Want to impeach Bush?

i am not talking about politics and I keep it to myself.
Oceanbreeze said:
There's one problem with this. WE can't impeach him! Even if we could, there's no proof of wrong doing. The website that is spearheading the impeachment campaign has absolutely nothing to go on, because, they don't have proof! It's all accusations, and you can't impeach on mere accusations. I'm sorry to say you're blowing in the wind.

Nice try, though.

WATCH ME.... Now, You are add to my watch list... :-o
pintnight said:
No, that's the stupidest reasons I see for reason for impeachment.

pfft. Why don't u go outside or enjoying with ur family?
Oceanbreeze said:
First of all, I doubt any President is going to release a nuclear warhead on any country regardless of how ruthless that country may be. Why? Simple. We aim nuclear warheads at them, and they (along with their allies) will aim nukes at us! No President wants to make a decision that could potentially start a nuclear war. It's not as simple as pushing a bottom and a country is annihiliated! In fact, while a good portion of the WORLD would be destroyed No one is gonna imbark on that lightly. Also, some parts of the world would actually be spared in a nuclear war. Some people would survive. Of those that did, the suffering would be immeasurable. No President wants that!

Harry Truman Dropped the atomic bomb on hiroshima.And that settled the japs down.And because of that they wouldnt dare ever EVER! mess with america again.
ravensteve1961 said:
Harry Truman Dropped the atomic bomb on hiroshima.And that settled the japs down.And because of that they wouldnt dare ever EVER! mess with america again.
u're saying this... well what acually happened first? japs bomb us.. we revanage them back bomb them.. then what happen next? look at ur history book not generalized.. but deeply into specific hisotry.....
Hey TrippLA, Sorry I am not going to sign up to make him kick out and tell me why?

I am not going to sign up for it and There is no such for this good reason to have Bush kick out and we are not responsible for it that who handles it by the congress and Capitol Hill have the power and they have a lot of evidences about Bush that he is doing the best job as he could do for america people and not let that happen again from 9/11 and Bush has to order soliders to have fight it back against them at IRAQ and AFHANSIAN too. The best he could do for us and he is not keep up impreachment the only speak it back those who want to hear from him. You got that?

We do not want to let it that happen from terroristic comes in USA and threat a lot of explosive equipments and they knows how to making the bomb by homemade bomb. I want Bush doing the best as he can do for us by protect our america lives. Lots of Iraq and Afhansian knows how to making the homemade bomb. Iraq has bought some poisonous deadly chemical mix with the bomb so it can spread a lot of people to die very fast. That is not what we want to die from them. You want us to die because of kick Bush out? You must think twice again. I know people are misunderstand mad at Bush because of approximately 1,400 from our dead soliders. Bush did try their best as he could do for us and more power defense at Iraq and looking for Bin Laden in Afhansian he is the head of controller by command followers to do it for him that how it happened to 9/11
and it really screw up so bad!

TrippLA said:
If you want him to kick out then sign up at http://www.votetoimpeach.org/

Good Luck :gossip:
TrippLA said:
Hell no... He's fucking idiot. :-o

Who? Bush? My comment was directed towards the fact that Condi Rice could become President if the Vice President couldn't take over.

But, no matter. I don't want to impeach Bush regardless of the fact that I don't like some of his policies. Reason:

You could get some other idiot in office that is worse than Bush is/was. Not to mention, we really can't impeach him. We don't have the ability to do so. That's the senates job, and you'd be hard-pressed to get the Republican majority to agree to it.
ravensteve1961 said:
Harry Truman Dropped the atomic bomb on hiroshima.And that settled the japs down.And because of that they wouldnt dare ever EVER! mess with america again.

That also happened in the 60s, It was also an ATOMIC BOMB. Not a NUCLEAR bomb. Nukes are far more dangerous. Especially, since a lot of our enemies also have them. Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Japan, because, he knew other countries didn't have the same technologies that we did. Also, as mentioned by Deafscuba. We were bombed first!

It's thirty or so years later now, and the scenerio is very different. I can only see us dropping a bomb if we are again, bombed first. That's the only scenerio I see in which the US would launch a nuclear missle.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you're wishing for something that's not gonna happen.
DreamyHawaii said:
I am not going to sign up for it and There is no such for this good reason to have Bush kick out and we are not responsible for it that who handles it by the congress and Capitol Hill have the power and they have a lot of evidences about Bush that he is doing the best job as he could do for america people and not let that happen again from 9/11 and Bush has to order soliders to have fight it back against them at IRAQ and AFHANSIAN too. The best he could do for us and he is not keep up impreachment the only speak it back those who want to hear from him. You got that?

We do not want to let it that happen from terroristic comes in USA and threat a lot of explosive equipments and they knows how to making the bomb by homemade bomb. I want Bush doing the best as he can do for us by protect our america lives. Lots of Iraq and Afhansian knows how to making the homemade bomb. Iraq has bought some poisonous deadly chemical mix with the bomb so it can spread a lot of people to die very fast. That is not what we want to die from them. You want us to die because of kick Bush out? You must think twice again. I know people are misunderstand mad at Bush because of approximately 1,400 from our dead soliders. Bush did try their best as he could do for us and more power defense at Iraq and looking for Bin Laden in Afhansian he is the head of controller by command followers to do it for him that how it happened to 9/11
and it really screw up so bad!
No Bush is not protecting us from terrorists and he went ahead and invaded Iraq for no reason (there is no WMD, he lied, there is no terrorist, he lied, Bush created Terrorist there in Iraq, He caused Iraq to become breeding ground for Terrrorist = Insurgents) He took troops to Iraq and thousands died at the hand of terrorist. There were no protections! The constitution says "We, The People, Of the United State of America" so therefore, we have the voice above Bush so we can take him out of White House and put in a good one. Both election were rigged and fraud. Bush is fraud so are all of his White House Cabinet members! You can see the patterns. I bet you all enjoyed 8 yrs of Clinton presidency regardless of Monica Lewinsky (she should have stayed out of White House after she got transferred to Pentagon or Quit the govt job alltoghter! Then Clinton would be able to focus on terrorists in Afghan. ) as much as I enjoyed before Bush 2nd came along and mucked everything up big time. This 8 yrs of Bush 2 presidency is your HELL! Why should we suffer under him! sheesh.. That's why we, Dem, are working hard to make things right while Rep. are trying to do stupid things.

Hope you all had great sunday! eh!
I just watched the History channel last night on Atomic bomb. It is very interesting! After the drop of Atomic bomb, relationship between America and Soviet became sour! That is when cold war started! Soviet were so mad at America for finishing the war before they can get involved.

IMHO It is TERRRIBLE mistake, the man's most UNTHINKABLE decision was made to drop the A bomb. I wish this bomb would never dropped so we can spare the fear of 20 other countries who now have the atomic bomb on hand!
Truman is the worst president I ever know of. Thinking dropped the bomb would save lives? I find it illogical because suppose one of these 20 countries decide to drop another A bomb, more people would get killed, so Truman's meaning of saving lives is ABSURD!

DeafSCUBA98 said:
u're saying this... well what acually happened first? japs bomb us.. we revanage them back bomb them.. then what happen next? look at ur history book not generalized.. but deeply into specific hisotry.....
Whats difference between Atomic Bomb and Nuclear? Both of them made same product and have same kind of effect! Nuclear is just another meaning of Atomic. World's first Atomic bomb have Uranium in there, Second one has Plutonium Nuclear have Uranium, and plutonium in there too. So no difference.
Same with Nuclear power plant, they are using either Uranium or plutonium. The other kind of Atomic bomb we haven't seen is Hydrogen bomb. Who knows its potentials. I'd rather not to find out.

Oceanbreeze said:
That also happened in the 60s, It was also an ATOMIC BOMB. Not a NUCLEAR bomb. Nukes are far more dangerous. Especially, since a lot of our enemies also have them. Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Japan, because, he knew other countries didn't have the same technologies that we did. Also, as mentioned by Deafscuba. We were bombed first!

It's thirty or so years later now, and the scenerio is very different. I can only see us dropping a bomb if we are again, bombed first. That's the only scenerio I see in which the US would launch a nuclear missle.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you're wishing for something that's not gonna happen.
diehardbiker65 said:
I'd rather not to find out.

I'm with you on that. I was merely pointed out to Steve how flawed his logic is. My point is just what you said. Nobody wants to find out, so any President we end up with would be hard pressed to launch a bomb. They know what would potentially happen. This was my point, and I think you and I can agree that in the event of an attack, the outcome would not be pretty. It doesn't matter what type of bomb was being dropped.
Scary how would other countries who have the Atomic power would react IF we dropped the A. Bomb. Especially Pakistan, they are very strong muslim and they had tested atomic bomb during clinton administration! Their test came out with success. So, now Patistan have the bomb and would backfire with us if we dropped these bomb in Iraq. The risk is way too great!
I am not sure if Syria have similiar situation

Oceanbreeze said:
I'm with you on that. I was merely pointed out to Steve how flawed his logic is. My point is just what you said. Nobody wants to find out, so any President we end up with would be hard pressed to launch a bomb. They know what would potentially happen. This was my point, and I think you and I can agree that in the event of an attack, the outcome would not be pretty. It doesn't matter what type of bomb was being dropped.
diehardbiker65 said:
I just watched the History channel last night on Atomic bomb. It is very interesting! After the drop of Atomic bomb, relationship between America and Soviet became sour! That is when cold war started! Soviet were so mad at America for finishing the war before they can get involved.
No. The US/Britian never trusted the Soviets and vise-versa. They knew the Soviets wanted to expand into western europe and the far east. Stalin knew the US had a atomic bomb and the US been working on it since the begining because there was a Soviet spy in the manhatten project. So, in effect, the cold war started as soon as Germany surrendered.

diehardbiker65 said:
IMHO It is TERRRIBLE mistake, the man's most UNTHINKABLE decision was made to drop the A bomb. I wish this bomb would never dropped so we can spare the fear of 20 other countries who now have the atomic bomb on hand!
Truman is the worst president I ever know of. Thinking dropped the bomb would save lives? I find it illogical because suppose one of these 20 countries decide to drop another A bomb, more people would get killed, so Truman's meaning of saving lives is ABSURD!
The US was planning to invade Japan with a force of over 1 million soliders (way way way more than D-Day in France). The death toll from the Japan invasion and the continuing fighting on Japan would have been way more due to the deaths on many more civilians, Japanese soliders, Allies soliders. Truman did not want the Soviets to be part of the Japan land invasaion since Stalin would have demanded that Japan be split up.
diehardbiker65 said:
Scary how would other countries who have the Atomic power would react IF we dropped the A. Bomb. Especially Pakistan, they are very strong muslim and they had tested atomic bomb during clinton administration! Their test came out with success. So, now Patistan have the bomb and would backfire with us if we dropped these bomb in Iraq. The risk is way too great!
I am not sure if Syria have similiar situation
I really don't believe the US will never drop another nuclear bomb due to it's horrible aftermath. The terrorists I can see blowing up one, but the US won't retaliate with a nuclear bomb.
Me too, at least I can hope this will never happen again.

Your right about Truman don't want Soviet to be part of Jap invasion, thus would end up split on Japan country. That is what the History channel explained.

Yes your right Stalin knew something America have in the making. But said, "Hope you can make good use of it" to Truman. Truman should have SHUT THE FUCK UP in the first place. That is why I don't like Truman at all, and support FDR, as FDR already knew the consequences if drop the bomb. But FDR is wrong for NOT sharing with Truman while he was in office. Maybe FDR thought by shut the fuck up would work, but forgot that once he dies, somebody else is gonna to find out which was Truman.

pintnight said:
I really don't believe the US will never drop another nuclear bomb due to it's horrible aftermath. The terrorists I can see blowing up one, but the US won't retaliate with a nuclear bomb.
I would like to add this, I think Bush did the right thing about war on Iraq, many of you don't realize that back in early 90's when Iraq invaded Kuwaiti. Bush's dad was pissed off and decided to get involved and pushed Iraq out of Kuwaiti, then Saddam agreed to surrend on the term that Saddam will destroy all WMD. Bush's dad agreed to this agreement and ease fire. Plm is, once ease fire occured, Bush's dad is waiting for Saddam to clean up the WMD, and get rid of it. What did Saddam did? All he did was playing games all along while Clinton was in office. Refused the inspector to check out for any signs of WMD. Was like playing games, the suspecison esclated making Bush more nervous because Saddam failed to abide the agreement that his father had made with Saddam. I think Bush's Dad should have never stop the war with Saddam and get his ass in Americas hand so we won't have to deal with 9-11.

The truth is, if Saddam had cooperated, we won't be in this mess. I am not sure WHY Saddam refused to cooperate in the first place. If there is no WMD, then why Saddam refused to cooperate? This is real mystery to me. I know Saddam is trying to get power with black goldn (Oil) and abuse them for his benefit. There was an agreement with WTO that Saddam is to sell oil for food only. But, Saddam really used money from oil sales on his palace and other luxurious stuff and ignore poor Iraqis needs. That is other grudge that America gov't have for Saddam.