My CI incision

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember at college comparing scars with a friend who has an even more intensive medical history then I do!
I actually have a scar like yours, but from canalplasty (reconstruction of ear canals)
A great looking incision! I can see you wearing your BTE tomorrow without much trouble. Mine was a little longer.
Yea me too! One morning someone posted about CI surgery. I clicked and watched it while I was eating cereal. I had no problem.


LOL, so you've got a weak stomach?

I can watch ER or Trauma: Life in the ER or any such show and eat my dinner. :D
awesome.. it sure look like it is healing nicely. :)

sadly i cant eat and view bad things at same time as i have a weak stomach. :(
Doesn't look painful at all. Pretty clean cut, looks like everything went well. I bet your ear feels like it's on fire/warm sometimes now?

Oh, and if you two think ER/Nip/tuck is gross try looking at tell me if that empties the contents of your stomach. :P
Ummm... Kinda interesting that CI doctors have managed to keep the scars to a minimum.

I was planning on getting CI 20 yrs ago but decided against it because of various reasons.

Lucia, hope you enjoy your CI when it works, Smile,,,
That is cool to have it in the crease - the scar won't even be noticable when it heals.
Its very neat isnt it.they were talking aout me getting a CI at the hospital today .But i think I would like to hang on to the tiny bit of hearing i have left for a while.
Lucia, I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well. As far as seeing some nasty stuff, A few years ago, I ate my dinner (hamburger and fries) while securing the scene of a fatal motorcycle accident where what was left of the riders leg looked alot like my burger!
I used to train new cops when they came out of the academy. I made a new cop sick when we had a dead guy that sat there in his apartment for about 4 weeks in the middle of the summer with the windows closed. After seeing the horror show inside, I went out to my car, grabbed my milk shake, and stood by the front door outside and drank my shake. You know its gonna be a nasty one when you can smell the guy before ya get to his house, then when ya get there, the window sills are covered with piles of dead flies.
Thenew guy said he couldnt stand to watch me drink that shake when he could still smell the dead guy. BTW, the dead guys face had slid almost all of the way off of his skull.
Sorry to those that have a weak stomach.

So, hows the activation going?
Lucia, I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well. As far as seeing some nasty stuff, A few years ago, I ate my dinner (hamburger and fries) while securing the scene of a fatal motorcycle accident where what was left of the riders leg looked alot like my burger!
I used to train new cops when they came out of the academy. I made a new cop sick when we had a dead guy that sat there in his apartment for about 4 weeks in the middle of the summer with the windows closed. After seeing the horror show inside, I went out to my car, grabbed my milk shake, and stood by the front door outside and drank my shake. You know its gonna be a nasty one when you can smell the guy before ya get to his house, then when ya get there, the window sills are covered with piles of dead flies.
Thenew guy said he couldnt stand to watch me drink that shake when he could still smell the dead guy. BTW, the dead guys face had slid almost all of the way off of his skull.
Sorry to those that have a weak stomach.

So, hows the activation going?

:lol: I actually am the one that has a weak stomach for SOME things. I can tolerate alot of gore, except plastic surgery procedures.

You're right, though..Seeing someone's face slide off their skull would probably just about do it for me! I have a problem with face lifts, and just lifts and generally. Something about having the face (or other body part) peeled back just gets to me!

But, I can handle just about anything else... :lol:
Is that a new trend for CI sugery? I have never seen an incision like that. Interesting...
Lucia, I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well. As far as seeing some nasty stuff, A few years ago, I ate my dinner (hamburger and fries) while securing the scene of a fatal motorcycle accident where what was left of the riders leg looked alot like my burger!
I used to train new cops when they came out of the academy. I made a new cop sick when we had a dead guy that sat there in his apartment for about 4 weeks in the middle of the summer with the windows closed. After seeing the horror show inside, I went out to my car, grabbed my milk shake, and stood by the front door outside and drank my shake. You know its gonna be a nasty one when you can smell the guy before ya get to his house, then when ya get there, the window sills are covered with piles of dead flies.
Thenew guy said he couldnt stand to watch me drink that shake when he could still smell the dead guy. BTW, the dead guys face had slid almost all of the way off of his skull.
Sorry to those that have a weak stomach.

So, hows the activation going?

Hey I remember leaving the library on 141 and Big Bend Rd. years ago passing by an accident scene involving a motorcyclist. What I saw was crazy, I saw a sheet covering what looked like a helmet with blood all around it on the sides...

This was before they built the new 141 and Big Bend overpass. Maybe you could look into the case and tell me if I really saw a head plucked off its body?

Anyway, Lucia, your incision looks great! You had a nice surgeon for sure.