my mom is refused doctor

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Premium Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I am shocked I heard it seems my mom is hate on doctor seems personal I am tried told my mom! my grandma is knew already! fail on my mom is very stubborn :( I am worried and sad I am missing to long time! I am consider my bit broken my family I am not see my mom! I look like believe it she low on weak on serious not enough strong! fail I am bit sad! I am very scared and worried, I can't force to on my mom nothing I am wish be force to my mom go to doctor right now otherwise doctor is very experiment to how analyze I am believe it she is look like horrible on refused on doctor I guess I am very familiar I am very scared, she is almost 41/45 yrs I am very sad! I am wonder do you experience family relationship support to my mom hug me lots of many time positive she treat to me I Know lots of truth tell you I notice it my Might to my father is very good health okay fine I am sound I ask my sister don't know what is happened oh she will refused family! I am bit scared!
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I am praying for your mother. Can your father get her to go to a doctor? Maybe he could call the local hospital, explain the problem, and get her to go to a doctor who is more understanding. Sometimes the right doctor can make all the difference.
I am praying for your mother. Can your father get her to go to a doctor? Maybe he could call the local hospital, explain the problem, and get her to go to a doctor who is more understanding. Sometimes the right doctor can make all the difference.

Thank, I hope be my mother is very welll!, she is very well, my father is normal health, my father pretty know! sometimes important to tough! I hope be solve problem!
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Same with my gf's mom. She refuses to go doctor so we have to convice her that we are going shopping, instead take her to urgent care. Sometimes fail. Sometime win.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Same with my gf's mom. She refuses to go doctor so we have to convice her that we are going shopping, instead take her to urgent care. Sometimes fail. Sometime win.
really, sound sad suffer pain on she is refused on! that is not easy sometimes pretty tough! not easy family refused, I think so health problem issues cause on illness! she look like sick not well weak! we support because we help my mom! she is very refused :hmm: probably my mom's grandma, not listen I guess!
Your mom is right. Those doctors are playing with your health just in order to get paid. I haven't visited doctor for 6 years, and I am 100% healthy. People who visit doctor have a greater health risk due to medications that were provided by doctors. For example my friend's mom went to dr due to severe migraine, doctor gave her 300mg of Tylenol type #3, then her arm got swollen, then visit her again... Doctor gave her 600mg of Tylenol #3, and the result is the same, no sign of improvements. Doctor send her to neurologist, and neurologist said migraine is not related to nerves, send her to MRI, then found nothing wrong which is bs, and then she have to see her doctor again to find the cure for it. Doctor can't say "I don't know how to solve this" or anything ... they would just keep giving you medications to fuck up your health.
Your mom is right. Those doctors are playing with your health just in order to get paid. I haven't visited doctor for 6 years, and I am 100% healthy. People who visit doctor have a greater health risk due to medications that were provided by doctors. For example my friend's mom went to dr due to severe migraine, doctor gave her 300mg of Tylenol type #3, then her arm got swollen, then visit her again... Doctor gave her 600mg of Tylenol #3, and the result is the same, no sign of improvements. Doctor send her to neurologist, and neurologist said migraine is not related to nerves, send her to MRI, then found nothing wrong which is bs, and then she have to see her doctor again to find the cure for it. Doctor can't say "I don't know how to solve this" or anything ... they would just keep giving you medications to fuck up your health.
This is not helpful. Travis said his mom is sick, that she doesn't look well and that she's weak. It appears something IS wrong.
I hope someone in your family can give you more information about what's happening. I know that it's scary when you don't know what's happening in the family.
This is not helpful. Travis said his mom is sick, that she doesn't look well and that she's weak. It appears something IS wrong.

Then she should go to Hospital instead of personal doctor.
Your mom is right. Those doctors are playing with your health just in order to get paid. I haven't visited doctor for 6 years, and I am 100% healthy. People who visit doctor have a greater health risk due to medications that were provided by doctors. For example my friend's mom went to dr due to severe migraine, doctor gave her 300mg of Tylenol type #3, then her arm got swollen, then visit her again... Doctor gave her 600mg of Tylenol #3, and the result is the same, no sign of improvements. Doctor send her to neurologist, and neurologist said migraine is not related to nerves, send her to MRI, then found nothing wrong which is bs, and then she have to see her doctor again to find the cure for it. Doctor can't say "I don't know how to solve this" or anything ... they would just keep giving you medications to fuck up your health.
Really, wow that is terrible
This is not helpful. Travis said his mom is sick, that she doesn't look well and that she's weak. It appears something IS wrong.

she is correct, I am worried she is not enough health because weak issues problem! my grandma know me I am worried my mom is very especially , truth she change age what is wrong my mom refused on go to doctor reason serious risk low not enough health cocern issues problem! I am worried and scared, I tried tell my grandma, already knew she refused on to to see family social I wonder I believe it she sleep all the time not good health depression and sad and not happy mood I believe it
I hope someone in your family can give you more information about what's happening. I know that it's scary when you don't know what's happening in the family.
important wise supportive value to my mom! is very lot so solve problem tried hard to emotion! I was worried my mom is very tough not good well she is heavy stress and cope to my sister little, she responsiblity surprised, I feeling bad my heart, I am very almost to feeling inside feeling care my mom is very strength building improve health she refused, she dont' like doctor, she don't like on doctor, long time ago she continue refused on many time!
Then she should go to Hospital instead of personal doctor.
my father told my mom refused listen, I believe argue she my father seems shrug, he know! I worried I ask my dad, he know I worried my mom! problem issues problem not good health!

I am grieve on my mom!
Sometimes people are afraid to go to a doctor even when they know that they should. Sometimes they are afraid of getting bad news from the doctor.

The best thing for you to do is let your mom know that you care about her. Tell her you will support and love her no matter what the doctor says.

Keep yourself calm and strong. Pray for your mom. I will pray for her, too. :hug:
You could see if you get a visiting nurse to go to your house and see your mom. Your dad could see if their insurance will cover a visiting nurse. The nurse may be able to help your mother feel better about seeing a doctor. The only way can get a person go to a doctor against her wishes is to say the person is not able think for themselves .
Your mom is right. Those doctors are playing with your health just in order to get paid. I haven't visited doctor for 6 years, and I am 100% healthy. People who visit doctor have a greater health risk due to medications that were provided by doctors. For example my friend's mom went to dr due to severe migraine, doctor gave her 300mg of Tylenol type #3, then her arm got swollen, then visit her again... Doctor gave her 600mg of Tylenol #3, and the result is the same, no sign of improvements. Doctor send her to neurologist, and neurologist said migraine is not related to nerves, send her to MRI, then found nothing wrong which is bs, and then she have to see her doctor again to find the cure for it. Doctor can't say "I don't know how to solve this" or anything ... they would just keep giving you medications to fuck up your health.

You really need to provide something to support your claim that people who get health care are more at risk for negative health consequences than people who go without medical care. Something besides one story about some "she".

You are entitled to risk your own health if you so choose. But you cross a line when you advise others to avoid getting medical care; especially in a case where symptoms are severe.
Or a good social worker is needed to assess the situation and help get the proper care.

I agree If she will not go willingly, then steps need to be taken to see that she is assessed involuntarily. I always hate to see things go that route, because I am all about autonomy. She would still be able to refuse treatment, but at least she would be assessed and a diagnosis arrived at. Then they will know what protocol to take. After that, if she decides to refuse treatment, then that is her choice. As long as she has been determined to be capable of making that decision, that is.
I agree If she will not go willingly, then steps need to be taken to see that she is assessed involuntarily. I always hate to see things go that route, because I am all about autonomy. She would still be able to refuse treatment, but at least she would be assessed and a diagnosis arrived at. Then they will know what protocol to take. After that, if she decides to refuse treatment, then that is her choice. As long as she has been determined to be capable of making that decision, that is.

I agree....

Isn't it funny how people are Baker acted when they mention suicide. But it is OK when they refuse life saving medical treatments.
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