Time to buy book for college...


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Oct 10, 2013
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So I made my numbers I need 972 dollars to buy my books (I do have it cuz ive been doing some random stuff) but how do you buy the books? It seems overly priced exoecially wen you end up never using the book...
You go on Ebay and find it used if you can. :D Or go to the book store they usually have on campus and buy a used book there. ( They have them on many college campus grounds. )
What in Hells toilet are you taking in college to buy books for that price? How many books are you getting for that? :hmm:
That's not really bad for 11 books! Plus, you get to resell them back to the store if you take care of them well enough! So think of it as a loan really as you'll get a decent amount for the books back like I said. :P I usually get very close and sometimes all of the money back I spent on a book. ( I just make sure to take reaaaaaaally good care of them. ) :P
oo not here. they don't get the books back. and in rare occasion they do..if a book costed lets say 200 dollars they will give me 20...at most 30 back even fi I have never used the book and its in the plastic wrap.... so I sell them in amazon most of the time!!
So I made my numbers I need 972 dollars to buy my books (I do have it cuz ive been doing some random stuff) but how do you buy the books? It seems overly priced exoecially wen you end up never using the book...

oh my lordddddyyyyyyy! I've been giving same tips to friends in that same predicament for a long time and I just did a few days ago.

1. knowing in advance what courses you'll take will help save you money because you will know what textbooks will be required. you'll be able to snatch up cheaper used books in advance before supply runs out.

2. rent it from amazon. much cheaper.

3. find e-books

4. do not sell back textbooks to college bookstore.... major rip-off! you'll make more by selling it online.

5. maybe half of time - your courses would barely touch textbooks so use your best judgment to buy it or not. you can wing it by going to college bookstore and read it there. my friends at RIT took a business course and had to buy 3 books. It's not a textbook but a reading book. I easily rented it out from my local library. and the professor didn't even touch 1 book and barely touched other 2 books. sad... that's like $100 total worth.

6. if you have friend who has taken that course... ask to borrow it.

7. some textbooks may be available at college library or local library. it may be couple editions old but it's largely same thing anyway as new edition. usually a new edition has only few new pages and maybe some corrections so just ask your classmate to borrow a book so that you can xerox it. or you can ask your professor to borrow it - best to do it at his office during office hour because a copy machine is usually nearby.

8. find textbooks from ebay, half.com, or wherever.

good luck!
thanks for the advice. Exceot for one teacher, I do know ill need my books, and I had planned....but I thought it would be 500 dollars...other than that yup college libraries do rip you off..i learned my lesson the first semester. I gues si don't rent or get e-books cuz I sell my books so I can use that same money to get next semester books. BUt seems price of some I might consider ti after all...
Barnes & Noble has used books too you can find online ... I helped an ex with a college class and needed the same textbook for the course and found it there for 1/3 of the cost of a new one and it was still like new ... the website will have options to buy new or used books once you find the specific title your after.
I never thoguth fo that one either....iill look into it!!! (I would prefer to go to one, ive never been on one)
You'd have to have an account with B&N to do that but I ordered the one I needed that way ... but it isn't always B&N itself selling used books online they have other sellers and allow them to list their stock on the website ...
One of my friends is taking a fingerspell course and 2 books are $200!!! Yes, this is for fingerspelling class!! I always support people wanting to learn ASL, but $200 for 2 books looks like a lot especially just to do letters and numbers.
I was gogin to take that class this semester too...kinda had to drop it x_x the schools were like nop...you have enough classes. Which is true... I had nto realized it...im not taking nay asl classes this semester..i shall bother all people here to teach me asl!!!(j jk I wont)
That's not a bad price for 11 books.

TCS and I pay about $150-200 for each text book. There are very rarely any used books available. In my computer classes there are never used books available. They use new ones every year. We don't sell back very many books either.

With many of the courses, the book cost includes a DVD and/or an access code for online lab work. Even if a student can find a used text, he still has to pay for a new code.

Many of the computer courses use books that are published exclusively for our college, so that limits sources, too.
I was gogin to take that class this semester too...kinda had to drop it x_x the schools were like nop...you have enough classes. Which is true... I had nto realized it...im not taking nay asl classes this semester..i shall bother all people here to teach me asl!!!(j jk I wont)
Our school limits registration to 18 hours per semester.