Only in must vote or else you get fined.

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True it is a label, the term "Liberal", "Socialist", "Communism" all have the exact same definition, just different labels, same crap. It means to "control the people", anyone belonging to that particular party wants to control people in all shape and form.

They just use "political correctness" labels because they sound nicer and less menacing and or threatening to the masses.


Please educate yourself. Liberal, communism and socialism have the same definition only to the uninformed. They are 3 very separate concepts. It destroys credibility when you use terminology without having the slightest idea of the concept or how it applies.
No. Forcing people to vote under the threat of fines are not what conservatives want. Just as forcing people to buy insurance under the threat of fines and/or jail is NOT their idea of liberty. Conservatives do not believe in acts of tyranny.

Conservatives are favor in control the women's life because they are against on abortion and they are opposing GLBT rights, even they creates unfair for us.

Outlaw on abortion and gay marriage aren't liberty either.
Wirelessly posted

Reba said:
Yet conservative and Republican bloggers signify otherwise.
:dunno: I haven't read any in relation to this topic. Do you have examples?

You don't remember the big debate about it a few years before the election of Obama on what to do about the low voter turnouts?
And several proposal broughts up by representatives from both parties?

It was all over the Canadian news for a week or two.
Wirelessly posted

You don't remember the big debate about it a few years before the election of Obama on what to do about the low voter turnouts?
And several proposal broughts up by representatives from both parties?

It was all over the Canadian news for a week or two.
A few years before Obama? Do you mean it wasn't during an election year?

I'm sorry, I must be missing something here. I really don't know what you're referring to.

Are you saying that before the last presidential election conservative bloggers wanted to establish a fine in order to force people of all parties to vote?

Wirelessly posted
Anarchists? To let the government become a dictatorship and force the people to revolt...
Haven't heard the reasonings behind socialists (ie. NDP) not voting.

hmm anarchism has Nothing to do with dictatorship or facism, and neither does Socialism has much in common with Communism, it is quite different - but no im not going to expound on it...
only saying as far as this post is concerned, anarachism is in fact, directly AGAINST facism
Please educate yourself. Liberal, communism and socialism have the same definition only to the uninformed. They are 3 very separate concepts. It destroys credibility when you use terminology without having the slightest idea of the concept or how it applies.

Didn't you get the memo?

"Buy Health Insurance or be fined or go to jail!"

"Vote or be fined or go to jail!"

What's next?

"Smoke Cigarettes? That's a fine or go to jail!"

"Don't drive a Hybrid car (go green)? That's a fine or go to jail!"

"Don't exercise? That's a fine or go to jail!"

If that isn't Socialism, then what is it then?

If that isn't Socialism, then what is it then?

Well, I can tell you that's not socialism. It sounds like a government where subservience is mandated. That's probably totalitarian.
Wirelessly posted

Grummer said:
souggy said:
Anarchists? To let the government become a dictatorship and force the people to revolt...

Haven't heard the reasonings behind socialists (ie. NDP) not voting.

hmm anarchism has Nothing to do with dictatorship or facism, and neither does Socialism has much in common with Communism, it is quite different - but no im not going to expound on it...

only saying as far as this post is concerned, anarachism is in fact, directly AGAINST facism
Please use critical thinking.

"To force people to revolt" as in some of them believe the only way to achieve anarchy is through a revolution, but a revolution can only occur when people feel oppressed. So, they don't vote hoping that one day, society will get fed up with their governments and overthrow then when lack of freedoms go too far.

Maybe everyone is required to vote in New Zealand, but here in Canada (and United States), you have the freedom NOT to vote if you DON'T WANT TO. Everyone, regardless of political aliginment, has their own reason for not voting. It's not always out of apathy.
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Quit throwing around labels.

No matter what, you have people on both side of the fence that believe that everything should be fixed by forcing people to do things. It's not a liberalism versus conservatism thing.

It's more of an authoritatian thing and both liberals and conservatives can be quite authoritatian.
hmm anarchism has Nothing to do with dictatorship or facism, and neither does Socialism has much in common with Communism, it is quite different - but no im not going to expound on it...
only saying as far as this post is concerned, anarachism is in fact, directly AGAINST facism

In fact, an anarchist dictatorship would be an oxymoron. :dizzy: :laugh2:
A few years before Obama? Do you mean it wasn't during an election year?

I'm sorry, I must be missing something here. I really don't know what you're referring to.

Are you saying that before the last presidential election conservative bloggers wanted to establish a fine in order to force people of all parties to vote?


Souggy, Reba asked you some questions.
I do not trust either party! They both will say anything to get your vote! If this law become a national law , we have lost all our rights! People should have a right to not vote!
It's a shame that more Americans don't vote but forcing them to go to the polls is not the solution.

What if you hated all the candidates running and do not agree with any of them would you still vote for one? I would not be able to vote a GOP or Dem. if I did not agree with them!
What if you hated all the candidates running and do not agree with any of them would you still vote for one? I would not be able to vote a GOP or Dem. if I did not agree with them!
I don't "hate" candidates.

You don't have to vote for GOP or Dem only. You can vote for anyone you want.

Just remember, even if you don't vote, other people will, and they might not represent your beliefs. You could be helping them win.

If you don't vote because it is your strong belief not to, that's fine, as long as you're willing to accept the results. At least don't skip voting just for laziness or not being informed.
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