What are you thinking about? Part II

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Get better quick Oceanblue7. Stretch your calves every now and then. They do hurt and it takes about a week to heal. Ugh! Take it easy now.

My stomach is confused because I think I am hungry, but am ignoring it since it's 10pm right now. If I eat something now I'm going to break the scale in the morning so I think I'm going to sleep it off now and dream about the chocolate cake! :giggle:

I sure hope it does heal, did an hour of stretching and appeared to be a bit better but still limp

Haha about Jclarke and Jiro ..Jake ia too sweet maybe Jiro? Lol
Hope the injury will mend completely before the weekend finishes!

Then you can practice on getting the dropkick on JClarke or Jiro in case they gets cheeky with you. ;)
Is thinking about how excited to meet my girl in real life tomorrow! She's flying from Iowa. :) I gotta thank mother nature for stopping snowing today and give her a chance to come tomorrow morning. :P
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Catmandu said:
Get better quick Oceanblue7. Stretch your calves every now and then. They do hurt and it takes about a week to heal. Ugh! Take it easy now.

My stomach is confused because I think I am hungry, but am ignoring it since it's 10pm right now. If I eat something now I'm going to break the scale in the morning so I think I'm going to sleep it off now and dream about the chocolate cake! :giggle:

Thank you catmandu sure hope it heals fast. This is all need after a rough day of dealing with the rain and its my late friends birthday, it was hard losing her last summer after reuniting w her in FB my last conversation with her =(

I will start dreaming of that.chocolate lol
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I am thinking about my Uncle. He was brought to hospice this afternoon. He recently has become very foggy, and it's been too much for my Aunt to handle. She has her own illness to deal with (I am not sure what it is, but I do know it is non-fatal)
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Juli-terp-to-be said:
I am thinking about my Uncle. He was brought to hospice this afternoon. He recently has become very foggy, and it's been too much for my Aunt to handle. She has her own illness to deal with (I am not sure what it is, but I do know it is non-fatal)

Juli terp, hope everything will be ok with your uncle. I will pray for you and your uncle :hug:
I am thinking about what I should write in this thread.
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TXgolfer said:
I am thinking about what I should write in this thread.

Don't think too hard lol
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Juli terp, hope everything will be ok with your uncle. I will pray for you and your uncle :hug:

Thanks Ocean, unfortunately he has terminal bone cancer that has spread. It looks like he is looking toward the Summerland now.
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Juli-terp-to-be said:
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Juli terp, hope everything will be ok with your uncle. I will pray for you and your uncle :hug:

Thanks Ocean, unfortunately he has terminal bone cancer that has spread. It looks like he is looking toward the Summerland now.

I am sorry to hear. I understand losing a loved one is not always easy. I will pray for you :hug:
... thinking about how much it sucks hearing/reading about a friend pass away... :(

I'm not 60 or 70 years old yet but this is the third one within a year...

I am sorry Juli and Jaimlynn for your losses.

I am thinking how much I cant wait for my ex hubby to get out of this state for good.
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