11 foot 8 bridge


In Hazzard County
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Nov 30, 2005
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There is many videos in YouTube. Many box trucks (rental or company) some RV's ignore the sign and proceeded to go under the railroad bridge.

This takes place in North Carolina... here is some info and history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/11_foot_8_Bridge

There is website 11foot8.com where they set up 2 cameras for different angles in that intersection and call it "Can opener"

One example video:

Another example... one of the worse damage...

It looks to me like (just from what is posted here) the rental companies are not doing a good job of telling those that rent just how tall their trucks are.
It looks to me like (just from what is posted here) the rental companies are not doing a good job of telling those that rent just how tall their trucks are.

All rental trucks have height clearance posted on their trucks. It's the driver's responsibility to check for clearance.

This is posted behind the driver on the side which can be viewed on the side mirror:


All rental trucks have height clearance posted on their trucks. It's the driver's responsibility to check for clearance.

This is posted behind the driver on the side which can be viewed on the side mirror:



It appears from that that the key is "can be" but that it is not. Or they are going through with very little lea-way and hitting a bump that then gets them caught.
It appears from that that the key is "can be" but that it is not. Or they are going through with very little lea-way and hitting a bump that then gets them caught.

In the video... the drivers were warned about the overheight at stoplight and the stop lights turns red to give them time to think twice. But they ignored that and are negligent to go under the low clearance bridge. Driver's fault.

When you drive a box truck, you are responsible to be aware of surroundings (trees, low clearance building, etc) for clearance. This is no brainer.
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It appears from that that the key is "can be" but that it is not. Or they are going through with very little lea-way and hitting a bump that then gets them caught.
There is no such thing as a "can be" when driving a truck like that. Either you can fit, or you can't. There are no bumps THAT big.
It appears from that that the key is "can be" but that it is not. Or they are going through with very little lea-way and hitting a bump that then gets them caught.
No, it's stupidity on the driver's part for ignoring all the warnings.

We have a couple of bridges near me that people try to get through in trucks. It's usually in the fall and spring as kids return to college or leave college. Plenty of warnings - from the truck rental places and at the bridges. I know for a fact that the truck rental agencies around here specifically tell renters NOT to drive on a certain road because of the low underpass...but do the driver's pay attention???
Another truck bites the dust yesterday...

And that one says Enterprise. I'm guessing a rental truck? Uh oh!
And that one says Enterprise. I'm guessing a rental truck? Uh oh!
Yeah, people who rent trucks have no clue how to drive tall trucks.
We have a bridge that's near the University so a lot of rentals try to use that road. The truck rental places around here specifically tell the people to NOT use that road, but people still do.
The latest signs for that road and others around here say "Your truck WILL NOT fit"
Yep and renter is going to have a big bill for the damage.
Salina st. in Syracuse NY has a bridge that has been repeatedly hit over the years because of it's 10'9" clearance. On 9/11/2010 four people were killed when a double decker Megabus ignored the numerous warnings and ran into the bridge taking the top off the bus.
Yesterday, a speeding truck ran a red light and you know the rest...

That's an old video. I've seen this one before. But omg, you'd think people would look at the height restrictions.
There's an old Guatemalan joke about truckers. they pull up to a bridge like that and the helper gets out to look around. He climbs back in and says, "It's ok. No cops around. go for it!"
That's an old video. I've seen this one before. But omg, you'd think people would look at the height restrictions.

There was same rental trucks in previous videos, but this one was uploaded the other day with the date and crash number at the beginning of the video. :)

This Youtuber set up 2 cameras in this intersection for different angles and whenever the crash occurs, he uploads it in youtube. :)