Opinions on legalized marijuana

Thanks for clarification.

See bold? That's exactly what I said. I'll hold your hand through what I just said.

Please observe. I said "Just a heads up." I was merely informing you of the following:
They're debating if it has been an ongoing issue that we didn't know about because patients didn't want to share that they were partaking in illegal activity and now it's legal they're more readily to share or if it is due to legalization and increased amounts.
You see. You said the exact same thing. Studies weren't sufficient until now. And it still is not sufficient but the data that is coming in now is telling. Hospitals are reporting visits that are related to marijuana use. I went further to specify edibles.

I never said no to marijuana. I was merely giving you some information.

Then you went off acting like an ostrich with his head buried in the sand wailing blindly in the air.

Colorado established laws regulating how much THC a piece of edible can contain which is a direct result of the reported ER visits.

Now hospital visits where users claim to be anxious, hyperventilating, extreme paranoia, anxiety attacks that lead to psychotic state, etc are on the rise to the point users feel like they're dying.

Note: I haven't said marijuana has killed anyone yet. There has been a few deaths associated with marijuana, but no definitive claim that it directly has killed anyone yet.

But back to my original point. Consuming anything in excessive amounts isn't the brightest idea. It can lead to harmful effects.
Language teachers are expected to interact with the cultures they represent. They usually make at least one trip to the countries where their languages are in use. Students expect their language teachers to be knowledgable about the cultures that use their languages.

If I had a teacher for Russian language I would expect that teacher to know about the Russian culture and history, and to have made at least one trip to Russia.

So, I would expect my ASL teacher to be involved with the local deaf community, be well-versed in deaf history and culture, and be current on issues that involve the deaf community. I would expect that teacher to know about current technology and laws that impact deaf people.

Have you been "medicated" recently? :giggle:
Sad thing is the government has money to do all of that they just don't want to. I'm a homeless disabled vet and up until 2 weeks ago I was sleeping in my car until I finally was able to get to my moms. The government just doesn't want to help
I don't get it. You should have received vet benefits to support yourself. If that is not enough, apply for SSI as long as you are not able to work due to your disability. Really sorry to hear about it. The government MUST pay you. That's the law.
Meaning, what about pot users who find that after a while pot doesn't satisfy them, so it is easy to move on to stronger drugs. Pot opens the gates to accepting harder drug use.

That doesn't mean every pot user will move up to harder drugs but most hard drug users do start out with pot rather than plunging in directly to the hard stuff.


This web site said that 'alcohol' is the 'gateway drug' . I seen students in fronts of the high school drinking alcohol , they have someone buy the little
bottles and the kids take a drink before class . The alcohol smell can be passed off as a 'cold med'. I had to be careful walking Finlay pass the high school b/c there much so broken glass from the students throwing their empty bottles on the sidewalk. The bottles are so small making it very easy for the kids to hide while drinking the alcohol .
Wish alcohol is banned! :ugh3:

I wish stupidity was banned , it's stupid people that get drunk and drive and kill people. I do not drink but I know people that like to have a glass of wine or beer with their meal and they're not harming anyone. I did not even realize a neighbor of mine that lives in the same building drink beer until I saw him bring some home. I never smelled it on him and smell just fine. First people want to ban guns , now it alcohol, what next cars ?
I wish stupidity was banned , it's stupid people that get drunk and drive and kill people. I do not drink but I know people that like to have a glass of wine or beer with their meal and they're not harming anyone. I did not even realize a neighbor of mine that lives in the same building drink beer until I saw him bring some home. I never smelled it on him and smell just fine. First people want to ban guns , now it alcohol, what next cars ?

Nah. Oxygen.
I research everything I talk about cause if not what's the point on speaking about someone you no nothing about.

Marijuana has been around since 8000BCE. Before the Indians and never has someone died from it. The Indians burned it in meditation to be with there inner bodies to speak to the spirits for guidance and wisdom.

Just like anything else there will be rules of purchase but that does not mean a minor won't get their hands on it just like alcohol, cigarets, and other drugs out there. Not saying it's ok but it's the fact of the truth.

Their are plenty of harsh things in this world that are a lot more harmful than weed. I have a manic rage disorder from my TBI and I'm more harmful to others if I'm all worked up with out weed. But when I smoke I'm no harm to anyone.

I have driven on weed and never had even close to an accident it actually makes you more focused. I have never overdosed and I have done a lot of it in one day especially when I'm in pain.

It's not addictive like prescription drugs can be it's nothing you would have withdraws from so you body doesn't crave it. I have friends who during their pregnancy their doctors told them to smoke cause they could not eat anything. Not one case of a defect of a baby had been reported and that has been going on before anyone of us or parents were thought of.

People are sort of brain washed when it comes down to it since we were told for so long how bad weed is so it's stuck in people's heads that if someone smokes weed they are bad people or lazy. That's all crap. It's just one other thing on the list the government wants control over.

I'm mostly Native American from listening to my grandma who is 100% Native American it looks like when this land was invaded and tore down that others were just determined to have control that wasn't theirs in the first place.

Do your research and then try and say that it's harmful or it's just a law set just for the hell of it. This world is sadly only about money and bottom line is when the federal government can figure out how to capitalize on it then it will be legal everywhere. But since you can it in you house or back yard that's where the issue is.
Honestly when I was 25 yrs old, I took Angel Dust and I was stoned. Unimaginably, my 50 yrs old friend who smoked it, too was able to drive us to a deaf club. He could handle it. So it depends on the quality of weed and an individual.
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Honestly when I was 25 yrs old, I took Angel Dust and I was stoned. Unimaginably, my 50 yrs old friend who smoked it, too was able to drive us to a deaf club. He could handle it. So it depends on the quality of weed and an individual.

would love to see him getting pulled over by cop. I have no mercy for DUI.
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Honestly when I was 25 yrs old, I took Angel Dust and I was stoned. Unimaginably, my 50 yrs old friend who smoked it, too was able to drive us to a deaf club. He could handle it. So it depends on the quality of weed and an individual.

You do no angle dust is laced with PCP right. That is not what I'm support by any means. That can cause seizures and death and harm to others.
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would love to see him getting pulled over by cop. I have no mercy for DUI.

My dad once got pulled over for DUI and this was when it was easy to pay a cop off so had did so and the cop let dad go. My mom and I where also in the car and I was angry the cop did not did not have someone drive us home . Dad was an old man and driving drunk. When we got home I was going to report the cop , I got his badge # but my mom was worried the cop and dad would get in trouble . HELLO ! I could of care less , I would rather have my dad be piss off at me than dead .
I say we get Frisky Feline and AlleyCat high then do a study about the effects of marijuana on cats :hmm: