GOP/Fox couldnt take the heat

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Mar 12, 2003
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Obama literally made them red, Foxnews ended the show because Obama was RIGHT on target:

"President Obama traveled to a House Republican retreat in Baltimore on Friday and delivered a performance that was at once defiant, substantive and engaging. For roughly an hour and a half, Obama lectured GOP leaders and, in a protracted, nationally-televised question-and-answer session, deflected their policy critiques, corrected their misstatements and scolded them for playing petty politics.

White House officials told the Huffington Post they were absolutely ecstatic. MSNBC's Luke Russert, who was on the scene in Baltimore, relayed that a Republican official and other GOP aides had confided to him that allowing the "cameras to roll like that," was a "mistake."

So effective was the president that Fox News cut away from the broadcast 20 minutes before it ended."

Cameras Roll As Obama Schools GOP

Say again, Fox news is the trusted news?!?! GOP is embarrassed by their own hypocrisy!

Love this one: "In a sometimes-barbed exchange, he said some in the audience have attended ribbon-cutting ceremonies for projects funded by the stimulus package they voted against. Obama also questioned why Republicans have overwhelmingly opposed his tax-cut policies, which he said have benefited 95 percent of American families."
well - I don't know if I liked the way Obama calling them out to public especially since things are not going the way he wants. At least Bush had a gentleman-like respect. :roll:

I don't recall Bush dissing on anybody else in public unless you can prove me wrong.
It was GOP's idea to invite Obama. Fair game!

Seriously, you think he should just let GOP whine and complain?

"The president highlighted what he said was problematic GOP rhetoric on his health care proposals. Republicans, he said, had characterized the proposed program as some "kind of Bolshevik plot."

In fact, he said that much of his plan was similar to what Republicans had proposed during the failed Clinton-era push to overhaul health care."

Obama takes tough questions from House GOP -

Obama was firm and scolded them because they DESERVE it!
Also, kokonut admits we have no money but still thinks we should keep cutting taxes for the rich:

"GOP leaders said Obama's $862 billion stimulus plan had been ineffective and repeatedly urged the president to consider an across-the-board tax cut.

Obama said it would be wrong to slash taxes for the richest Americans or the banking sector in a weak economy. He also argued that the stimulus program had saved key jobs in GOP districts across the country."
Bush never did. Obama has and continues to do so much like any dictator would do. Bush had class and respect to Congress and the Supreme Court during his SOTUs rather than to try and call them out in public. The biggest irony is that it's Obama that's playing the petty politics. And that was already transparent, ooh the irony, during his speech and afterwards.
Also, kokonut admits we have no money but still thinks we should keep cutting taxes for the rich:

"GOP leaders said Obama's $862 billion stimulus plan had been ineffective and repeatedly urged the president to consider an across-the-board tax cut.

Obama said it would be wrong to slash taxes for the richest Americans or the banking sector in a weak economy. He also argued that the stimulus program had saved key jobs in GOP districts across the country."

The better option is to cut wasteful spending. Cutting taxes help spur business investment. You don't need to add billions of dollars of pork secretly tucked into those bills that have nothing to do with the bill itself. Remember, the top 1% pay about 40% of all federal income tax while the top 25% pay 86% of all federal income tax.
Bush never did. Obama has and continues to do so much like any dictator would do. Bush had class and respect to Congress and the Supreme Court during his SOTUs rather than to try and call them out in public. The biggest irony is that it's Obama that's playing the petty politics. And that was already transparent, ooh the irony, during his speech and afterwards.

You can't take it, can you? :)
Obama is doing the "You lie" thing. Problem is, he's doing the lying himself.

Bush had class and respect to Congress and the Supreme Court during his SOTUs rather than to try and call them out in public.

Transparency is a good thing. Again, you don't like it. Obama was a professor of the Constititional law, remember? SCOTUS's ruling AFFECTS the public and the public needs to be assured that a bill should be created to overturn the ruling made by SCOTUS.

It is GOOD to dissent. :)
Also, kokonut admits we have no money but still thinks we should keep cutting taxes for the rich:

"GOP leaders said Obama's $862 billion stimulus plan had been ineffective and repeatedly urged the president to consider an across-the-board tax cut.

Obama said it would be wrong to slash taxes for the richest Americans or the banking sector in a weak economy. He also argued that the stimulus program had saved key jobs in GOP districts across the country."

Do you support keep the rich to keep paying more tax if the government is continuing to waste them all (regardless of who the President is)?
Do you support keep the rich to keep paying more tax if the government is continuing to waste them all (regardless of who the President is)?

Wasting, no. It has to be a good reason. And Obama has good reason - either we can raise taxes on ALL Americans OR we raise taxes on the rich to cover the costs of "spending."

Since 95% of Americans don't make over $250K a year, it seems fair and works within constraints of the budget.

Transparency set up by Obama has enabled people to investigate where the money that goes to sources that don't seem to do thier jobs as required. They can notify and speak out but remember, it's Obama's transparency making it happen. Where was transparency prior to Obama?
Wasting, no. It has to be a good reason. And Obama has good reason - either we can raise taxes on ALL Americans OR we raise taxes on the rich to cover the costs of "spending."

Since 95% of Americans don't make over $250K a year, it seems fair and works within constraints of the budget.

Transparency set up by Obama has enabled people to investigate where the money that goes to sources that don't seem to do thier jobs as required. They can notify and speak out but remember, it's Obama's transparency making it happen. Where was transparency prior to Obama?

well then let's cut the wasteful spending first and then we can talk about raising the tax. Remember? Less Talk, More Action. He's been talking too much.
Transparency is a good thing. Again, you don't like it. Obama was a professor of the Constititional law, remember? SCOTUS's ruling AFFECTS the public and the public needs to be assured that a bill should be created to overturn the ruling made by SCOTUS.

It is GOOD to dissent. :)

there is a time and place to dissent. SOTUS is not it. The dissent is ok when it comes from bottom of chain of command but it's definitely not ok to dissent especially coming from the top of the chain.

A perfect explanation by Captain (Tom Hanks) from Saving Private Ryan movie. A soldier asked Captain for his opinion about the mission because it was messed up - a suicide mission.

Captain replied - "I don't gripe to you, Reiban. I'm a captain. There's a chain of command. Gripes go up, not down. You gripe to me, I gripe to my superiors and so on. I don't gripe to you or in front of you."

The soldier apologized but kept on insisting - "I'm sorry sir but let's say if you weren't a captain. what would you say then?"

and the captain smiled - "well, in that case - I'd say this is an excellent mission, sir....." :)
A perfect explanation by Captain (Tom Cruise) from Saving Private Ryan movie. A soldier asked Captain for his opinion about the mission because it was messed up - a suicide mission.

Captain replied - "I don't gripe to you, Reiban. I'm a captain. There's a chain of command. Gripes go up, not down. You gripe to me, I gripe to my superiors and so on. I don't gripe to you or in front of you."

The soldier apologized but kept on insisting - "I'm sorry sir but let's say if you weren't a captain. what would you say then?"

and the captain smiled - "well, in that case - I'd say this is an excellent mission, sir....." :)

I'm not sure how one could confuse Tom Hanks with Tom Cruise.
I watched most of this. There was nothing of substance. It's Obama's new smoke and mirror trick. A little nicey nice photo op with your opponent to make people who watch 5 minutes of news think your opponents agree with you. That way when your plans go down in flames your opponents go down to.

To be clear, and I believe I speak for most conservatives, Mr. President you have all the power. You have both houses of congress. Nothing is standing in your way. We don't agree with you and we don't want any part of this. You are on your own sink or swim.
"I watched most of this. There was nothing of substance. It's Obama's new smoke and mirror trick. A little nicey nice photo op with your opponent to make people who watch 5 minutes of news think your opponents agree with you. That way when your plans go down in flames your opponents go down to."

Nice photo op? GOP INVITED him... and look at what happened.. it probably wished they didn't invite him!
I watched most of this. There was nothing of substance. It's Obama's new smoke and mirror trick. A little nicey nice photo op with your opponent to make people who watch 5 minutes of news think your opponents agree with you. That way when your plans go down in flames your opponents go down to.

To be clear, and I believe I speak for most conservatives, Mr. President you have all the power. You have both houses of congress. Nothing is standing in your way. We don't agree with you and we don't want any part of this. You are on your own sink or swim.

This is already backfiring on him. Sure, the GOP invited him hoping it'll be a good avenue for him to listen to Republicans for a change. But did that happen? No. He went on a rant instead in a very, predictably so, defensive manner blaming everybody except himself. Exactly what is his idea of listening btw?

Ok. His transcript.

Obama's first State of the Union. Transcript - Lynn Sweet
I'm not sure how one could confuse Tom Hanks with Tom Cruise.

And I'm sure people wonder howI keep getting Ru Paul mixed up with Ron Paul. :lol: I guess it's because the words are similar in shape and lettering.
And I'm sure people wonder howI keep getting Ru Paul mixed up with Ron Paul. :lol: I guess it's because the words are similar in shape and lettering.

It'd be funny if we had a drag queen run for the Presidency.
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