A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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I saw the photo of cockapoo i think they all are adorable. i hope to find the kind of cockapoo puppy at any spca or kind of homeless animal shelters. I ll wait till my hub and i make plans to search for it. real soon. I have a hard time making it happen but have to. lol

Every cockapoo I have ever known has been very friendly and usually smart too. Your kids will have good memories later. They are really good with kids.
Got my copy of the SigNews today and the cover story is: Should Deaf be an Ethnic Group? Book says, "Yes". The title of the book and authors? The People of the Eye: Deaf Ethnicity and Ancestry by Harlan Lane, Richard C Pillard and Ule' Hedberg.

I find that interesting since we had a thread about that same topic here on AllDeaf.
I figure out on diet hard to much food :lol:
I wish be reduce on diet! difficult!
I am now signing off but hopefully I will return in the near future because I already so many days of events/activities planned. I hope to have some days of just being lazy or I will go crazy. I love doing things but lately it has been too much, like for one....going to two different major amusement parks in two days in a row for one!
I told my gf anymore talk I am pretty assurace to she said anymore talk how do communication
I am told project to devleopment i am busy simply! no idea I am tried on my gf is very busy! I was change wise decision my life! focus on first to process my health issues exactly
I focus on health!

I am focus on my gf not worth
I had a bad day today. I end up being sick day after i get back to my home. Migranes adn hearing things. I have little headache at moment but i am all good now i think. so how is everyone?
I'm about to hit the haystack. We had some fierce thunderstorms this evening, but I still got to watch Stargate SG-1 Season 10 DVD. Still have one more to go. Need to remind daughter it's her turn to take out the trash.
I had a busy day. We went to the ENT today for my DD's follow-up and the doctor gave her the all-clear so she got to start her swimming lessons today. I also found out the PCP did not send a proper referral to the ENT so I will be getting a bill for that within a week or two. :(
Finally arrive home 2 days ago. Yesterday wasnt good. i was planning to meet my parents but i end up got sick so stay home. Everything going good now :D
I am high stress pressure to my emotion my think so focus relax peaceful! It is very not easy I am pretty tough complication!
Breaking in my new Skechers flip flops.

Anticipating the day we'll be in warm climate...*excited look*
I wish this school year was over already. I am so done with it. Too much going on in such a short time.
My co worker always take off from work for a few days who is the same birthday as me. I rather wait till she returns to work then we both can have celebration here at work with good munchies here. hehe I dislike being the only one, so thank god she is here and we both share the celebration. hehehe So today is the munchies time! yummy
I mistake screw up on food lose control cause it is very food conflict food reason health issues, I prevent to sugar health because increase weight wise
My co worker always take off from work for a few days who is the same birthday as me. I rather wait till she returns to work then we both can have celebration here at work with good munchies here. hehe I dislike being the only one, so thank god she is here and we both share the celebration. hehehe So today is the munchies time! yummy

If I missed your bday, I am sorry. Happy Birthday!

Jiggity-jig. It's 12:00 am and I am restless, bored, and can't sleep despite being sleepy.
two more days of work left whoohooo!!!
I am lots of hard work project support my counseller supportive me lot of hard work effort!
I am so sick of being the only one in the house to clean the litter box. The kids wanted the cats, but doc has said no to son with the cleaning it due to his asthma and daughter can't due to her allergies. Hubby won't as he didn't want the cats and I don't trust my mother with it since she's in "la-la land" a lot these days.
I am so sick of being the only one in the house to clean the litter box. The kids wanted the cats, but doc has said no to son with the cleaning it due to his asthma and daughter can't due to her allergies. Hubby won't as he didn't want the cats and I don't trust my mother with it since she's in "la-la land" a lot these days.

well... give cats away to cat lovers... it's best for all - less financial burden, no stress for you, and no allergy reaction for your kids. it's a logical and sensible approach.
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