A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part I

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:wave: hi peeps! anyone around to chat? I'm bored and the prospect of talking about nothing for a while gets me excited :P

:wave: just got back to my office. I was moving my car because it's almost 4pm meaning.... the parking will not be allowed on that side of the street after 4.
:wave: just got back to my office. I was moving my car because it's almost 4pm meaning.... the parking will not be allowed on that side of the street after 4.

:wave:Jiro :)
hehe :) im not sure its fb that is to blame lol! perhaps the alcohol...it does bad things!
Hey Lianne... isn't it past your bedtime now on the bad side of the pond? :lol:
hehe :) im not sure its fb that is to blame lol! perhaps the alcohol...it does bad things!

That's very true. When I saw that these two are now friends, I wanted to hide under a rock! I will NEVER forget, how everyone looked at me and talked about me ugh so humiliating at that time. I guess, that's why I never looked back haha the funny thing, the friend that won't tell me, I went to grammar school with her all my life. Our grammar school just reunited , at least that prom night was not brought up :giggle:

Gotta get back to work:)
Hey Lianne... isn't it past your bedtime now on the bad side of the pond? :lol:

:rofl: the bad side of the pond! :lol: no its not, its only 9pm and I have no work tomorrow cos of snow so you have many more hours of joy with me :P
I was on my way home, but just around the corner which I was about to arrive home, I was blocked from the wagon which blocked the entry due to the car accident which just unfolded within seconds of my sight. :shock: wtf. A modified mini truck (we call it ute) was speeding and hit the back of the wagon - the ute front is pretty much smashed up - fucked up, yes.
show some bra support in fb
I know I haven't been on like in forever!!! lol Sorry about that... it just that I've been sooo busy lately... and my son has just turned four on Wed, so we were busy with that as well.

Anyways, how have you guys been up to? I've been good... just looking forward to more events this month :)
I know I haven't been on like in forever!!! lol Sorry about that... it just that I've been sooo busy lately... and my son has just turned four on Wed, so we were busy with that as well.

Anyways, how have you guys been up to? I've been good... just looking forward to more events this month :)

I know I haven't been on like in forever!!! lol Sorry about that... it just that I've been sooo busy lately... and my son has just turned four on Wed, so we were busy with that as well.

Anyways, how have you guys been up to? I've been good... just looking forward to more events this month :)
oh boy.... I better get my ass to work... *look at watch* 3 hours late... oh boy... :roll:
wwwwooooowwwwww...... 5:30am.... just got home from DPHH a very short while ago... awesome fun as always. made several new friends. saw an ADer (Driving Daisy) there. :cool2:
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