What is wrong with coins??


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I got $104 for a $95 bike. You see, the person gave me 1 $50 bill and 3 $20 bills. I did not have enough bills to make a change. I gave him 1 $5 bill and 1 $1 bill. I had enough quarter, dimes, and nickels to get together $9 worth of changes in coins. However, the customer didn't want the coins. I feel embarrassed. I would have figured that they would be happy to have the coins.

Why would someone pass up all those coins??
Do you think it's easy to carry the coins during ride the motorcycle or bike? I don't think so. I am credit card person.
Maybe they think coins are too dirty or they just do not like dealing with coins.
One dollar in change is fine, but nine dollars in change is a tad excessive and hard to carry, regardless.

I would not have turned them down; but would probably have spent then well before using the paper bills. It is a space and weight issue in my billfold (which is carried in an already heavy purse).
Coins are heavy and $9 worth in change is a lot!
I would be pissed off if you or anybody give me $9 in coins. I don't carry anything that jingles in my pocket.
That;s pretty petty!...I would have just given him a $10 bill and forget the $1....
I got $104 for a $95 bike. You see, the person gave me 1 $50 bill and 3 $20 bills. I did not have enough bills to make a change. I gave him 1 $5 bill and 1 $1 bill. I had enough quarter, dimes, and nickels to get together $9 worth of changes in coins. However, the customer didn't want the coins. I feel embarrassed. I would have figured that they would be happy to have the coins.

Why would someone pass up all those coins??
Isn't it a rip-off?
You didn't sell yourself good enough, How so close to holloween it would help them to walk like Egor....eh, master?
Credit card for everything.... though $9.00 in change would probably aggravate me a bit lol!
If I were that buyer, I would take one $20 bill back. Derek, $90 for the bike, deal or no deal?
Credit card for everything.... though $9.00 in change would probably aggravate me a bit lol!

Some restaurants doesn't accept credit cards, CASH only. :wave:
Because they cannot afford to pay credit card fee from the banks. They take few percents of per charge.
I got given $16 in change the other day by the ticket machine at the bus terminal. My wallet weighed a freakin' ton.
This is perfect advertisement that they are not doing business well, and that the owner is too greedy. This will tell me that the owner will do everything to save money, for instance providing old food to save their money and suckers would eat them, perhaps delay the need of cleaning to save money on cleaning supplies and so on. I wouldn't go there.

99% of the time I use plastic over cash.

Some restaurants doesn't accept credit cards, CASH only. :wave:
Because they cannot afford to pay credit card fee from the banks. They take few percents of per charge.