make in the face of overwhelming evidence that hearing is a normal attribute of life. It is true that sign provides a means to make hearing irrelevant for these people but it doesn't negate the fact that hearing is a normal expectation. In this case, it is offensive to some simply because it forces them to acknowledge they are missing something that most others have. It is not the case, typically speaking, that the term "Hearing Impaired" is used negatively against those who are but rather a statement of fact. I couldn't give a hoot if people call me "hearing impaired" as it is true. I got better things to do than get in a lather about a term that describes my reality very well. Unfortunately, this phrase and many others get "doctored" simply because a few don't like it. Well, I have this to say to them..."Life ain't fair and get used to it".
We'll just have to agree to disagree, but that's cool. :thumb:

I see no reason why - if I had a mentally handicapped sibling - I should go around introducing him to people as "my brother, the retard". I find the term highly offensive, and even if he could be clinically diagnosed with mental retardation, I still would never be comfortable using such terminology.

Nor do I think it necessary to (hypothetically) draw attention to the fact that a friend or acquaintance might have really bad skin, or who is bald, or who has a speech impediment, or who has a small dick, or a weight problem, etc.

Just because something might technically be TRUE, doesn't mean that self-editing isn't warranted, if only to spare the person who "fits the bill" any unnecessary embarrassment or grief.

Sure, some people could stand to have thicker skins... but conversely, some people could stand to be a little more sensitive.

I think, perhaps, the crux of our "argument" (where you and I don't see eye to eye) is how one defines "blatantly offensive". Which takes me back to my previous post, where I say: some people take offense to what you nonchalantly coin as "calling a spade a spade", and some don't.

For my part, I err on the side of caution. For your part, it would seem that you feel no such compulsion. More power to ya, brother.
The problem is... some people take offense to what you nonchalantly coin as "calling a spade a spade", and some don't. There's no way to know who will be offended, or who won't... so I think some folks (myself included) will opt for finding terminology that isn't found offensive. I disagree with your assertion that this is done to make *me* feel better. I do it out of a desire to respect the other person, and treat them as I would like to be treated (ie., with respect).

I think it unfair to bash people who are only trying to be inoffensive. While it's true that the things that people say only have as much power to hurt us as we let them... the fact is, words DO have power - whether it's the power to inspire, to comfort, to incite, to denigrate, etc. When given the option, I choose not to offend. LOL, I'm sorry if you find that offensive. :eek3:

As for your remarks above, I don't find them offensive at all. All I'm saying is that instead of people trying to come up with labels to describe others for the sake of being PC, I think they should respect the wishes of those who would like to be addressed a certain way. While it's true that I can ignore the labels people give me (i.e. sightless, visually handicapped, etc.) and consider those labels as a way of being sensative, I choose not to. If I had my way, I'd love to go back in time 20-30 years ago when PC was unheard of (or at least not used to the extent it is today).