A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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Lol- the bad one with the colander stuck to it? :)
I think the heat almost got to me today. I was working and I felt like I was about to collapse and I felt sick to my stomach. I slowed down a bit and took a drink of water and I made it out OK. They say it is only to get worse for the next two weeks. :shock:
It is unbelievably hot and humid here too. Insufferable for Minnesota, which is a surprise. Today is actually a better day, though. We had huge storms roll through the night which helped ease today a bit.
I think the heat almost got to me today. I was working and I felt like I was about to collapse and I felt sick to my stomach. I slowed down a bit and took a drink of water and I made it out OK. They say it is only to get worse for the next two weeks. :shock:

It's going to be a long two weeks for you guys down south.
I think the heat almost got to me today. I was working and I felt like I was about to collapse and I felt sick to my stomach. I slowed down a bit and took a drink of water and I made it out OK. They say it is only to get worse for the next two weeks. :shock:

I think it is going around all over. My brother mentioned that in Columbia, MO, they had heat indexes of 107-110 and an old high school friend in Kentucky said heat indexes of 106-116. We had indexes of 102 today as well and the Fire Department was passing out bottles of water to the homeless begging on the street corners.
Now a thunderstorm just hit and iam sitting out on my fron.t porch enjoying the smell of the rain.
Take it easy, Dixie...heat stroke season is among us. ;)

There was an article about people exercising during lunch hour. I'm like, WTF?
Sadly, it is. Heat indexes around here have been between 110-115, with actual highs between 100-105. This is RIDICULOUS, even for Arkansas! Just think just 7 months ago we were buried under 8+ inches of snow and up to a foot in some areas, now we are frying!!!
Take it easy, Dixie...heat stroke season is among us. ;)

There was an article about people exercising during lunch hour. I'm like, WTF?

I saw some people jogging in the height of the heat...around 4 PM today. Ugh
Golly, I just checked the weather forecast for my area and it says it will be 99 degrees outside tomorrow! After Wedesday, it will drop down to 85 degrees for the rest of the week.
I'm hoping I won't need to see a dentist soon cuz I feel like one of my fillings came loose.
I saw some people jogging in the height of the heat...around 4 PM today. Ugh

Those people are the ones that jam pack the ER during the summer (aside from drunks and druggies doing stupid things)
Those people are the ones that jam pack the ER during the summer (aside from drunks and druggies doing stupid things)

They must have been Englishmen and mad dogs who walked at noon in India in a past life! :P
Take it easy, Dixie...heat stroke season is among us. ;)

There was an article about people exercising during lunch hour. I'm like, WTF?

I saw some people jogging in the height of the heat...around 4 PM today. Ugh

they must be training for marathon or triathlon coming up soon.
But even then, the best temperature to run a marathon or triathlon is around 55 degrees. At that temperature, you are exercising enough to stay warm, but you're comfortable and don't run the risk of over heating as much as you would in warmer temperatures. Besides, those two athletic events push the body to it's extremes. It would be absolutely insane to try these at the temperatures we are seeing here in Arkansas lately. You're asking for death.

Today I got hot enough I started cramping- that was before I felt like I was going to collapse and get sick, and I wasn't even no where near running a marathon. I was just working in extreme heat and failed to give my body a break because I was dead set on accomplishing the task at hand.
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