Dogs and Thunder Storms


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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My standard poodle is very afraid thunder Storms , he will bark the whole time and it is horrible. I just tried playing thunder storms sound and my dog did not move . Has anyone tried to desensitaze their dogs by playing a sound they're afraid of and did it help your dog get over it fear? I live in a building with 4 units and I can't have my dog barking late at night. He can't use the stop bark collar that made a sound ,it freak him out more. And my vet said the collar that give a shock to dog would really made my dog very upset.
My departed shistzu would tremble and shake vigorously during thunderstorms, and we have them often where I live. No matter what I did, there was no comfort for her. Another dog I had would run and hide under the bed.
My Pomeranian handles it much better, and only growls a little, but no shaking and trembling or barking.

Maybe a tranqualizer recommended by the vet?....
Is there a "stable" pack leader?

When I was home alone, my dog would never get violent shakes with thunderstorms; he always just stayed calm and panted really heavily by my feet. However as soon he is with my mother, who likes to cuddle him during thunderstorms, he get the shakes really bad.

I don't think you can get him used to the sound, but rather try to provide him stability; and no, comforting them isn't providing them stability because you're internalizing that is OKAY for them to be scared and unstable when it is not.

I suppose I am not the right person to ask because I always treat bad behaviour with straight-up ignoring the critter.
actually souggy that is the best advice there is. My dog starts pacing the house when a storm is coming but when no one pays attention to him he goes back to normal about 15 min. later. But if anyone comforts him he will not leave that person alone until the storm is gone.
actually souggy that is the best advice there is. My dog starts pacing the house when a storm is coming but when no one pays attention to him he goes back to normal about 15 min. later. But if anyone comforts him he will not leave that person alone until the storm is gone.

in some cases - they give their dogs a mild sedative pill before the storm comes. It's safe for dog's well-being and people.
We had a very loud and violent thunderstorm & lightning strikes last week. My dog was nonchalant but got spooked when a lightning cracked a big one. Then he went back to being aloof.
Is there a "stable" pack leader?

When I was home alone, my dog would never get violent shakes with thunderstorms; he always just stayed calm and panted really heavily by my feet. However as soon he is with my mother, who likes to cuddle him during thunderstorms, he get the shakes really bad.

I don't think you can get him used to the sound, but rather try to provide him stability; and no, comforting them isn't providing them stability because you're internalizing that is OKAY for them to be scared and unstable when it is not.

I suppose I am not the right person to ask because I always treat bad behaviour with straight-up ignoring the critter.

I try to stay calm when my dog getting upset during a storm , the storm does not upset me at all , so my dog is not picking up any fear from me and I agree about not comforting him , I do not want to internalize that is ok to to to be scared. There were fire works tonight and my dog went insane! I forget there were going to be fireworks . I know poodles can be very high strung dogs but I did not know they would be this bad. I think they are not good for hearing dogs for this reason. I would never get another poodle again. I do love my dog but he has too many issues. I would rather have a nice mutt . They're cute dogs. I may have have start giving my dogs pills during a storm , I really hate to do that but he can't be barking late at night. Thanks for the ideas.
Some people are horribly terrified of something... hence a phobia (most likely from childhood). There's really nothing you can do about it. Same thing for dogs. The only option is taking sedative pill.

If your dog is terrified of thunderstorm and would go on wrecking thing or biting people... then you need to ask the vet immediately for sedative pills. It's for your own safety, people's safety and especially for your dog's safety.
in some cases - they give their dogs a mild sedative pill before the storm comes. It's safe for dog's well-being and people.

Don't tell my dog that or he will start begging for another pill. He takes 2 pills daily and acts like he is getting a treat when I give them to him. First dog I have had that will willingly take a pill
Don't tell my dog that or he will start begging for another pill. He takes 2 pills daily and acts like he is getting a treat when I give them to him. First dog I have had that will willingly take a pill


my dog did same for heartworm pill. and frontline flea shot. hate it when he rubs it on carpet and sofa afterward :lol:
Some people are horribly terrified of something... hence a phobia (most likely from childhood). There's really nothing you can do about it. Same thing for dogs. The only option is taking sedative pill.

If your dog is terrified of thunderstorm and would go on wrecking thing or biting people... then you need to ask the vet immediately for sedative pills. It's for your own safety, people's safety and especially for your dog's safety.

My dog does not bite people or wreck thing , he just go nut and can't stop barking. We did have huge storm at night and I did not hear I slept right through it , I found my dog wrapped around my head when I woke up! Maybe that why I did not hear anything , I had on poodle ear muffs all night!
My dog does not bite people or wreck thing , he just go nut and can't stop barking. We did have huge storm at night and I did not hear I slept right through it , I found my dog wrapped around my head when I woke up! Maybe that why I did not hear anything , I had on poodle ear muffs all night!

Just saying. Some dogs have a destructive case of "thunder-phobia"
Don't tell my dog that or he will start begging for another pill. He takes 2 pills daily and acts like he is getting a treat when I give them to him. First dog I have had that will willingly take a pill

The heck with the dog , maybe I will take the pill myself and fall asleep that way I won't hear my dog barking any more.
Just saying. Some dogs have a destructive case of "thunder-phobia"

Yeah like in the movie and book 'Marley and Me', Marley made a mess out the house. I did have a dog that bit the walls and made holes in the walls if I left her alone during a storm . We get pop up storms here and it hard to know when a storm will come. I am glad my poodle does not mess the home up or
pee or poop when he get frighten.
One of my dogs used to be very terrified of thunderstorm. I adopted him when he was two years old. I went outside with the other dog, and encourage Knight to come outside and play with us.

I throw the toys, tennis balls, and such and stay outside for like 15 minutes. Knight notice that Im not afraid of thunderstorm, and the other dog isn't afraid of it, and he finally cope his fear and start hang out outside during thunderstorm..

Now, they both love rain & bring mud inside the house :/ lol

Also they're not afraid of fireworks, about time.
My family's black lab would get nervous during the thunderstorms. I didn't realise that she got nervous until I noticed her hiding under the computer desk or lying near me. One day, my dad mentioned that it was thundering and that's when I made the connection. Every time there was a thunderstorm, she (the dog) would come to me and stay with me. She didn't make any noises or anything, just laying down close to me. I always wondered why she did that during thunderstorms.

The only time she would go crazy is when the school buses go by with children. She would sit up, listen then bark for a minute or so. I try to distract her sometimes.
couple of days ago, i got lightening and thunderstorm in the morning like 7 am. I spotted my oldest kitty went down to the basement. :lol:
scardy dog

Have you tried using a dog crate? Or even a cat travel crate if your dog is small enough. Stick fod in it if the dog has never used one. Can stick it in the bathroom if he still barks. Crates usually make pets feel safer.
I used to have a bigggg dog. Could be very aggressive but was scared of thunder. But if I was shooting a gun or rifle he would think he could chase the bullets. What a nut