! PSA: Watch your torrenting !

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James Burt, 24, of Sinnamon Park in Queensland will pay Nintendo $1.5 million after an out-of-court settlement was struck to compensate the company for the loss of sales revenue.

It doesn't say theft, just the loss of sales revenue. The sales were never made in the first place, it's not theft, it's piracy.
Yet people failed to note the Nintendo rip-off article where a court found a man guilty of distributing a Nintendo game available for upload for others to steal without paying. This is theft. And loss of revenue for the company.

and exactly where in the legal case you showed us that says "theft" or "stealing"?

Under Australian law, copying and distributing games without the permission of the copyright holder is a breach of the Copyright Act.
It doesn't say theft, just the loss of sales revenue. The sales were never made in the first place, it's not theft, it's piracy.

A civil form of theft. You are still stealing a product that you haven't paid for. Hence, illegal downloads. It is a theft. You're not paying for it. A simple concept here.
A civil form of theft. You are still stealing a product that you haven't paid for. Hence, illegal downloads. It is a theft. You're not paying for it. A simple concept here.

your "simple concept" doesn't hold in legal cases. that's why no one is charged with theft, burglary, or stealing. only copyright infringement.
A civil form of theft. You are still stealing a product that you haven't paid for. Hence, illegal downloads. It is a theft. You're not paying for it. A simple concept here.

Wirelessly posted

You know... Everytime you're reusing a picture or video without citing the source or a linkback on your own blog... It's assumed you own the data, even though you don't.
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Main Entry: pi·ra·cy
Pronunciation: \ˈpī-rə-sē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural pi·ra·cies
Etymology: Medieval Latin piratia, from Late Greek peirateia, from Greek peiratēs pirate
Date: 1537

1 : an act of robbery on the high seas; also : an act resembling such robbery
2 : robbery on the high seas
3 a : the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright b : the illicit accessing of broadcast signals

Source: Merriam-Webster

It doesn't say about theft or stealing but it is just kokonut's way to say in his opinion and he thinks that he is right.
:ty: for proving our case.

from your post - Hollywood loses key battle over illegal downloads

it identified the issue as "piracy" and "copyrights infringement".... not theft or stealing.

In your opinion. To the government, it's piracy, not theft.

You can beat the dead horse as much as you want to, it's not going to change anything.

I see nothing new has come around here yet, and the armchair man has brought out his usual assortment of jellybean flavored links believed just only for refuting his statement. :wave:
3 a : the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright b : the illicit accessing of broadcast signals

Source: Merriam-Webster

Either way.....

3 a : the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright

Even if you refuse to call it theft.....you can't say piracy isn't wrong.
Incorrect, it isn't theft.
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