What are you thinking about? Part III

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I am thinking Haagen Daz Vanilla Swiss Almond ice cream is soooooooo yummy!
there's no bad-tempered dog. just a bad owner :)

Well even if it is as the result of a bad owner the dog still ill-tempered and if that weren't true then they wouldn't be doing temperament test on the dogs so yeah I would like to not be attacked
Hang in there Shel90. Hopefully there will be another way to fight it.

I'm thinking about my Grandma as she passed away few days ago... So I'll be flying back home to New Zealand for a funeral in next few days. :(

Rest in peace Grandma!

My condolences to you and your family. May she rest in peace. :(

Have a safe flight.
reputable shelters and rescues routinely do temperament test or eval's on all dogs that come in regardless of any display of aggression/fear or ill-temperament - it's part of how things are run and part of issue relating to liability. Dog doesn't have to show anything that makes the staff think - oh, we better test this dog - just routine. Now the quality/type of testing and handler knowledge does vary.
You can request a puppy.

I had to go to ER when I was bitten by one of my client's cat. I had to call my office and let them know how long I would be at ER when I was on the phone I notice a guy listening to my phone call and everyone else was laughing . I had no idea what was going on. The guy was the ACO and he told me was he there because a boy was bitten on the face by a Rottie puppy that his parents thinking of buying and the puppy had to be put down. I know all Rottie puppies do not bite , but you do have to be care
if have child with you.
I am thinking about the past 18 years. Eighteen years ago today, I got married to hubby.
Thinking about selling all my scuba equipments, two tanks, BCD, regulator, and such.
Really, I dont care. The point is that he moved when he didnt have to. And I am the one who pays the price. I would have never done this to him. Take his daughter away from him like that.

Really, there is a lot more that he has done to me. First...he cheated on me which destroyed our marriage leaving me to support myself while I go to grad school, then he constantly attacks me whenever I had our daughter with me saying that I wasnt raising her the way he wants her raised (values and beliefs), then he has his girlfriend be the main contact source regarding my daughter and ignores me when I am concerned for her, taking her away from me to move to AZ, not providing my daughter's needs, and filing for child support when he never did before.

Also, I just dont know how I can support myself when I dont have $700 left. I have had no raise for 3 years and just found out that I wont get another raise. My salary has and still is being furloughed by the state and my bills continue to go up.

I will try my best to pay for everything but I have a feeling this will bankrupt me.

I dont understand why my ex cant get a 2nd job like I did when my bills were going up.

No, I am not perfect but when I was married to him, all I wanted is to be a family. I didnt ask for all of this. If I cheated on him or whatever, then yes, I would deserve it.

Yeah I know several guys who had the same thing happen.....Wife cheated then divorced and took the kids. Guys did nothing wrong and were reduced to living on PB&J and watching TV for fun just so they could pay their child support. It happens alot. At least it's only a few years.
I'm just blah with valentine's day stuff... but at least i work on valentine's day it makes time go by too fast ;)
Time to retire. Been scuba for 11 years then I stopped for while..last time I went scuba was in 2002. Then focus on other stuff that I like to do.

Oic, ok; I thot maybe you ran out of air....., I mean interest.....:lol:
I am thinking about the past 18 years. Eighteen years ago today, I got married to hubby.

Congratulations, Kristina! I hope the two of you are able to celebrate together and festively. Happy Anniversary!
I had a blast at deaf bowling, meet new deaf friends from Russia and Romania. We had a blast bowling as a team :)
Oic, ok; I thot maybe you ran out of air....., I mean interest.....:lol:

Oh..if I ran out of air..will you do CPR on me? :shock:

I have so many other interest I like to do. Me done with scuba, mountain climbing, hiking, canoing, kayaking, pilot, machinist, log cabin and timber frame home building, auto restoration, and so on. The only hobby I continue is photography, wood working and home renovation. Thinking about going for parachute and para flight license. That will be fun.
Oh..if I ran out of air..will you do CPR on me? :shock:

I have so many other interest I like to do. Me done with scuba, mountain climbing, hiking, canoing, kayaking, pilot, machinist, log cabin and timber frame home building, auto restoration, and so on. The only hobby I continue is photography, wood working and home renovation. Thinking about going for parachute and para flight license. That will be fun.

Cool interests. Timberframe homes are absolutely fascinating to me. That building concept is probably a 1,000 yr old concept. I like looking on line for the various timberframe producers, especially the high-end timberframe homes.
Cool interests. Timberframe homes are absolutely fascinating to me. That building concept is probably a 1,000 yr old concept. I like looking on line for the various timberframe producers, especially the high-end timberframe homes.

yes it was very interesting. We did one project that was done by Amish people that I volunteer to work with them. To learn about thier jointery design and tools they use.
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