Tell me...

Men do not fart more than women and their farts are not stinkier. Men and women both produce equal amounts of gas, when it seems to be stinkier it is because you hold it too long before letting loose.:giggle::shock::laugh2:

Saw this on Dr. Oz last week.
men do not fart more than women and their farts are not stinkier. Men and women both produce equal amounts of gas, when it seems to be stinkier it is because you hold it too long before letting loose.:giggle::shock::laugh2:

Saw this on dr. Oz last week.

Men do not fart more than women and their farts are not stinkier. Men and women both produce equal amounts of gas, when it seems to be stinkier it is because you hold it too long before letting loose.:giggle::shock::laugh2:

Saw this on Dr. Oz last week.

This reminds me. On average, men sweat more, but female sweat smells worse. I don't know if this has to do with men having more surface area or something (which is probably relative anyway), but there you go.
This reminds me. On average, men sweat more, but female sweat smells worse. I don't know if this has to do with men having more surface area or something (which is probably relative anyway), but there you go.

it makes sense in a way for me - because the sweat itself doesn't smell. you have bacterias on your body feasting on your sweats and emitting gasses that smell.
So, while men sweat a butt load, there is not enough bacterias to keep up therefore resulting in less smell?
Coca Cola was originally green.

Tom Sawyer is the first novel ever written on a typewriter.

Green? I never knew about it. I better get googling it. Interesting!

Is Tom Sawyer still typing on a typewriter to the day? just wonder.
I saw dead people last night. No, I really didn't. :giggle: But, I thought I was seeing things. Here's the story: I'm sick with the flu, and my fever spiked really high last night. I knew I was feverish and I knew that what I thought I was seeing WASN'T real, but it was still alittle scary. My brain did a little 1...2.... with "Dude, I don't know where I am (I didn't, but I was supposed to be in my bedroom), and I just saw (and I counted 12345) "spirits" and THEN, I thought.. "Wait. I'm really sick. I know that's not real. I think its time to go back to bed until I stop hallucinating."

Crazy stuff, folks.
Did you know that the city of Canberra was designed by an American couple and that the new parliment house(like the white house) is in direct line to the old PH and that our last Prime Minister( John Howard) is HOH and wears hearing aids in both ears....makes ya wonder we can all attain to greatness.....just depends on whether you agreed with JH!
Is it Melbourn? I can never remember the capital of Canada either, except that it isn't Toronto.

When a guy who works for the government of Australia and live in Canberra, tells you it is the capital, why would you then ask if it is Melbourne? :lol:

Canberra=capital of Australia.